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"src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c", @@ -450,6 +461,12 @@ cc_library( "src/core/channel/noop_filter.h", "src/core/client_config/client_config.h", "src/core/client_config/connector.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h", @@ -566,6 +583,11 @@ cc_library( "src/core/channel/noop_filter.c", "src/core/client_config/client_config.c", "src/core/client_config/connector.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c", @@ -1094,6 +1116,11 @@ objc_library( "src/core/channel/noop_filter.c", "src/core/client_config/client_config.c", "src/core/client_config/connector.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c", @@ -1243,6 +1270,12 @@ objc_library( "src/core/channel/noop_filter.h", "src/core/client_config/client_config.h", "src/core/client_config/connector.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h", diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 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$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_empty_batch_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_graceful_server_shutdown_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_high_initial_seqno_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_invoke_large_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_large_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_max_concurrent_streams_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_max_message_length_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_no_op_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_ping_pong_streaming_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_registered_call_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_request_with_flags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_request_with_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_server_finishes_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_shutdown_finishes_calls_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_shutdown_finishes_tags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair+trace_trailing_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_bad_hostname_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_binary_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_cancel_after_accept_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_cancel_after_client_done_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_cancel_after_invoke_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_cancel_before_invoke_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_cancel_in_a_vacuum_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_census_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_compressed_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_sockpair_1byte_empty_batch_nosec_test 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$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_disappearing_server_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_empty_batch_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_graceful_server_shutdown_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_high_initial_seqno_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_invoke_large_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_large_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_max_concurrent_streams_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_max_message_length_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_no_op_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_ping_pong_streaming_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_registered_call_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_request_with_flags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_request_with_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_server_finishes_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_shutdown_finishes_calls_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_shutdown_finishes_tags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_simple_delayed_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uchannel_trailing_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_bad_hostname_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_binary_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_cancel_after_accept_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_cancel_after_client_done_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_cancel_after_invoke_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_cancel_before_invoke_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_cancel_in_a_vacuum_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_census_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_channel_connectivity_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_compressed_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_disappearing_server_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_empty_batch_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_graceful_server_shutdown_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_high_initial_seqno_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_invoke_large_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_large_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_max_concurrent_streams_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_max_message_length_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_no_op_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_ping_pong_streaming_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_registered_call_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_request_with_flags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_request_with_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_server_finishes_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_shutdown_finishes_calls_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_shutdown_finishes_tags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_simple_delayed_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds_trailing_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_bad_hostname_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_binary_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_cancel_after_accept_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_cancel_after_client_done_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_cancel_after_invoke_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_cancel_before_invoke_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_cancel_in_a_vacuum_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_census_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_channel_connectivity_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_compressed_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_disappearing_server_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_empty_batch_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_graceful_server_shutdown_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_high_initial_seqno_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_invoke_large_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_large_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_max_concurrent_streams_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_max_message_length_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_no_op_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_ping_pong_streaming_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_registered_call_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_request_with_flags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_request_with_payload_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_server_finishes_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_shutdown_finishes_calls_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_shutdown_finishes_tags_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_simple_delayed_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_simple_request_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/h2_uds+poll_trailing_metadata_nosec_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/connection_prefix_bad_client_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/initial_settings_frame_bad_client_test -buildtests_cxx: buildtests_zookeeper privatelibs_cxx $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_streaming_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_unary_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/auth_property_iterator_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cli_call_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/client_crash_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/client_crash_test_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_byte_buffer_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_slice_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_string_ref_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_time_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/generic_end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cli $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/mock_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_interarrival_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_openloop_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/reconnect_interop_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/reconnect_interop_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_auth_context_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/server_crash_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/server_crash_test_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/shutdown_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/streaming_throughput_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/stress_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sync_streaming_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sync_unary_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_stress_test +buildtests_cxx: buildtests_zookeeper privatelibs_cxx $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_streaming_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/async_unary_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/auth_property_iterator_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cli_call_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/client_crash_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/client_crash_test_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_byte_buffer_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_slice_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_string_ref_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/cxx_time_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/generic_end2end_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cli $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpclb_api_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/mock_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_interarrival_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_openloop_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/qps_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/reconnect_interop_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/reconnect_interop_server $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/secure_auth_context_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/server_crash_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/server_crash_test_client $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/shutdown_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/status_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/streaming_throughput_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/stress_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sync_streaming_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/sync_unary_ping_pong_test $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/thread_stress_test ifeq ($(HAS_ZOOKEEPER),true) buildtests_zookeeper: privatelibs_zookeeper $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/zookeeper_test @@ -3542,6 +3543,8 @@ test_cxx: test_zookeeper buildtests_cxx $(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test || ( echo test end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing generic_end2end_test" $(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/generic_end2end_test || ( echo test generic_end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing grpclb_api_test" + $(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpclb_api_test || ( echo test grpclb_api_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing interop_test" $(Q) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/interop_test || ( echo test interop_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing mock_test" @@ -3692,6 +3695,21 @@ $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/grpc++_unsecure.pc: $(Q) mkdir -p $(@D) $(Q) echo "$(GRPCXX_UNSECURE_PC_FILE)" | tr , '\n' >$@ +ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) +$(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.pb.cc: protoc_dep_error +$(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.grpc.pb.cc: protoc_dep_error +else +$(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.pb.cc: src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) + $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + +$(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.grpc.pb.cc: src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) + $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< +endif + ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) $(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db.pb.cc: protoc_dep_error $(GENDIR)/test/cpp/qps/perf_db.grpc.pb.cc: protoc_dep_error @@ -4254,6 +4272,11 @@ LIBGRPC_SRC = \ src/core/channel/noop_filter.c \ src/core/client_config/client_config.c \ src/core/client_config/connector.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c \ @@ -4536,6 +4559,11 @@ LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_SRC = \ src/core/channel/noop_filter.c \ src/core/client_config/client_config.c \ src/core/client_config/connector.