/** * This class is an Object that is used to represent a single Tile on the playing Board. */ public class Tile { /** * These Values are being set when initialized */ int owner = -1; /** * Initializer for Tile Objects */ public Tile(){} /** * Lets you set a new owner; * -1 = no one; 0 = Player 1; 1 = Player 2 * @param owner */ public void setOwner(int player){ owner = player; } /** * Returns the owner * -1 = no one; 0 = Player 1; 1 = Player 2 * @return owner */ public int getOwner(){ return owner; } /** * Returns if the Tile-owner is equal to the given Player * @param owner */ public boolean isOwner(int player){ return owner == player; } /** * Whether this Tile is owned by a Player */ public boolean existOwner(){ return owner != -1; } }