From 45ebd355cde0be8cb121af8b82f75d208c4efbdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Noah Eisen <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 16:08:04 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Fix clang format

 test/cpp/interop/         | 57 +++++++++++++++---------------
 test/cpp/interop/ |  6 ++--
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/cpp/interop/ b/test/cpp/interop/
index 9e0e502d20..c58910abc3 100644
--- a/test/cpp/interop/
+++ b/test/cpp/interop/
@@ -54,34 +54,35 @@ DEFINE_int32(server_port, 0, "Server port.");
 DEFINE_string(server_host, "", "Server host to connect to");
 DEFINE_string(server_host_override, "",
               "Override the server host which is sent in HTTP header");
-DEFINE_string(test_case, "large_unary",
-              "Configure different test cases. Valid options are:\n\n"
-              "all : all test cases;\n"
-              "cancel_after_begin : cancel stream after starting it;\n"
-              "cancel_after_first_response: cancel on first response;\n"
-              "client_compressed_streaming : compressed request streaming with "
-              "client_compressed_unary : single compressed request;\n"
-              "client_streaming : request streaming with single response;\n"
-              "compute_engine_creds: large_unary with compute engine auth;\n"
-              "custom_metadata: server will echo custom metadata;\n"
-              "empty_stream : bi-di stream with no request/response;\n"
-              "empty_unary : empty (zero bytes) request and response;\n"
-              "half_duplex : half-duplex streaming;\n"
-              "jwt_token_creds: large_unary with JWT token auth;\n"
-              "large_unary : single request and (large) response;\n"
-              "oauth2_auth_token: raw oauth2 access token auth;\n"
-              "per_rpc_creds: raw oauth2 access token on a single rpc;\n"
-              "ping_pong : full-duplex streaming;\n"
-              "response streaming;\n"
-              "server_compressed_streaming : single request with compressed "
-              "server_compressed_unary : single compressed response;\n"
-              "server_streaming : single request with response streaming;\n"
-              "slow_consumer : single request with response streaming with "
-              "slow client consumer;\n"
-              "status_code_and_message: verify status code & message;\n"
-              "timeout_on_sleeping_server: deadline exceeds on stream;\n"
-              "unimplemented_method: client calls an unimplemented method;\n"
-              "unimplemented_service: client calls an unimplemented service;\n");
+    test_case, "large_unary",
+    "Configure different test cases. Valid options are:\n\n"
+    "all : all test cases;\n"
+    "cancel_after_begin : cancel stream after starting it;\n"
+    "cancel_after_first_response: cancel on first response;\n"
+    "client_compressed_streaming : compressed request streaming with "
+    "client_compressed_unary : single compressed request;\n"
+    "client_streaming : request streaming with single response;\n"
+    "compute_engine_creds: large_unary with compute engine auth;\n"
+    "custom_metadata: server will echo custom metadata;\n"
+    "empty_stream : bi-di stream with no request/response;\n"
+    "empty_unary : empty (zero bytes) request and response;\n"
+    "half_duplex : half-duplex streaming;\n"
+    "jwt_token_creds: large_unary with JWT token auth;\n"
+    "large_unary : single request and (large) response;\n"
+    "oauth2_auth_token: raw oauth2 access token auth;\n"
+    "per_rpc_creds: raw oauth2 access token on a single rpc;\n"
+    "ping_pong : full-duplex streaming;\n"
+    "response streaming;\n"
+    "server_compressed_streaming : single request with compressed "
+    "server_compressed_unary : single compressed response;\n"
+    "server_streaming : single request with response streaming;\n"
+    "slow_consumer : single request with response streaming with "
+    "slow client consumer;\n"
+    "status_code_and_message: verify status code & message;\n"
+    "timeout_on_sleeping_server: deadline exceeds on stream;\n"
+    "unimplemented_method: client calls an unimplemented method;\n"
+    "unimplemented_service: client calls an unimplemented service;\n");
 DEFINE_string(default_service_account, "",
               "Email of GCE default service account");
 DEFINE_string(service_account_key_file, "",
diff --git a/test/cpp/interop/ b/test/cpp/interop/
index 9615a208b5..d1242627ef 100644
--- a/test/cpp/interop/
+++ b/test/cpp/interop/
@@ -1014,11 +1014,9 @@ bool InteropClient::DoUnimplementedService() {
   Empty response;
   ClientContext context;
-  UnimplementedService::Stub* stub =
-      serviceStub_.GetUnimplementedServiceStub();
+  UnimplementedService::Stub* stub = serviceStub_.GetUnimplementedServiceStub();
-  Status s =
-      stub->UnimplementedCall(&context, request, &response);
+  Status s = stub->UnimplementedCall(&context, request, &response);
   if (!AssertStatusCode(s, StatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED)) {
     return false;