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c \ + src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c \ @@ -9853,6 +9881,49 @@ ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) endif +GRPCLB_API_TEST_SRC = \ + $(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.grpc.pb.cc \ + test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.cc \ + +GRPCLB_API_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(GRPCLB_API_TEST_SRC)))) +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL. + +$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpclb_api_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + + +ifeq ($(NO_PROTOBUF),true) + +# You can't build the protoc plugins or protobuf-enabled targets if you don't have protobuf 3.0.0+. + +$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpclb_api_test: protobuf_dep_error + +else + +$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpclb_api_test: $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(GRPCLB_API_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(GRPCLB_API_TEST_OBJS) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS_PROTOBUF) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) $(GTEST_LIB) -o $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpclb_api_test + +endif + +endif + +$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.o: $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +deps_grpclb_api_test: $(GRPCLB_API_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(GRPCLB_API_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif +$(OBJDIR)/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.o: $(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.grpc.pb.cc + + ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) # You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL. diff --git a/binding.gyp b/binding.gyp index 52e0ea6c394e89478927ed37465d8568f2acc4ba..7a3dd069f3dfc80ac4b5568453db6da835ca7054 100644 --- a/binding.gyp +++ b/binding.gyp @@ -185,6 +185,11 @@ 'src/core/channel/noop_filter.c', 'src/core/client_config/client_config.c', 'src/core/client_config/connector.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c', diff --git a/build.yaml b/build.yaml index f70ab3368d93e7c5ef825e4c0f8db73f6aac5fc4..04b5b2d8d20879a16202e0f981f4697a1ea65717 100644 --- a/build.yaml +++ b/build.yaml @@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ filegroups: - src/core/channel/noop_filter.h - src/core/client_config/client_config.h - src/core/client_config/connector.h + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h - src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h @@ -231,6 +237,11 @@ filegroups: - src/core/channel/noop_filter.c - src/core/client_config/client_config.c - src/core/client_config/connector.c + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c - src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c @@ -1839,6 +1850,16 @@ targets: secure: false vs_config_type: Application vs_project_guid: '{069E9D05-B78B-4751-9252-D21EBAE7DE8E}' +- name: grpclb_api_test + build: test + language: c++ + src: + - src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.proto + - test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.cc + deps: + - grpc++ + - grpc + - gpr - name: interop_client build: test run: false diff --git a/gRPC.podspec b/gRPC.podspec index 2100fc86e7ced9e2f6e2271c98af978df8f0de74..2f75f4fddebb9afb6e922b1d37a793cc7ec425cc 100644 --- a/gRPC.podspec +++ b/gRPC.podspec @@ -166,6 +166,12 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| 'src/core/channel/noop_filter.h', 'src/core/client_config/client_config.h', 'src/core/client_config/connector.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h', @@ -309,6 +315,11 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| 'src/core/channel/noop_filter.c', 'src/core/client_config/client_config.c', 'src/core/client_config/connector.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c', @@ -460,6 +471,12 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| 'src/core/channel/noop_filter.h', 'src/core/client_config/client_config.h', 'src/core/client_config/connector.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h', + 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h', 'src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h', diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e9de07da37cd6eb0618fea28a19b104ad15c8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.5-dev at Wed Oct 21 14:38:11 2015. */ + +#include "load_balancer.pb.h" + +#if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 +#error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. +#endif + + + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_Duration_fields[3] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, INT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_Duration, seconds, seconds, 0), + PB_FIELD( 2, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_Duration, nanos, seconds, 0), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_fields[3] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest, initial_request, initial_request, &grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_fields), + PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest, client_stats, initial_request, &grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_fields), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_fields[2] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest, name, name, 0), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_fields[4] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, INT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats, total_requests, total_requests, 0), + PB_FIELD( 2, INT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats, client_rpc_errors, total_requests, 0), + PB_FIELD( 3, INT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats, dropped_requests, client_rpc_errors, 0), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_fields[3] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse, initial_response, initial_response, &grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_fields), + PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse, server_list, initial_response, &grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_fields), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_fields[4] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse, client_config, client_config, 0), + PB_FIELD( 2, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse, load_balancer_delegate, client_config, 0), + PB_FIELD( 3, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse, client_stats_report_interval, load_balancer_delegate, &grpc_lb_v0_Duration_fields), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_fields[3] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, MESSAGE , REPEATED, CALLBACK, FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_ServerList, servers, servers, &grpc_lb_v0_Server_fields), + PB_FIELD( 3, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_ServerList, expiration_interval, servers, &grpc_lb_v0_Duration_fields), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + +const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_Server_fields[5] = { + PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v0_Server, ip_address, ip_address, 0), + PB_FIELD( 2, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_Server, port, ip_address, 0), + PB_FIELD( 3, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_Server, load_balance_token, port, 0), + PB_FIELD( 4, BOOL , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v0_Server, drop_request, load_balance_token, 0), + PB_LAST_FIELD +}; + + +/* Check that field information fits in pb_field_t */ +#if !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) +/* If you get an error here, it means that you need to define PB_FIELD_32BIT + * compile-time option. You can do that in pb.h or on compiler command line. + * + * The reason you need to do this is that some of your messages contain tag + * numbers or field sizes that are larger than what can fit in 8 or 16 bit + * field descriptors. + */ +PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest, initial_request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest, client_stats) < 65536 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse, initial_response) < 65536 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse, server_list) < 65536 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse, client_stats_report_interval) < 65536 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_ServerList, servers) < 65536 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_ServerList, expiration_interval) < 65536), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_32BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_grpc_lb_v0_Duration_grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_grpc_lb_v0_Server) +#endif + +#if !defined(PB_FIELD_16BIT) && !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) +/* If you get an error here, it means that you need to define PB_FIELD_16BIT + * compile-time option. You can do that in pb.h or on compiler command line. + * + * The reason you need to do this is that some of your messages contain tag + * numbers or field sizes that are larger than what can fit in the default + * 8 bit descriptors. + */ +PB_STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest, initial_request) < 256 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest, client_stats) < 256 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse, initial_response) < 256 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse, server_list) < 256 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse, client_stats_report_interval) < 256 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_ServerList, servers) < 256 && pb_membersize(grpc_lb_v0_ServerList, expiration_interval) < 256), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_16BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_grpc_lb_v0_Duration_grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_grpc_lb_v0_Server) +#endif + + diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a3116084844c7aff9393c81bf15a2250bf0232e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +/* Automatically generated nanopb header */ +/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.5-dev at Wed Oct 21 14:38:11 2015. */ + +#ifndef PB_LOAD_BALANCER_PB_H_INCLUDED +#define PB_LOAD_BALANCER_PB_H_INCLUDED + +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h" +#define GRPC_GRPCLB_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 128 + +#if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 +#error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* Struct definitions */ +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats { + bool has_total_requests; + int64_t total_requests; + bool has_client_rpc_errors; + int64_t client_rpc_errors; + bool has_dropped_requests; + int64_t dropped_requests; +} grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats; + +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_Duration { + bool has_seconds; + int64_t seconds; + bool has_nanos; + int32_t nanos; +} grpc_lb_v0_Duration; + +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest { + bool has_name; + char name[GRPC_GRPCLB_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; +} grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest; + +typedef PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T(64) grpc_lb_v0_Server_load_balance_token_t; +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_Server { + bool has_ip_address; + char ip_address[46]; + bool has_port; + int32_t port; + bool has_load_balance_token; + grpc_lb_v0_Server_load_balance_token_t load_balance_token; + bool has_drop_request; + bool drop_request; +} grpc_lb_v0_Server; + +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse { + bool has_client_config; + char client_config[64]; + bool has_load_balancer_delegate; + char load_balancer_delegate[64]; + bool has_client_stats_report_interval; + grpc_lb_v0_Duration client_stats_report_interval; +} grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse; + +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest { + bool has_initial_request; + grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest initial_request; + bool has_client_stats; + grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats client_stats; +} grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest; + +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_ServerList { + pb_callback_t servers; + bool has_expiration_interval; + grpc_lb_v0_Duration expiration_interval; +} grpc_lb_v0_ServerList; + +typedef struct _grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse { + bool has_initial_response; + grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse initial_response; + bool has_server_list; + grpc_lb_v0_ServerList server_list; +} grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse; + +/* Default values for struct fields */ + +/* Initializer values for message structs */ +#define grpc_lb_v0_Duration_init_default {false, 0, false, 0} +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_init_default {false, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_init_default, false, grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_init_default} +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_init_default {false, ""} +#define grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_init_default {false, 0, false, 0, false, 0} +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_init_default {false, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_init_default, false, grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_init_default} +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_init_default {false, "", false, "", false, grpc_lb_v0_Duration_init_default} +#define grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_init_default {{{NULL}, NULL}, false, grpc_lb_v0_Duration_init_default} +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_init_default {false, "", false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0} +#define grpc_lb_v0_Duration_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0} +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_init_zero {false, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_init_zero, false, grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_init_zero} +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_init_zero {false, ""} +#define grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_init_zero {false, 0, false, 0, false, 0} +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_init_zero {false, grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_init_zero, false, grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_init_zero} +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_init_zero {false, "", false, "", false, grpc_lb_v0_Duration_init_zero} +#define grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_init_zero {{{NULL}, NULL}, false, grpc_lb_v0_Duration_init_zero} +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_init_zero {false, "", false, 0, false, {0, {0}}, false, 0} + +/* Field tags (for use in manual encoding/decoding) */ +#define grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_total_requests_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_client_rpc_errors_tag 2 +#define grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_dropped_requests_tag 3 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Duration_seconds_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Duration_nanos_tag 2 +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_name_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_ip_address_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_port_tag 2 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_load_balance_token_tag 3 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_drop_request_tag 4 +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_client_config_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_load_balancer_delegate_tag 2 +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_client_stats_report_interval_tag 3 +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_initial_request_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_client_stats_tag 2 +#define grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_servers_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_expiration_interval_tag 3 +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_initial_response_tag 1 +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_server_list_tag 2 + +/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */ +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_Duration_fields[3]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_fields[3]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_fields[2]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_fields[4]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_fields[3]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_fields[4]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_fields[3]; +extern const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v0_Server_fields[5]; + +/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */ +#define grpc_lb_v0_Duration_size 22 +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_size 169 +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_size 131 +#define grpc_lb_v0_ClientStats_size 33 +#define grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_size (165 + grpc_lb_v0_ServerList_size) +#define grpc_lb_v0_InitialLoadBalanceResponse_size 156 +#define grpc_lb_v0_Server_size 127 + +/* Message IDs (where set with "msgid" option) */ +#ifdef PB_MSGID + +#define LOAD_BALANCER_MESSAGES \ + + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} /* extern "C" */ +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f6cebdfca32075f9291290a9ebd2062651a7619 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h" +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h" +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h" + +#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> + + +typedef struct decode_serverlist_arg { + int first_pass; + int i; + size_t num_servers; + grpc_grpclb_server **servers; +} decode_serverlist_arg; + +/* invoked once for every Server in ServerList */ +static bool decode_serverlist(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, + void **arg) { + decode_serverlist_arg *dec_arg = *arg; + if (dec_arg->first_pass != 0) { /* first pass */ + grpc_grpclb_server server; + if (!pb_decode(stream, grpc_lb_v0_Server_fields, &server)) { + return false; + } + dec_arg->num_servers++; + } else { /* second pass */ + grpc_grpclb_server *server = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_grpclb_server)); + GPR_ASSERT(dec_arg->num_servers > 0); + if (dec_arg->i == 0) { /* first iteration of second pass */ + dec_arg->servers = + gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_grpclb_server *) * dec_arg->num_servers); + } + if (!pb_decode(stream, grpc_lb_v0_Server_fields, server)) { + return false; + } + dec_arg->servers[dec_arg->i++] = server; + } + + return true; +} + +grpc_grpclb_request *grpc_grpclb_request_create(const char *lb_service_name) { + grpc_grpclb_request *req = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_grpclb_request)); + + req->has_client_stats = 0; /* TODO(dgq): add support for stats once defined */ + req->has_initial_request = 1; + req->initial_request.has_name = 1; + strncpy(req->initial_request.name, lb_service_name, + GRPC_GRPCLB_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); + return req; +} + +gpr_slice grpc_grpclb_request_encode(const grpc_grpclb_request *request) { + size_t encoded_length; + pb_ostream_t sizestream; + pb_ostream_t outputstream; + gpr_slice slice; + memset(&sizestream, 0, sizeof(pb_ostream_t)); + pb_encode(&sizestream, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_fields, request); + encoded_length = sizestream.bytes_written; + + slice = gpr_slice_malloc(encoded_length); + outputstream = + pb_ostream_from_buffer(GPR_SLICE_START_PTR(slice), encoded_length); + GPR_ASSERT(pb_encode(&outputstream, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest_fields, + request) != 0); + return slice; +} + +void grpc_grpclb_request_destroy(grpc_grpclb_request *request) { + gpr_free(request); +} + +grpc_grpclb_response *grpc_grpclb_response_parse(gpr_slice encoded_response) { + bool status; + pb_istream_t stream = + pb_istream_from_buffer(GPR_SLICE_START_PTR(encoded_response), + GPR_SLICE_LENGTH(encoded_response)); + grpc_grpclb_response *res = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_grpclb_response)); + memset(res, 0, sizeof(*res)); + status = pb_decode(&stream, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_fields, res); + GPR_ASSERT(status == true); + return res; +} + +grpc_grpclb_serverlist *grpc_grpclb_response_parse_serverlist( + gpr_slice encoded_response) { + grpc_grpclb_serverlist *sl = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_grpclb_serverlist)); + bool status; + decode_serverlist_arg arg; + pb_istream_t stream = + pb_istream_from_buffer(GPR_SLICE_START_PTR(encoded_response), + GPR_SLICE_LENGTH(encoded_response)); + pb_istream_t stream_at_start = stream; + grpc_grpclb_response *res = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_grpclb_response)); + memset(res, 0, sizeof(*res)); + memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(decode_serverlist_arg)); + + res->server_list.servers.funcs.decode = decode_serverlist; + res->server_list.servers.arg = &arg; + arg.first_pass = 1; + status = pb_decode(&stream, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_fields, res); + GPR_ASSERT(status == true); + GPR_ASSERT(arg.num_servers > 0); + + arg.first_pass = 0; + status = + pb_decode(&stream_at_start, grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse_fields, res); + GPR_ASSERT(status == true); + GPR_ASSERT(arg.servers != NULL); + + sl->num_servers = arg.num_servers; + sl->servers = arg.servers; + if (res->server_list.has_expiration_interval) { + sl->expiration_interval = res->server_list.expiration_interval; + } + grpc_grpclb_response_destroy(res); + return sl; +} + +void grpc_grpclb_destroy_serverlist(grpc_grpclb_serverlist *serverlist) { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < serverlist->num_servers; i++) { + gpr_free(serverlist->servers[i]); + } + gpr_free(serverlist->servers); + gpr_free(serverlist); +} + +void grpc_grpclb_response_destroy(grpc_grpclb_response *response) { + gpr_free(response); +} diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d74e3959ba8edb098a374be0d61bc724e585dd94 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#ifndef GRPC_INTERNAL_CORE_CLIENT_CONFIG_LB_POLICIES_LOAD_BALANCER_API_H +#define GRPC_INTERNAL_CORE_CLIENT_CONFIG_LB_POLICIES_LOAD_BALANCER_API_H + +#include <grpc/support/slice_buffer.h> + +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policy_factory.h" +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define GRPC_GRPCLB_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 128 + +typedef grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceRequest grpc_grpclb_request; +typedef grpc_lb_v0_LoadBalanceResponse grpc_grpclb_response; +typedef grpc_lb_v0_Server grpc_grpclb_server; +typedef grpc_lb_v0_Duration grpc_grpclb_duration; +typedef struct grpc_grpclb_serverlist { + grpc_grpclb_server **servers; + size_t num_servers; + grpc_grpclb_duration expiration_interval; +} grpc_grpclb_serverlist; + +/** Create a request for a gRPC LB service under \a lb_service_name */ +grpc_grpclb_request *grpc_grpclb_request_create(const char* lb_service_name); + +/** Protocol Buffers v3-encode \a request */ +gpr_slice grpc_grpclb_request_encode(const grpc_grpclb_request* request); + +/** Destroy \a request */ +void grpc_grpclb_request_destroy(grpc_grpclb_request *request); + +/** Parse (ie, decode) the bytes in \a encoded_response as a \a + * grpc_grpclb_response */ +grpc_grpclb_response *grpc_grpclb_response_parse(gpr_slice encoded_response); + +/** Destroy \a serverlist */ +void grpc_grpclb_destroy_serverlist(grpc_grpclb_serverlist *serverlist); + +/** Parse the list of servers from an encoded \a grpc_grpclb_response */ +grpc_grpclb_serverlist *grpc_grpclb_response_parse_serverlist( + gpr_slice encoded_response); + +/** Destroy \a response */ +void grpc_grpclb_response_destroy(grpc_grpclb_response *response); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* GRPC_INTERNAL_CORE_CLIENT_CONFIG_LB_POLICIES_LOAD_BALANCER_API_H */ diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98613a06ac8273dfe7c784aa4e2c403f776e062e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +/* Common parts of the nanopb library. Most of these are quite low-level + * stuff. For the high-level interface, see pb_encode.h and pb_decode.h. + */ + +#ifndef PB_H_INCLUDED +#define PB_H_INCLUDED + +/***************************************************************** + * Nanopb compilation time options. You can change these here by * + * uncommenting the lines, or on the compiler command line. * + *****************************************************************/ + +/* Enable support for dynamically allocated fields */ +/* #define PB_ENABLE_MALLOC 1 */ + +/* Define this if your CPU architecture is big endian, i.e. it + * stores the most-significant byte first. */ +/* #define __BIG_ENDIAN__ 1 */ + +/* Define this if your CPU / compiler combination does not support + * unaligned memory access to packed structures. */ +/* #define PB_NO_PACKED_STRUCTS 1 */ + +/* Increase the number of required fields that are tracked. + * A compiler warning will tell if you need this. */ +/* #define PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS 256 */ + +/* Add support for tag numbers > 255 and fields larger than 255 bytes. */ +/* #define PB_FIELD_16BIT 1 */ + +/* Add support for tag numbers > 65536 and fields larger than 65536 bytes. */ +/* #define PB_FIELD_32BIT 1 */ + +/* Disable support for error messages in order to save some code space. */ +/* #define PB_NO_ERRMSG 1 */ + +/* Disable support for custom streams (support only memory buffers). */ +/* #define PB_BUFFER_ONLY 1 */ + +/* Switch back to the old-style callback function signature. + * This was the default until nanopb-0.2.1. */ +/* #define PB_OLD_CALLBACK_STYLE */ + + +/****************************************************************** + * You usually don't need to change anything below this line. * + * Feel free to look around and use the defined macros, though. * + ******************************************************************/ + + +/* Version of the nanopb library. Just in case you want to check it in + * your own program. */ +#define NANOPB_VERSION nanopb-0.3.5-dev + +/* Include all the system headers needed by nanopb. You will need the + * definitions of the following: + * - strlen, memcpy, memset functions + * - [u]int8_t, [u]int16_t, [u]int32_t, [u]int64_t + * - size_t + * - bool + * + * If you don't have the standard header files, you can instead provide + * a custom header that defines or includes all this. In that case, + * define PB_SYSTEM_HEADER to the path of this file. + */ +#ifdef PB_SYSTEM_HEADER +#include PB_SYSTEM_HEADER +#else +#include <stdint.h> +#include <stddef.h> +#include <stdbool.h> +#include <string.h> + +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC +#include <stdlib.h> +#endif +#endif + +/* Macro for defining packed structures (compiler dependent). + * This just reduces memory requirements, but is not required. + */ +#if defined(PB_NO_PACKED_STRUCTS) + /* Disable struct packing */ +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_START +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_END +# define pb_packed +#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) + /* For GCC and clang */ +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_START +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_END +# define pb_packed __attribute__((packed)) +#elif defined(__ICCARM__) || defined(__CC_ARM) + /* For IAR ARM and Keil MDK-ARM compilers */ +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_START _Pragma("pack(push, 1)") +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_END _Pragma("pack(pop)") +# define pb_packed +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1500) + /* For Microsoft Visual C++ */ +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_START __pragma(pack(push, 1)) +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_END __pragma(pack(pop)) +# define pb_packed +#else + /* Unknown compiler */ +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_START +# define PB_PACKED_STRUCT_END +# define pb_packed +#endif + +/* Handly macro for suppressing unreferenced-parameter compiler warnings. */ +#ifndef PB_UNUSED +#define PB_UNUSED(x) (void)(x) +#endif + +/* Compile-time assertion, used for checking compatible compilation options. + * If this does not work properly on your compiler, use + * #define PB_NO_STATIC_ASSERT to disable it. + * + * But before doing that, check carefully the error message / place where it + * comes from to see if the error has a real cause. Unfortunately the error + * message is not always very clear to read, but you can see the reason better + * in the place where the PB_STATIC_ASSERT macro was called. + */ +#ifndef PB_NO_STATIC_ASSERT +#ifndef PB_STATIC_ASSERT +#define PB_STATIC_ASSERT(COND,MSG) typedef char PB_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(MSG, __LINE__, __COUNTER__)[(COND)?1:-1]; +#define PB_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(MSG, LINE, COUNTER) PB_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG_(MSG, LINE, COUNTER) +#define PB_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG_(MSG, LINE, COUNTER) pb_static_assertion_##MSG##LINE##COUNTER +#endif +#else +#define PB_STATIC_ASSERT(COND,MSG) +#endif + +/* Number of required fields to keep track of. */ +#ifndef PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS +#define PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS 64 +#endif + +#if PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS < 64 +#error You should not lower PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS from the default value (64). +#endif + +/* List of possible field types. These are used in the autogenerated code. + * Least-significant 4 bits tell the scalar type + * Most-significant 4 bits specify repeated/required/packed etc. + */ + +typedef uint8_t pb_type_t; + +/**** Field data types ****/ + +/* Numeric types */ +#define PB_LTYPE_VARINT 0x00 /* int32, int64, enum, bool */ +#define PB_LTYPE_UVARINT 0x01 /* uint32, uint64 */ +#define PB_LTYPE_SVARINT 0x02 /* sint32, sint64 */ +#define PB_LTYPE_FIXED32 0x03 /* fixed32, sfixed32, float */ +#define PB_LTYPE_FIXED64 0x04 /* fixed64, sfixed64, double */ + +/* Marker for last packable field type. */ +#define PB_LTYPE_LAST_PACKABLE 0x04 + +/* Byte array with pre-allocated buffer. + * data_size is the length of the allocated PB_BYTES_ARRAY structure. */ +#define PB_LTYPE_BYTES 0x05 + +/* String with pre-allocated buffer. + * data_size is the maximum length. */ +#define PB_LTYPE_STRING 0x06 + +/* Submessage + * submsg_fields is pointer to field descriptions */ +#define PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE 0x07 + +/* Extension pseudo-field + * The field contains a pointer to pb_extension_t */ +#define PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION 0x08 + +/* Number of declared LTYPES */ +#define PB_LTYPES_COUNT 9 +#define PB_LTYPE_MASK 0x0F + +/**** Field repetition rules ****/ + +#define PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED 0x00 +#define PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL 0x10 +#define PB_HTYPE_REPEATED 0x20 +#define PB_HTYPE_ONEOF 0x30 +#define PB_HTYPE_MASK 0x30 + +/**** Field allocation types ****/ + +#define PB_ATYPE_STATIC 0x00 +#define PB_ATYPE_POINTER 0x80 +#define PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK 0x40 +#define PB_ATYPE_MASK 0xC0 + +#define PB_ATYPE(x) ((x) & PB_ATYPE_MASK) +#define PB_HTYPE(x) ((x) & PB_HTYPE_MASK) +#define PB_LTYPE(x) ((x) & PB_LTYPE_MASK) + +/* Data type used for storing sizes of struct fields + * and array counts. + */ +#if defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) +#define PB_SIZE_MAX ((uint32_t)-1) + typedef uint32_t pb_size_t; + typedef int32_t pb_ssize_t; +#elif defined(PB_FIELD_16BIT) +#define PB_SIZE_MAX ((uint16_t)-1) + typedef uint16_t pb_size_t; + typedef int16_t pb_ssize_t; +#else +#define PB_SIZE_MAX ((uint8_t)-1) + typedef uint8_t pb_size_t; + typedef int8_t pb_ssize_t; +#endif + +/* This structure is used in auto-generated constants + * to specify struct fields. + * You can change field sizes if you need structures + * larger than 256 bytes or field tags larger than 256. + * The compiler should complain if your .proto has such + * structures. Fix that by defining PB_FIELD_16BIT or + * PB_FIELD_32BIT. + */ +PB_PACKED_STRUCT_START +typedef struct pb_field_s pb_field_t; +struct pb_field_s { + pb_size_t tag; + pb_type_t type; + pb_size_t data_offset; /* Offset of field data, relative to previous field. */ + pb_ssize_t size_offset; /* Offset of array size or has-boolean, relative to data */ + pb_size_t data_size; /* Data size in bytes for a single item */ + pb_size_t array_size; /* Maximum number of entries in array */ + + /* Field definitions for submessage + * OR default value for all other non-array, non-callback types + * If null, then field will zeroed. */ + const void *ptr; +} pb_packed; +PB_PACKED_STRUCT_END + +/* Make sure that the standard integer types are of the expected sizes. + * All kinds of things may break otherwise.. atleast all fixed* types. + * + * If you get errors here, it probably means that your stdint.h is not + * correct for your platform. + */ +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int8_t) == 1, INT8_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint8_t) == 1, UINT8_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int16_t) == 2, INT16_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint16_t) == 2, UINT16_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int32_t) == 4, INT32_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) == 4, UINT32_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int64_t) == 8, INT64_T_WRONG_SIZE) +PB_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64_t) == 8, UINT64_T_WRONG_SIZE) + +/* This structure is used for 'bytes' arrays. + * It has the number of bytes in the beginning, and after that an array. + * Note that actual structs used will have a different length of bytes array. + */ +#define PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T(n) struct { pb_size_t size; uint8_t bytes[n]; } +#define PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(n) ((size_t)n + offsetof(pb_bytes_array_t, bytes)) + +struct pb_bytes_array_s { + pb_size_t size; + uint8_t bytes[1]; +}; +typedef struct pb_bytes_array_s pb_bytes_array_t; + +/* This structure is used for giving the callback function. + * It is stored in the message structure and filled in by the method that + * calls pb_decode. + * + * The decoding callback will be given a limited-length stream + * If the wire type was string, the length is the length of the string. + * If the wire type was a varint/fixed32/fixed64, the length is the length + * of the actual value. + * The function may be called multiple times (especially for repeated types, + * but also otherwise if the message happens to contain the field multiple + * times.) + * + * The encoding callback will receive the actual output stream. + * It should write all the data in one call, including the field tag and + * wire type. It can write multiple fields. + * + * The callback can be null if you want to skip a field. + */ +typedef struct pb_istream_s pb_istream_t; +typedef struct pb_ostream_s pb_ostream_t; +typedef struct pb_callback_s pb_callback_t; +struct pb_callback_s { +#ifdef PB_OLD_CALLBACK_STYLE + /* Deprecated since nanopb-0.2.1 */ + union { + bool (*decode)(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *arg); + bool (*encode)(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *arg); + } funcs; +#else + /* New function signature, which allows modifying arg contents in callback. */ + union { + bool (*decode)(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg); + bool (*encode)(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg); + } funcs; +#endif + + /* Free arg for use by callback */ + void *arg; +}; + +/* Wire types. Library user needs these only in encoder callbacks. */ +typedef enum { + PB_WT_VARINT = 0, + PB_WT_64BIT = 1, + PB_WT_STRING = 2, + PB_WT_32BIT = 5 +} pb_wire_type_t; + +/* Structure for defining the handling of unknown/extension fields. + * Usually the pb_extension_type_t structure is automatically generated, + * while the pb_extension_t structure is created by the user. However, + * if you want to catch all unknown fields, you can also create a custom + * pb_extension_type_t with your own callback. + */ +typedef struct pb_extension_type_s pb_extension_type_t; +typedef struct pb_extension_s pb_extension_t; +struct pb_extension_type_s { + /* Called for each unknown field in the message. + * If you handle the field, read off all of its data and return true. + * If you do not handle the field, do not read anything and return true. + * If you run into an error, return false. + * Set to NULL for default handler. + */ + bool (*decode)(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_extension_t *extension, + uint32_t tag, pb_wire_type_t wire_type); + + /* Called once after all regular fields have been encoded. + * If you have something to write, do so and return true. + * If you do not have anything to write, just return true. + * If you run into an error, return false. + * Set to NULL for default handler. + */ + bool (*encode)(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_extension_t *extension); + + /* Free field for use by the callback. */ + const void *arg; +}; + +struct pb_extension_s { + /* Type describing the extension field. Usually you'll initialize + * this to a pointer to the automatically generated structure. */ + const pb_extension_type_t *type; + + /* Destination for the decoded data. This must match the datatype + * of the extension field. */ + void *dest; + + /* Pointer to the next extension handler, or NULL. + * If this extension does not match a field, the next handler is + * automatically called. */ + pb_extension_t *next; + + /* The decoder sets this to true if the extension was found. + * Ignored for encoding. */ + bool found; +}; + +/* Memory allocation functions to use. You can define pb_realloc and + * pb_free to custom functions if you want. */ +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC +# ifndef pb_realloc +# define pb_realloc(ptr, size) realloc(ptr, size) +# endif +# ifndef pb_free +# define pb_free(ptr) free(ptr) +# endif +#endif + +/* This is used to inform about need to regenerate .pb.h/.pb.c files. */ +#define PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION 30 + +/* These macros are used to declare pb_field_t's in the constant array. */ +/* Size of a structure member, in bytes. */ +#define pb_membersize(st, m) (sizeof ((st*)0)->m) +/* Number of entries in an array. */ +#define pb_arraysize(st, m) (pb_membersize(st, m) / pb_membersize(st, m[0])) +/* Delta from start of one member to the start of another member. */ +#define pb_delta(st, m1, m2) ((int)offsetof(st, m1) - (int)offsetof(st, m2)) +/* Marks the end of the field list */ +#define PB_LAST_FIELD {0,(pb_type_t) 0,0,0,0,0,0} + +/* Macros for filling in the data_offset field */ +/* data_offset for first field in a message */ +#define PB_DATAOFFSET_FIRST(st, m1, m2) (offsetof(st, m1)) +/* data_offset for subsequent fields */ +#define PB_DATAOFFSET_OTHER(st, m1, m2) (offsetof(st, m1) - offsetof(st, m2) - pb_membersize(st, m2)) +/* Choose first/other based on m1 == m2 (deprecated, remains for backwards compatibility) */ +#define PB_DATAOFFSET_CHOOSE(st, m1, m2) (int)(offsetof(st, m1) == offsetof(st, m2) \ + ? PB_DATAOFFSET_FIRST(st, m1, m2) \ + : PB_DATAOFFSET_OTHER(st, m1, m2)) + +/* Required fields are the simplest. They just have delta (padding) from + * previous field end, and the size of the field. Pointer is used for + * submessages and default values. + */ +#define PB_REQUIRED_STATIC(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_STATIC | PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED | ltype, \ + fd, 0, pb_membersize(st, m), 0, ptr} + +/* Optional fields add the delta to the has_ variable. */ +#define PB_OPTIONAL_STATIC(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_STATIC | PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL | ltype, \ + fd, \ + pb_delta(st, has_ ## m, m), \ + pb_membersize(st, m), 0, ptr} + +/* Repeated fields have a _count field and also the maximum number of entries. */ +#define PB_REPEATED_STATIC(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_STATIC | PB_HTYPE_REPEATED | ltype, \ + fd, \ + pb_delta(st, m ## _count, m), \ + pb_membersize(st, m[0]), \ + pb_arraysize(st, m), ptr} + +/* Allocated fields carry the size of the actual data, not the pointer */ +#define PB_REQUIRED_POINTER(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_POINTER | PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED | ltype, \ + fd, 0, pb_membersize(st, m[0]), 0, ptr} + +/* Optional fields don't need a has_ variable, as information would be redundant */ +#define PB_OPTIONAL_POINTER(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_POINTER | PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL | ltype, \ + fd, 0, pb_membersize(st, m[0]), 0, ptr} + +/* Repeated fields have a _count field and a pointer to array of pointers */ +#define PB_REPEATED_POINTER(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_POINTER | PB_HTYPE_REPEATED | ltype, \ + fd, pb_delta(st, m ## _count, m), \ + pb_membersize(st, m[0]), 0, ptr} + +/* Callbacks are much like required fields except with special datatype. */ +#define PB_REQUIRED_CALLBACK(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK | PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED | ltype, \ + fd, 0, pb_membersize(st, m), 0, ptr} + +#define PB_OPTIONAL_CALLBACK(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK | PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL | ltype, \ + fd, 0, pb_membersize(st, m), 0, ptr} + +#define PB_REPEATED_CALLBACK(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK | PB_HTYPE_REPEATED | ltype, \ + fd, 0, pb_membersize(st, m), 0, ptr} + +/* Optional extensions don't have the has_ field, as that would be redundant. */ +#define PB_OPTEXT_STATIC(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_STATIC | PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL | ltype, \ + 0, \ + 0, \ + pb_membersize(st, m), 0, ptr} + +#define PB_OPTEXT_POINTER(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + PB_OPTIONAL_POINTER(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) + +#define PB_OPTEXT_CALLBACK(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + PB_OPTIONAL_CALLBACK(tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) + +/* The mapping from protobuf types to LTYPEs is done using these macros. */ +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_BOOL PB_LTYPE_VARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_BYTES PB_LTYPE_BYTES +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_DOUBLE PB_LTYPE_FIXED64 +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_ENUM PB_LTYPE_VARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_UENUM PB_LTYPE_UVARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_FIXED32 PB_LTYPE_FIXED32 +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_FIXED64 PB_LTYPE_FIXED64 +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_FLOAT PB_LTYPE_FIXED32 +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_INT32 PB_LTYPE_VARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_INT64 PB_LTYPE_VARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_MESSAGE PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_SFIXED32 PB_LTYPE_FIXED32 +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_SFIXED64 PB_LTYPE_FIXED64 +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_SINT32 PB_LTYPE_SVARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_SINT64 PB_LTYPE_SVARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_STRING PB_LTYPE_STRING +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_UINT32 PB_LTYPE_UVARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_UINT64 PB_LTYPE_UVARINT +#define PB_LTYPE_MAP_EXTENSION PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION + +/* This is the actual macro used in field descriptions. + * It takes these arguments: + * - Field tag number + * - Field type: BOOL, BYTES, DOUBLE, ENUM, UENUM, FIXED32, FIXED64, + * FLOAT, INT32, INT64, MESSAGE, SFIXED32, SFIXED64 + * SINT32, SINT64, STRING, UINT32, UINT64 or EXTENSION + * - Field rules: REQUIRED, OPTIONAL or REPEATED + * - Allocation: STATIC or CALLBACK + * - Placement: FIRST or OTHER, depending on if this is the first field in structure. + * - Message name + * - Field name + * - Previous field name (or field name again for first field) + * - Pointer to default value or submsg fields. + */ + +#define PB_FIELD(tag, type, rules, allocation, placement, message, field, prevfield, ptr) \ + PB_ ## rules ## _ ## allocation(tag, message, field, \ + PB_DATAOFFSET_ ## placement(message, field, prevfield), \ + PB_LTYPE_MAP_ ## type, ptr) + +/* Field description for oneof fields. This requires taking into account the + * union name also, that's why a separate set of macros is needed. + */ +#define PB_ONEOF_STATIC(u, tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_STATIC | PB_HTYPE_ONEOF | ltype, \ + fd, pb_delta(st, which_ ## u, u.m), \ + pb_membersize(st, u.m), 0, ptr} + +#define PB_ONEOF_POINTER(u, tag, st, m, fd, ltype, ptr) \ + {tag, PB_ATYPE_POINTER | PB_HTYPE_ONEOF | ltype, \ + fd, pb_delta(st, which_ ## u, u.m), \ + pb_membersize(st, u.m[0]), 0, ptr} + +#define PB_ONEOF_FIELD(union_name, tag, type, rules, allocation, placement, message, field, prevfield, ptr) \ + PB_ ## rules ## _ ## allocation(union_name, tag, message, field, \ + PB_DATAOFFSET_ ## placement(message, union_name.field, prevfield), \ + PB_LTYPE_MAP_ ## type, ptr) + +/* These macros are used for giving out error messages. + * They are mostly a debugging aid; the main error information + * is the true/false return value from functions. + * Some code space can be saved by disabling the error + * messages if not used. + * + * PB_SET_ERROR() sets the error message if none has been set yet. + * msg must be a constant string literal. + * PB_GET_ERROR() always returns a pointer to a string. + * PB_RETURN_ERROR() sets the error and returns false from current + * function. + */ +#ifdef PB_NO_ERRMSG +#define PB_SET_ERROR(stream, msg) PB_UNUSED(stream) +#define PB_GET_ERROR(stream) "(errmsg disabled)" +#else +#define PB_SET_ERROR(stream, msg) (stream->errmsg = (stream)->errmsg ? (stream)->errmsg : (msg)) +#define PB_GET_ERROR(stream) ((stream)->errmsg ? (stream)->errmsg : "(none)") +#endif + +#define PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, msg) return PB_SET_ERROR(stream, msg), false + +#endif diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..385c0193f8afcf89486464401b8e054d95218486 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* pb_common.c: Common support functions for pb_encode.c and pb_decode.c. + * + * 2014 Petteri Aimonen <jpa@kapsi.fi> + */ + +#include "pb_common.h" + +bool pb_field_iter_begin(pb_field_iter_t *iter, const pb_field_t *fields, void *dest_struct) +{ + iter->start = fields; + iter->pos = fields; + iter->required_field_index = 0; + iter->dest_struct = dest_struct; + iter->pData = (char*)dest_struct + iter->pos->data_offset; + iter->pSize = (char*)iter->pData + iter->pos->size_offset; + + return (iter->pos->tag != 0); +} + +bool pb_field_iter_next(pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + const pb_field_t *prev_field = iter->pos; + + if (prev_field->tag == 0) + { + /* Handle empty message types, where the first field is already the terminator. + * In other cases, the iter->pos never points to the terminator. */ + return false; + } + + iter->pos++; + + if (iter->pos->tag == 0) + { + /* Wrapped back to beginning, reinitialize */ + (void)pb_field_iter_begin(iter, iter->start, iter->dest_struct); + return false; + } + else + { + /* Increment the pointers based on previous field size */ + size_t prev_size = prev_field->data_size; + + if (PB_HTYPE(prev_field->type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF && + PB_HTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF) + { + /* Don't advance pointers inside unions */ + prev_size = 0; + iter->pData = (char*)iter->pData - prev_field->data_offset; + } + else if (PB_ATYPE(prev_field->type) == PB_ATYPE_STATIC && + PB_HTYPE(prev_field->type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED) + { + /* In static arrays, the data_size tells the size of a single entry and + * array_size is the number of entries */ + prev_size *= prev_field->array_size; + } + else if (PB_ATYPE(prev_field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + /* Pointer fields always have a constant size in the main structure. + * The data_size only applies to the dynamically allocated area. */ + prev_size = sizeof(void*); + } + + if (PB_HTYPE(prev_field->type) == PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED) + { + /* Count the required fields, in order to check their presence in the + * decoder. */ + iter->required_field_index++; + } + + iter->pData = (char*)iter->pData + prev_size + iter->pos->data_offset; + iter->pSize = (char*)iter->pData + iter->pos->size_offset; + return true; + } +} + +bool pb_field_iter_find(pb_field_iter_t *iter, uint32_t tag) +{ + const pb_field_t *start = iter->pos; + + do { + if (iter->pos->tag == tag && + PB_LTYPE(iter->pos->type) != PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION) + { + /* Found the wanted field */ + return true; + } + + (void)pb_field_iter_next(iter); + } while (iter->pos != start); + + /* Searched all the way back to start, and found nothing. */ + return false; +} + + diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60b3d37491446fa18b4f8d2003cd6b287d41d6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* pb_common.h: Common support functions for pb_encode.c and pb_decode.c. + * These functions are rarely needed by applications directly. + */ + +#ifndef PB_COMMON_H_INCLUDED +#define PB_COMMON_H_INCLUDED + +#include "pb.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* Iterator for pb_field_t list */ +struct pb_field_iter_s { + const pb_field_t *start; /* Start of the pb_field_t array */ + const pb_field_t *pos; /* Current position of the iterator */ + unsigned required_field_index; /* Zero-based index that counts only the required fields */ + void *dest_struct; /* Pointer to start of the structure */ + void *pData; /* Pointer to current field value */ + void *pSize; /* Pointer to count/has field */ +}; +typedef struct pb_field_iter_s pb_field_iter_t; + +/* Initialize the field iterator structure to beginning. + * Returns false if the message type is empty. */ +bool pb_field_iter_begin(pb_field_iter_t *iter, const pb_field_t *fields, void *dest_struct); + +/* Advance the iterator to the next field. + * Returns false when the iterator wraps back to the first field. */ +bool pb_field_iter_next(pb_field_iter_t *iter); + +/* Advance the iterator until it points at a field with the given tag. + * Returns false if no such field exists. */ +bool pb_field_iter_find(pb_field_iter_t *iter, uint32_t tag); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} /* extern "C" */ +#endif + +#endif + diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cdcbcfb10c97d20204f63318aea8af4e11c2f4f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c @@ -0,0 +1,1319 @@ +/* pb_decode.c -- decode a protobuf using minimal resources + * + * 2011 Petteri Aimonen <jpa@kapsi.fi> + */ + +/* Use the GCC warn_unused_result attribute to check that all return values + * are propagated correctly. On other compilers and gcc before 3.4.0 just + * ignore the annotation. + */ +#if !defined(__GNUC__) || ( __GNUC__ < 3) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4) + #define checkreturn +#else + #define checkreturn __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) +#endif + +#include "pb.h" +#include "pb_decode.h" +#include "pb_common.h" + +/************************************** + * Declarations internal to this file * + **************************************/ + +typedef bool (*pb_decoder_t)(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) checkreturn; + +static bool checkreturn buf_read(pb_istream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf, size_t count); +static bool checkreturn pb_decode_varint32(pb_istream_t *stream, uint32_t *dest); +static bool checkreturn read_raw_value(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, uint8_t *buf, size_t *size); +static bool checkreturn decode_static_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static bool checkreturn decode_callback_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static bool checkreturn decode_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static void iter_from_extension(pb_field_iter_t *iter, pb_extension_t *extension); +static bool checkreturn default_extension_decoder(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_extension_t *extension, uint32_t tag, pb_wire_type_t wire_type); +static bool checkreturn decode_extension(pb_istream_t *stream, uint32_t tag, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static bool checkreturn find_extension_field(pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static void pb_field_set_to_default(pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static void pb_message_set_to_defaults(const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_varint(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_uvarint(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_svarint(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_fixed32(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_fixed64(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_bytes(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_string(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_submessage(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest); +static bool checkreturn pb_skip_varint(pb_istream_t *stream); +static bool checkreturn pb_skip_string(pb_istream_t *stream); + +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC +static bool checkreturn allocate_field(pb_istream_t *stream, void *pData, size_t data_size, size_t array_size); +static bool checkreturn pb_release_union_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_field_iter_t *iter); +static void pb_release_single_field(const pb_field_iter_t *iter); +#endif + +/* --- Function pointers to field decoders --- + * Order in the array must match pb_action_t LTYPE numbering. + */ +static const pb_decoder_t PB_DECODERS[PB_LTYPES_COUNT] = { + &pb_dec_varint, + &pb_dec_uvarint, + &pb_dec_svarint, + &pb_dec_fixed32, + &pb_dec_fixed64, + + &pb_dec_bytes, + &pb_dec_string, + &pb_dec_submessage, + NULL /* extensions */ +}; + +/******************************* + * pb_istream_t implementation * + *******************************/ + +static bool checkreturn buf_read(pb_istream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf, size_t count) +{ + uint8_t *source = (uint8_t*)stream->state; + stream->state = source + count; + + if (buf != NULL) + { + while (count--) + *buf++ = *source++; + } + + return true; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_read(pb_istream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf, size_t count) +{ +#ifndef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + if (buf == NULL && stream->callback != buf_read) + { + /* Skip input bytes */ + uint8_t tmp[16]; + while (count > 16) + { + if (!pb_read(stream, tmp, 16)) + return false; + + count -= 16; + } + + return pb_read(stream, tmp, count); + } +#endif + + if (stream->bytes_left < count) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "end-of-stream"); + +#ifndef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + if (!stream->callback(stream, buf, count)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "io error"); +#else + if (!buf_read(stream, buf, count)) + return false; +#endif + + stream->bytes_left -= count; + return true; +} + +/* Read a single byte from input stream. buf may not be NULL. + * This is an optimization for the varint decoding. */ +static bool checkreturn pb_readbyte(pb_istream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf) +{ + if (stream->bytes_left == 0) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "end-of-stream"); + +#ifndef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + if (!stream->callback(stream, buf, 1)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "io error"); +#else + *buf = *(uint8_t*)stream->state; + stream->state = (uint8_t*)stream->state + 1; +#endif + + stream->bytes_left--; + + return true; +} + +pb_istream_t pb_istream_from_buffer(uint8_t *buf, size_t bufsize) +{ + pb_istream_t stream; +#ifdef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + stream.callback = NULL; +#else + stream.callback = &buf_read; +#endif + stream.state = buf; + stream.bytes_left = bufsize; +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + stream.errmsg = NULL; +#endif + return stream; +} + +/******************** + * Helper functions * + ********************/ + +static bool checkreturn pb_decode_varint32(pb_istream_t *stream, uint32_t *dest) +{ + uint8_t byte; + uint32_t result; + + if (!pb_readbyte(stream, &byte)) + return false; + + if ((byte & 0x80) == 0) + { + /* Quick case, 1 byte value */ + result = byte; + } + else + { + /* Multibyte case */ + uint8_t bitpos = 7; + result = byte & 0x7F; + + do + { + if (bitpos >= 32) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "varint overflow"); + + if (!pb_readbyte(stream, &byte)) + return false; + + result |= (uint32_t)(byte & 0x7F) << bitpos; + bitpos = (uint8_t)(bitpos + 7); + } while (byte & 0x80); + } + + *dest = result; + return true; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_decode_varint(pb_istream_t *stream, uint64_t *dest) +{ + uint8_t byte; + uint8_t bitpos = 0; + uint64_t result = 0; + + do + { + if (bitpos >= 64) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "varint overflow"); + + if (!pb_readbyte(stream, &byte)) + return false; + + result |= (uint64_t)(byte & 0x7F) << bitpos; + bitpos = (uint8_t)(bitpos + 7); + } while (byte & 0x80); + + *dest = result; + return true; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_skip_varint(pb_istream_t *stream) +{ + uint8_t byte; + do + { + if (!pb_read(stream, &byte, 1)) + return false; + } while (byte & 0x80); + return true; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_skip_string(pb_istream_t *stream) +{ + uint32_t length; + if (!pb_decode_varint32(stream, &length)) + return false; + + return pb_read(stream, NULL, length); +} + +bool checkreturn pb_decode_tag(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t *wire_type, uint32_t *tag, bool *eof) +{ + uint32_t temp; + *eof = false; + *wire_type = (pb_wire_type_t) 0; + *tag = 0; + + if (!pb_decode_varint32(stream, &temp)) + { + if (stream->bytes_left == 0) + *eof = true; + + return false; + } + + if (temp == 0) + { + *eof = true; /* Special feature: allow 0-terminated messages. */ + return false; + } + + *tag = temp >> 3; + *wire_type = (pb_wire_type_t)(temp & 7); + return true; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_skip_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type) +{ + switch (wire_type) + { + case PB_WT_VARINT: return pb_skip_varint(stream); + case PB_WT_64BIT: return pb_read(stream, NULL, 8); + case PB_WT_STRING: return pb_skip_string(stream); + case PB_WT_32BIT: return pb_read(stream, NULL, 4); + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid wire_type"); + } +} + +/* Read a raw value to buffer, for the purpose of passing it to callback as + * a substream. Size is maximum size on call, and actual size on return. + */ +static bool checkreturn read_raw_value(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, uint8_t *buf, size_t *size) +{ + size_t max_size = *size; + switch (wire_type) + { + case PB_WT_VARINT: + *size = 0; + do + { + (*size)++; + if (*size > max_size) return false; + if (!pb_read(stream, buf, 1)) return false; + } while (*buf++ & 0x80); + return true; + + case PB_WT_64BIT: + *size = 8; + return pb_read(stream, buf, 8); + + case PB_WT_32BIT: + *size = 4; + return pb_read(stream, buf, 4); + + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid wire_type"); + } +} + +/* Decode string length from stream and return a substream with limited length. + * Remember to close the substream using pb_close_string_substream(). + */ +bool checkreturn pb_make_string_substream(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_istream_t *substream) +{ + uint32_t size; + if (!pb_decode_varint32(stream, &size)) + return false; + + *substream = *stream; + if (substream->bytes_left < size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "parent stream too short"); + + substream->bytes_left = size; + stream->bytes_left -= size; + return true; +} + +void pb_close_string_substream(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_istream_t *substream) +{ + stream->state = substream->state; + +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + stream->errmsg = substream->errmsg; +#endif +} + +/************************* + * Decode a single field * + *************************/ + +static bool checkreturn decode_static_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + pb_type_t type; + pb_decoder_t func; + + type = iter->pos->type; + func = PB_DECODERS[PB_LTYPE(type)]; + + switch (PB_HTYPE(type)) + { + case PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED: + return func(stream, iter->pos, iter->pData); + + case PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL: + *(bool*)iter->pSize = true; + return func(stream, iter->pos, iter->pData); + + case PB_HTYPE_REPEATED: + if (wire_type == PB_WT_STRING + && PB_LTYPE(type) <= PB_LTYPE_LAST_PACKABLE) + { + /* Packed array */ + bool status = true; + pb_size_t *size = (pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; + pb_istream_t substream; + if (!pb_make_string_substream(stream, &substream)) + return false; + + while (substream.bytes_left > 0 && *size < iter->pos->array_size) + { + void *pItem = (uint8_t*)iter->pData + iter->pos->data_size * (*size); + if (!func(&substream, iter->pos, pItem)) + { + status = false; + break; + } + (*size)++; + } + pb_close_string_substream(stream, &substream); + + if (substream.bytes_left != 0) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "array overflow"); + + return status; + } + else + { + /* Repeated field */ + pb_size_t *size = (pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; + void *pItem = (uint8_t*)iter->pData + iter->pos->data_size * (*size); + if (*size >= iter->pos->array_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "array overflow"); + + (*size)++; + return func(stream, iter->pos, pItem); + } + + case PB_HTYPE_ONEOF: + *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize = iter->pos->tag; + if (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE) + { + /* We memset to zero so that any callbacks are set to NULL. + * Then set any default values. */ + memset(iter->pData, 0, iter->pos->data_size); + pb_message_set_to_defaults((const pb_field_t*)iter->pos->ptr, iter->pData); + } + return func(stream, iter->pos, iter->pData); + + default: + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field type"); + } +} + +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC +/* Allocate storage for the field and store the pointer at iter->pData. + * array_size is the number of entries to reserve in an array. + * Zero size is not allowed, use pb_free() for releasing. + */ +static bool checkreturn allocate_field(pb_istream_t *stream, void *pData, size_t data_size, size_t array_size) +{ + void *ptr = *(void**)pData; + + if (data_size == 0 || array_size == 0) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid size"); + + /* Check for multiplication overflows. + * This code avoids the costly division if the sizes are small enough. + * Multiplication is safe as long as only half of bits are set + * in either multiplicand. + */ + { + const size_t check_limit = (size_t)1 << (sizeof(size_t) * 4); + if (data_size >= check_limit || array_size >= check_limit) + { + const size_t size_max = (size_t)-1; + if (size_max / array_size < data_size) + { + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "size too large"); + } + } + } + + /* Allocate new or expand previous allocation */ + /* Note: on failure the old pointer will remain in the structure, + * the message must be freed by caller also on error return. */ + ptr = pb_realloc(ptr, array_size * data_size); + if (ptr == NULL) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "realloc failed"); + + *(void**)pData = ptr; + return true; +} + +/* Clear a newly allocated item in case it contains a pointer, or is a submessage. */ +static void initialize_pointer_field(void *pItem, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + if (PB_LTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_LTYPE_STRING || + PB_LTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_LTYPE_BYTES) + { + *(void**)pItem = NULL; + } + else if (PB_LTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE) + { + pb_message_set_to_defaults((const pb_field_t *) iter->pos->ptr, pItem); + } +} +#endif + +static bool checkreturn decode_pointer_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ +#ifndef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC + PB_UNUSED(wire_type); + PB_UNUSED(iter); + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "no malloc support"); +#else + pb_type_t type; + pb_decoder_t func; + + type = iter->pos->type; + func = PB_DECODERS[PB_LTYPE(type)]; + + switch (PB_HTYPE(type)) + { + case PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED: + case PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL: + case PB_HTYPE_ONEOF: + if (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE && + *(void**)iter->pData != NULL) + { + /* Duplicate field, have to release the old allocation first. */ + pb_release_single_field(iter); + } + + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF) + { + *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize = iter->pos->tag; + } + + if (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_STRING || + PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_BYTES) + { + return func(stream, iter->pos, iter->pData); + } + else + { + if (!allocate_field(stream, iter->pData, iter->pos->data_size, 1)) + return false; + + initialize_pointer_field(*(void**)iter->pData, iter); + return func(stream, iter->pos, *(void**)iter->pData); + } + + case PB_HTYPE_REPEATED: + if (wire_type == PB_WT_STRING + && PB_LTYPE(type) <= PB_LTYPE_LAST_PACKABLE) + { + /* Packed array, multiple items come in at once. */ + bool status = true; + pb_size_t *size = (pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; + size_t allocated_size = *size; + void *pItem; + pb_istream_t substream; + + if (!pb_make_string_substream(stream, &substream)) + return false; + + while (substream.bytes_left) + { + if ((size_t)*size + 1 > allocated_size) + { + /* Allocate more storage. This tries to guess the + * number of remaining entries. Round the division + * upwards. */ + allocated_size += (substream.bytes_left - 1) / iter->pos->data_size + 1; + + if (!allocate_field(&substream, iter->pData, iter->pos->data_size, allocated_size)) + { + status = false; + break; + } + } + + /* Decode the array entry */ + pItem = *(uint8_t**)iter->pData + iter->pos->data_size * (*size); + initialize_pointer_field(pItem, iter); + if (!func(&substream, iter->pos, pItem)) + { + status = false; + break; + } + + if (*size == PB_SIZE_MAX) + { +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + stream->errmsg = "too many array entries"; +#endif + status = false; + break; + } + + (*size)++; + } + pb_close_string_substream(stream, &substream); + + return status; + } + else + { + /* Normal repeated field, i.e. only one item at a time. */ + pb_size_t *size = (pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; + void *pItem; + + if (*size == PB_SIZE_MAX) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "too many array entries"); + + (*size)++; + if (!allocate_field(stream, iter->pData, iter->pos->data_size, *size)) + return false; + + pItem = *(uint8_t**)iter->pData + iter->pos->data_size * (*size - 1); + initialize_pointer_field(pItem, iter); + return func(stream, iter->pos, pItem); + } + + default: + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field type"); + } +#endif +} + +static bool checkreturn decode_callback_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + pb_callback_t *pCallback = (pb_callback_t*)iter->pData; + +#ifdef PB_OLD_CALLBACK_STYLE + void *arg = pCallback->arg; +#else + void **arg = &(pCallback->arg); +#endif + + if (pCallback->funcs.decode == NULL) + return pb_skip_field(stream, wire_type); + + if (wire_type == PB_WT_STRING) + { + pb_istream_t substream; + + if (!pb_make_string_substream(stream, &substream)) + return false; + + do + { + if (!pCallback->funcs.decode(&substream, iter->pos, arg)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "callback failed"); + } while (substream.bytes_left); + + pb_close_string_substream(stream, &substream); + return true; + } + else + { + /* Copy the single scalar value to stack. + * This is required so that we can limit the stream length, + * which in turn allows to use same callback for packed and + * not-packed fields. */ + pb_istream_t substream; + uint8_t buffer[10]; + size_t size = sizeof(buffer); + + if (!read_raw_value(stream, wire_type, buffer, &size)) + return false; + substream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, size); + + return pCallback->funcs.decode(&substream, iter->pos, arg); + } +} + +static bool checkreturn decode_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC + /* When decoding an oneof field, check if there is old data that must be + * released first. */ + if (PB_HTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF) + { + if (!pb_release_union_field(stream, iter)) + return false; + } +#endif + + switch (PB_ATYPE(iter->pos->type)) + { + case PB_ATYPE_STATIC: + return decode_static_field(stream, wire_type, iter); + + case PB_ATYPE_POINTER: + return decode_pointer_field(stream, wire_type, iter); + + case PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK: + return decode_callback_field(stream, wire_type, iter); + + default: + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field type"); + } +} + +static void iter_from_extension(pb_field_iter_t *iter, pb_extension_t *extension) +{ + /* Fake a field iterator for the extension field. + * It is not actually safe to advance this iterator, but decode_field + * will not even try to. */ + const pb_field_t *field = (const pb_field_t*)extension->type->arg; + (void)pb_field_iter_begin(iter, field, extension->dest); + iter->pData = extension->dest; + iter->pSize = &extension->found; + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + /* For pointer extensions, the pointer is stored directly + * in the extension structure. This avoids having an extra + * indirection. */ + iter->pData = &extension->dest; + } +} + +/* Default handler for extension fields. Expects a pb_field_t structure + * in extension->type->arg. */ +static bool checkreturn default_extension_decoder(pb_istream_t *stream, + pb_extension_t *extension, uint32_t tag, pb_wire_type_t wire_type) +{ + const pb_field_t *field = (const pb_field_t*)extension->type->arg; + pb_field_iter_t iter; + + if (field->tag != tag) + return true; + + iter_from_extension(&iter, extension); + extension->found = true; + return decode_field(stream, wire_type, &iter); +} + +/* Try to decode an unknown field as an extension field. Tries each extension + * decoder in turn, until one of them handles the field or loop ends. */ +static bool checkreturn decode_extension(pb_istream_t *stream, + uint32_t tag, pb_wire_type_t wire_type, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + pb_extension_t *extension = *(pb_extension_t* const *)iter->pData; + size_t pos = stream->bytes_left; + + while (extension != NULL && pos == stream->bytes_left) + { + bool status; + if (extension->type->decode) + status = extension->type->decode(stream, extension, tag, wire_type); + else + status = default_extension_decoder(stream, extension, tag, wire_type); + + if (!status) + return false; + + extension = extension->next; + } + + return true; +} + +/* Step through the iterator until an extension field is found or until all + * entries have been checked. There can be only one extension field per + * message. Returns false if no extension field is found. */ +static bool checkreturn find_extension_field(pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + const pb_field_t *start = iter->pos; + + do { + if (PB_LTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION) + return true; + (void)pb_field_iter_next(iter); + } while (iter->pos != start); + + return false; +} + +/* Initialize message fields to default values, recursively */ +static void pb_field_set_to_default(pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + pb_type_t type; + type = iter->pos->type; + + if (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION) + { + pb_extension_t *ext = *(pb_extension_t* const *)iter->pData; + while (ext != NULL) + { + pb_field_iter_t ext_iter; + ext->found = false; + iter_from_extension(&ext_iter, ext); + pb_field_set_to_default(&ext_iter); + ext = ext->next; + } + } + else if (PB_ATYPE(type) == PB_ATYPE_STATIC) + { + bool init_data = true; + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL) + { + /* Set has_field to false. Still initialize the optional field + * itself also. */ + *(bool*)iter->pSize = false; + } + else if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED || + PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF) + { + /* REPEATED: Set array count to 0, no need to initialize contents. + ONEOF: Set which_field to 0. */ + *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize = 0; + init_data = false; + } + + if (init_data) + { + if (PB_LTYPE(iter->pos->type) == PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE) + { + /* Initialize submessage to defaults */ + pb_message_set_to_defaults((const pb_field_t *) iter->pos->ptr, iter->pData); + } + else if (iter->pos->ptr != NULL) + { + /* Initialize to default value */ + memcpy(iter->pData, iter->pos->ptr, iter->pos->data_size); + } + else + { + /* Initialize to zeros */ + memset(iter->pData, 0, iter->pos->data_size); + } + } + } + else if (PB_ATYPE(type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + /* Initialize the pointer to NULL. */ + *(void**)iter->pData = NULL; + + /* Initialize array count to 0. */ + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED || + PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF) + { + *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize = 0; + } + } + else if (PB_ATYPE(type) == PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK) + { + /* Don't overwrite callback */ + } +} + +static void pb_message_set_to_defaults(const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct) +{ + pb_field_iter_t iter; + + if (!pb_field_iter_begin(&iter, fields, dest_struct)) + return; /* Empty message type */ + + do + { + pb_field_set_to_default(&iter); + } while (pb_field_iter_next(&iter)); +} + +/********************* + * Decode all fields * + *********************/ + +bool checkreturn pb_decode_noinit(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct) +{ + uint8_t fields_seen[(PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS + 7) / 8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + uint32_t extension_range_start = 0; + pb_field_iter_t iter; + + /* Return value ignored, as empty message types will be correctly handled by + * pb_field_iter_find() anyway. */ + (void)pb_field_iter_begin(&iter, fields, dest_struct); + + while (stream->bytes_left) + { + uint32_t tag; + pb_wire_type_t wire_type; + bool eof; + + if (!pb_decode_tag(stream, &wire_type, &tag, &eof)) + { + if (eof) + break; + else + return false; + } + + if (!pb_field_iter_find(&iter, tag)) + { + /* No match found, check if it matches an extension. */ + if (tag >= extension_range_start) + { + if (!find_extension_field(&iter)) + extension_range_start = (uint32_t)-1; + else + extension_range_start = iter.pos->tag; + + if (tag >= extension_range_start) + { + size_t pos = stream->bytes_left; + + if (!decode_extension(stream, tag, wire_type, &iter)) + return false; + + if (pos != stream->bytes_left) + { + /* The field was handled */ + continue; + } + } + } + + /* No match found, skip data */ + if (!pb_skip_field(stream, wire_type)) + return false; + continue; + } + + if (PB_HTYPE(iter.pos->type) == PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED + && iter.required_field_index < PB_MAX_REQUIRED_FIELDS) + { + uint8_t tmp = (uint8_t)(1 << (iter.required_field_index & 7)); + fields_seen[iter.required_field_index >> 3] |= tmp; + } + + if (!decode_field(stream, wire_type, &iter)) + return false; + } + + /* Check that all required fields were present. */ + { + /* First figure out the number of required fields by + * seeking to the end of the field array. Usually we + * are already close to end after decoding. + */ + unsigned req_field_count; + pb_type_t last_type; + unsigned i; + do { + req_field_count = iter.required_field_index; + last_type = iter.pos->type; + } while (pb_field_iter_next(&iter)); + + /* Fixup if last field was also required. */ + if (PB_HTYPE(last_type) == PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED && iter.pos->tag != 0) + req_field_count++; + + /* Check the whole bytes */ + for (i = 0; i < (req_field_count >> 3); i++) + { + if (fields_seen[i] != 0xFF) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "missing required field"); + } + + /* Check the remaining bits */ + if (fields_seen[req_field_count >> 3] != (0xFF >> (8 - (req_field_count & 7)))) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "missing required field"); + } + + return true; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_decode(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct) +{ + bool status; + pb_message_set_to_defaults(fields, dest_struct); + status = pb_decode_noinit(stream, fields, dest_struct); + +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC + if (!status) + pb_release(fields, dest_struct); +#endif + + return status; +} + +bool pb_decode_delimited(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct) +{ + pb_istream_t substream; + bool status; + + if (!pb_make_string_substream(stream, &substream)) + return false; + + status = pb_decode(&substream, fields, dest_struct); + pb_close_string_substream(stream, &substream); + return status; +} + +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC +/* Given an oneof field, if there has already been a field inside this oneof, + * release it before overwriting with a different one. */ +static bool pb_release_union_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + pb_size_t old_tag = *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; /* Previous which_ value */ + pb_size_t new_tag = iter->pos->tag; /* New which_ value */ + + if (old_tag == 0) + return true; /* Ok, no old data in union */ + + if (old_tag == new_tag) + return true; /* Ok, old data is of same type => merge */ + + /* Release old data. The find can fail if the message struct contains + * invalid data. */ + if (!pb_field_iter_find(iter, old_tag)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid union tag"); + + pb_release_single_field(iter); + + /* Restore iterator to where it should be. + * This shouldn't fail unless the pb_field_t structure is corrupted. */ + if (!pb_field_iter_find(iter, new_tag)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "iterator error"); + + return true; +} + +static void pb_release_single_field(const pb_field_iter_t *iter) +{ + pb_type_t type; + type = iter->pos->type; + + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_ONEOF) + { + if (*(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize != iter->pos->tag) + return; /* This is not the current field in the union */ + } + + /* Release anything contained inside an extension or submsg. + * This has to be done even if the submsg itself is statically + * allocated. */ + if (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION) + { + /* Release fields from all extensions in the linked list */ + pb_extension_t *ext = *(pb_extension_t**)iter->pData; + while (ext != NULL) + { + pb_field_iter_t ext_iter; + iter_from_extension(&ext_iter, ext); + pb_release_single_field(&ext_iter); + ext = ext->next; + } + } + else if (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE) + { + /* Release fields in submessage or submsg array */ + void *pItem = iter->pData; + pb_size_t count = 1; + + if (PB_ATYPE(type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + pItem = *(void**)iter->pData; + } + + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED) + { + count = *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; + } + + if (pItem) + { + while (count--) + { + pb_release((const pb_field_t*)iter->pos->ptr, pItem); + pItem = (uint8_t*)pItem + iter->pos->data_size; + } + } + } + + if (PB_ATYPE(type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED && + (PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_STRING || + PB_LTYPE(type) == PB_LTYPE_BYTES)) + { + /* Release entries in repeated string or bytes array */ + void **pItem = *(void***)iter->pData; + pb_size_t count = *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize; + while (count--) + { + pb_free(*pItem); + *pItem++ = NULL; + } + } + + if (PB_HTYPE(type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED) + { + /* We are going to release the array, so set the size to 0 */ + *(pb_size_t*)iter->pSize = 0; + } + + /* Release main item */ + pb_free(*(void**)iter->pData); + *(void**)iter->pData = NULL; + } +} + +void pb_release(const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct) +{ + pb_field_iter_t iter; + + if (!pb_field_iter_begin(&iter, fields, dest_struct)) + return; /* Empty message type */ + + do + { + pb_release_single_field(&iter); + } while (pb_field_iter_next(&iter)); +} +#endif + +/* Field decoders */ + +bool pb_decode_svarint(pb_istream_t *stream, int64_t *dest) +{ + uint64_t value; + if (!pb_decode_varint(stream, &value)) + return false; + + if (value & 1) + *dest = (int64_t)(~(value >> 1)); + else + *dest = (int64_t)(value >> 1); + + return true; +} + +bool pb_decode_fixed32(pb_istream_t *stream, void *dest) +{ + #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ + uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t*)dest; + uint8_t lebytes[4]; + + if (!pb_read(stream, lebytes, 4)) + return false; + + bytes[0] = lebytes[3]; + bytes[1] = lebytes[2]; + bytes[2] = lebytes[1]; + bytes[3] = lebytes[0]; + return true; + #else + return pb_read(stream, (uint8_t*)dest, 4); + #endif +} + +bool pb_decode_fixed64(pb_istream_t *stream, void *dest) +{ + #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ + uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t*)dest; + uint8_t lebytes[8]; + + if (!pb_read(stream, lebytes, 8)) + return false; + + bytes[0] = lebytes[7]; + bytes[1] = lebytes[6]; + bytes[2] = lebytes[5]; + bytes[3] = lebytes[4]; + bytes[4] = lebytes[3]; + bytes[5] = lebytes[2]; + bytes[6] = lebytes[1]; + bytes[7] = lebytes[0]; + return true; + #else + return pb_read(stream, (uint8_t*)dest, 8); + #endif +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_varint(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + uint64_t value; + int64_t svalue; + int64_t clamped; + if (!pb_decode_varint(stream, &value)) + return false; + + /* See issue 97: Google's C++ protobuf allows negative varint values to + * be cast as int32_t, instead of the int64_t that should be used when + * encoding. Previous nanopb versions had a bug in encoding. In order to + * not break decoding of such messages, we cast <=32 bit fields to + * int32_t first to get the sign correct. + */ + if (field->data_size == 8) + svalue = (int64_t)value; + else + svalue = (int32_t)value; + + switch (field->data_size) + { + case 1: clamped = *(int8_t*)dest = (int8_t)svalue; break; + case 2: clamped = *(int16_t*)dest = (int16_t)svalue; break; + case 4: clamped = *(int32_t*)dest = (int32_t)svalue; break; + case 8: clamped = *(int64_t*)dest = svalue; break; + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid data_size"); + } + + if (clamped != svalue) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "integer too large"); + + return true; +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_uvarint(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + uint64_t value, clamped; + if (!pb_decode_varint(stream, &value)) + return false; + + switch (field->data_size) + { + case 1: clamped = *(uint8_t*)dest = (uint8_t)value; break; + case 2: clamped = *(uint16_t*)dest = (uint16_t)value; break; + case 4: clamped = *(uint32_t*)dest = (uint32_t)value; break; + case 8: clamped = *(uint64_t*)dest = value; break; + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid data_size"); + } + + if (clamped != value) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "integer too large"); + + return true; +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_svarint(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + int64_t value, clamped; + if (!pb_decode_svarint(stream, &value)) + return false; + + switch (field->data_size) + { + case 1: clamped = *(int8_t*)dest = (int8_t)value; break; + case 2: clamped = *(int16_t*)dest = (int16_t)value; break; + case 4: clamped = *(int32_t*)dest = (int32_t)value; break; + case 8: clamped = *(int64_t*)dest = value; break; + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid data_size"); + } + + if (clamped != value) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "integer too large"); + + return true; +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_fixed32(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + PB_UNUSED(field); + return pb_decode_fixed32(stream, dest); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_fixed64(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + PB_UNUSED(field); + return pb_decode_fixed64(stream, dest); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_bytes(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + uint32_t size; + size_t alloc_size; + pb_bytes_array_t *bdest; + + if (!pb_decode_varint32(stream, &size)) + return false; + + if (size > PB_SIZE_MAX) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "bytes overflow"); + + alloc_size = PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(size); + if (size > alloc_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "size too large"); + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { +#ifndef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "no malloc support"); +#else + if (!allocate_field(stream, dest, alloc_size, 1)) + return false; + bdest = *(pb_bytes_array_t**)dest; +#endif + } + else + { + if (alloc_size > field->data_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "bytes overflow"); + bdest = (pb_bytes_array_t*)dest; + } + + bdest->size = (pb_size_t)size; + return pb_read(stream, bdest->bytes, size); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_string(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + uint32_t size; + size_t alloc_size; + bool status; + if (!pb_decode_varint32(stream, &size)) + return false; + + /* Space for null terminator */ + alloc_size = size + 1; + + if (alloc_size < size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "size too large"); + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { +#ifndef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "no malloc support"); +#else + if (!allocate_field(stream, dest, alloc_size, 1)) + return false; + dest = *(void**)dest; +#endif + } + else + { + if (alloc_size > field->data_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "string overflow"); + } + + status = pb_read(stream, (uint8_t*)dest, size); + *((uint8_t*)dest + size) = 0; + return status; +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_dec_submessage(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void *dest) +{ + bool status; + pb_istream_t substream; + const pb_field_t* submsg_fields = (const pb_field_t*)field->ptr; + + if (!pb_make_string_substream(stream, &substream)) + return false; + + if (field->ptr == NULL) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field descriptor"); + + /* New array entries need to be initialized, while required and optional + * submessages have already been initialized in the top-level pb_decode. */ + if (PB_HTYPE(field->type) == PB_HTYPE_REPEATED) + status = pb_decode(&substream, submsg_fields, dest); + else + status = pb_decode_noinit(&substream, submsg_fields, dest); + + pb_close_string_substream(stream, &substream); + return status; +} diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d433155b81e20ab7d0d8e7bd1f9b000d8ba491a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +/* pb_decode.h: Functions to decode protocol buffers. Depends on pb_decode.c. + * The main function is pb_decode. You also need an input stream, and the + * field descriptions created by nanopb_generator.py. + */ + +#ifndef PB_DECODE_H_INCLUDED +#define PB_DECODE_H_INCLUDED + +#include "pb.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* Structure for defining custom input streams. You will need to provide + * a callback function to read the bytes from your storage, which can be + * for example a file or a network socket. + * + * The callback must conform to these rules: + * + * 1) Return false on IO errors. This will cause decoding to abort. + * 2) You can use state to store your own data (e.g. buffer pointer), + * and rely on pb_read to verify that no-body reads past bytes_left. + * 3) Your callback may be used with substreams, in which case bytes_left + * is different than from the main stream. Don't use bytes_left to compute + * any pointers. + */ +struct pb_istream_s +{ +#ifdef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + /* Callback pointer is not used in buffer-only configuration. + * Having an int pointer here allows binary compatibility but + * gives an error if someone tries to assign callback function. + */ + int *callback; +#else + bool (*callback)(pb_istream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf, size_t count); +#endif + + void *state; /* Free field for use by callback implementation */ + size_t bytes_left; + +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + const char *errmsg; +#endif +}; + +/*************************** + * Main decoding functions * + ***************************/ + +/* Decode a single protocol buffers message from input stream into a C structure. + * Returns true on success, false on any failure. + * The actual struct pointed to by dest must match the description in fields. + * Callback fields of the destination structure must be initialized by caller. + * All other fields will be initialized by this function. + * + * Example usage: + * MyMessage msg = {}; + * uint8_t buffer[64]; + * pb_istream_t stream; + * + * // ... read some data into buffer ... + * + * stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, count); + * pb_decode(&stream, MyMessage_fields, &msg); + */ +bool pb_decode(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct); + +/* Same as pb_decode, except does not initialize the destination structure + * to default values. This is slightly faster if you need no default values + * and just do memset(struct, 0, sizeof(struct)) yourself. + * + * This can also be used for 'merging' two messages, i.e. update only the + * fields that exist in the new message. + * + * Note: If this function returns with an error, it will not release any + * dynamically allocated fields. You will need to call pb_release() yourself. + */ +bool pb_decode_noinit(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct); + +/* Same as pb_decode, except expects the stream to start with the message size + * encoded as varint. Corresponds to parseDelimitedFrom() in Google's + * protobuf API. + */ +bool pb_decode_delimited(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct); + +#ifdef PB_ENABLE_MALLOC +/* Release any allocated pointer fields. If you use dynamic allocation, you should + * call this for any successfully decoded message when you are done with it. If + * pb_decode() returns with an error, the message is already released. + */ +void pb_release(const pb_field_t fields[], void *dest_struct); +#endif + + +/************************************** + * Functions for manipulating streams * + **************************************/ + +/* Create an input stream for reading from a memory buffer. + * + * Alternatively, you can use a custom stream that reads directly from e.g. + * a file or a network socket. + */ +pb_istream_t pb_istream_from_buffer(uint8_t *buf, size_t bufsize); + +/* Function to read from a pb_istream_t. You can use this if you need to + * read some custom header data, or to read data in field callbacks. + */ +bool pb_read(pb_istream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf, size_t count); + + +/************************************************ + * Helper functions for writing field callbacks * + ************************************************/ + +/* Decode the tag for the next field in the stream. Gives the wire type and + * field tag. At end of the message, returns false and sets eof to true. */ +bool pb_decode_tag(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t *wire_type, uint32_t *tag, bool *eof); + +/* Skip the field payload data, given the wire type. */ +bool pb_skip_field(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wire_type); + +/* Decode an integer in the varint format. This works for bool, enum, int32, + * int64, uint32 and uint64 field types. */ +bool pb_decode_varint(pb_istream_t *stream, uint64_t *dest); + +/* Decode an integer in the zig-zagged svarint format. This works for sint32 + * and sint64. */ +bool pb_decode_svarint(pb_istream_t *stream, int64_t *dest); + +/* Decode a fixed32, sfixed32 or float value. You need to pass a pointer to + * a 4-byte wide C variable. */ +bool pb_decode_fixed32(pb_istream_t *stream, void *dest); + +/* Decode a fixed64, sfixed64 or double value. You need to pass a pointer to + * a 8-byte wide C variable. */ +bool pb_decode_fixed64(pb_istream_t *stream, void *dest); + +/* Make a limited-length substream for reading a PB_WT_STRING field. */ +bool pb_make_string_substream(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_istream_t *substream); +void pb_close_string_substream(pb_istream_t *stream, pb_istream_t *substream); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} /* extern "C" */ +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc372b8f5771490b22ba6b8bc76f60856f090dd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c @@ -0,0 +1,690 @@ +/* pb_encode.c -- encode a protobuf using minimal resources + * + * 2011 Petteri Aimonen <jpa@kapsi.fi> + */ + +#include "pb.h" +#include "pb_encode.h" +#include "pb_common.h" + +/* Use the GCC warn_unused_result attribute to check that all return values + * are propagated correctly. On other compilers and gcc before 3.4.0 just + * ignore the annotation. + */ +#if !defined(__GNUC__) || ( __GNUC__ < 3) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4) + #define checkreturn +#else + #define checkreturn __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) +#endif + +/************************************** + * Declarations internal to this file * + **************************************/ +typedef bool (*pb_encoder_t)(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) checkreturn; + +static bool checkreturn buf_write(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count); +static bool checkreturn encode_array(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData, size_t count, pb_encoder_t func); +static bool checkreturn encode_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData); +static bool checkreturn default_extension_encoder(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_extension_t *extension); +static bool checkreturn encode_extension_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_varint(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_uvarint(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_svarint(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_fixed32(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_fixed64(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_bytes(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_string(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_submessage(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src); + +/* --- Function pointers to field encoders --- + * Order in the array must match pb_action_t LTYPE numbering. + */ +static const pb_encoder_t PB_ENCODERS[PB_LTYPES_COUNT] = { + &pb_enc_varint, + &pb_enc_uvarint, + &pb_enc_svarint, + &pb_enc_fixed32, + &pb_enc_fixed64, + + &pb_enc_bytes, + &pb_enc_string, + &pb_enc_submessage, + NULL /* extensions */ +}; + +/******************************* + * pb_ostream_t implementation * + *******************************/ + +static bool checkreturn buf_write(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count) +{ + uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t*)stream->state; + stream->state = dest + count; + + while (count--) + *dest++ = *buf++; + + return true; +} + +pb_ostream_t pb_ostream_from_buffer(uint8_t *buf, size_t bufsize) +{ + pb_ostream_t stream; +#ifdef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + stream.callback = (void*)1; /* Just a marker value */ +#else + stream.callback = &buf_write; +#endif + stream.state = buf; + stream.max_size = bufsize; + stream.bytes_written = 0; +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + stream.errmsg = NULL; +#endif + return stream; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_write(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count) +{ + if (stream->callback != NULL) + { + if (stream->bytes_written + count > stream->max_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "stream full"); + +#ifdef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + if (!buf_write(stream, buf, count)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "io error"); +#else + if (!stream->callback(stream, buf, count)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "io error"); +#endif + } + + stream->bytes_written += count; + return true; +} + +/************************* + * Encode a single field * + *************************/ + +/* Encode a static array. Handles the size calculations and possible packing. */ +static bool checkreturn encode_array(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, + const void *pData, size_t count, pb_encoder_t func) +{ + size_t i; + const void *p; + size_t size; + + if (count == 0) + return true; + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) != PB_ATYPE_POINTER && count > field->array_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "array max size exceeded"); + + /* We always pack arrays if the datatype allows it. */ + if (PB_LTYPE(field->type) <= PB_LTYPE_LAST_PACKABLE) + { + if (!pb_encode_tag(stream, PB_WT_STRING, field->tag)) + return false; + + /* Determine the total size of packed array. */ + if (PB_LTYPE(field->type) == PB_LTYPE_FIXED32) + { + size = 4 * count; + } + else if (PB_LTYPE(field->type) == PB_LTYPE_FIXED64) + { + size = 8 * count; + } + else + { + pb_ostream_t sizestream = PB_OSTREAM_SIZING; + p = pData; + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + if (!func(&sizestream, field, p)) + return false; + p = (const char*)p + field->data_size; + } + size = sizestream.bytes_written; + } + + if (!pb_encode_varint(stream, (uint64_t)size)) + return false; + + if (stream->callback == NULL) + return pb_write(stream, NULL, size); /* Just sizing.. */ + + /* Write the data */ + p = pData; + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + if (!func(stream, field, p)) + return false; + p = (const char*)p + field->data_size; + } + } + else + { + p = pData; + for (i = 0; i < count; i++) + { + if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) + return false; + + /* Normally the data is stored directly in the array entries, but + * for pointer-type string and bytes fields, the array entries are + * actually pointers themselves also. So we have to dereference once + * more to get to the actual data. */ + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER && + (PB_LTYPE(field->type) == PB_LTYPE_STRING || + PB_LTYPE(field->type) == PB_LTYPE_BYTES)) + { + if (!func(stream, field, *(const void* const*)p)) + return false; + } + else + { + if (!func(stream, field, p)) + return false; + } + p = (const char*)p + field->data_size; + } + } + + return true; +} + +/* Encode a field with static or pointer allocation, i.e. one whose data + * is available to the encoder directly. */ +static bool checkreturn encode_basic_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, + const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData) +{ + pb_encoder_t func; + const void *pSize; + bool implicit_has = true; + + func = PB_ENCODERS[PB_LTYPE(field->type)]; + + if (field->size_offset) + pSize = (const char*)pData + field->size_offset; + else + pSize = &implicit_has; + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + /* pData is a pointer to the field, which contains pointer to + * the data. If the 2nd pointer is NULL, it is interpreted as if + * the has_field was false. + */ + + pData = *(const void* const*)pData; + implicit_has = (pData != NULL); + } + + switch (PB_HTYPE(field->type)) + { + case PB_HTYPE_REQUIRED: + if (!pData) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "missing required field"); + if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) + return false; + if (!func(stream, field, pData)) + return false; + break; + + case PB_HTYPE_OPTIONAL: + if (*(const bool*)pSize) + { + if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) + return false; + + if (!func(stream, field, pData)) + return false; + } + break; + + case PB_HTYPE_REPEATED: + if (!encode_array(stream, field, pData, *(const pb_size_t*)pSize, func)) + return false; + break; + + case PB_HTYPE_ONEOF: + if (*(const pb_size_t*)pSize == field->tag) + { + if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) + return false; + + if (!func(stream, field, pData)) + return false; + } + break; + + default: + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field type"); + } + + return true; +} + +/* Encode a field with callback semantics. This means that a user function is + * called to provide and encode the actual data. */ +static bool checkreturn encode_callback_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, + const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData) +{ + const pb_callback_t *callback = (const pb_callback_t*)pData; + +#ifdef PB_OLD_CALLBACK_STYLE + const void *arg = callback->arg; +#else + void * const *arg = &(callback->arg); +#endif + + if (callback->funcs.encode != NULL) + { + if (!callback->funcs.encode(stream, field, arg)) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "callback error"); + } + return true; +} + +/* Encode a single field of any callback or static type. */ +static bool checkreturn encode_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, + const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData) +{ + switch (PB_ATYPE(field->type)) + { + case PB_ATYPE_STATIC: + case PB_ATYPE_POINTER: + return encode_basic_field(stream, field, pData); + + case PB_ATYPE_CALLBACK: + return encode_callback_field(stream, field, pData); + + default: + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field type"); + } +} + +/* Default handler for extension fields. Expects to have a pb_field_t + * pointer in the extension->type->arg field. */ +static bool checkreturn default_extension_encoder(pb_ostream_t *stream, + const pb_extension_t *extension) +{ + const pb_field_t *field = (const pb_field_t*)extension->type->arg; + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + { + /* For pointer extensions, the pointer is stored directly + * in the extension structure. This avoids having an extra + * indirection. */ + return encode_field(stream, field, &extension->dest); + } + else + { + return encode_field(stream, field, extension->dest); + } +} + +/* Walk through all the registered extensions and give them a chance + * to encode themselves. */ +static bool checkreturn encode_extension_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, + const pb_field_t *field, const void *pData) +{ + const pb_extension_t *extension = *(const pb_extension_t* const *)pData; + PB_UNUSED(field); + + while (extension) + { + bool status; + if (extension->type->encode) + status = extension->type->encode(stream, extension); + else + status = default_extension_encoder(stream, extension); + + if (!status) + return false; + + extension = extension->next; + } + + return true; +} + +/********************* + * Encode all fields * + *********************/ + +static void *remove_const(const void *p) +{ + /* Note: this casts away const, in order to use the common field iterator + * logic for both encoding and decoding. */ + union { + void *p1; + const void *p2; + } t; + t.p2 = p; + return t.p1; +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct) +{ + pb_field_iter_t iter; + if (!pb_field_iter_begin(&iter, fields, remove_const(src_struct))) + return true; /* Empty message type */ + + do { + if (PB_LTYPE(iter.pos->type) == PB_LTYPE_EXTENSION) + { + /* Special case for the extension field placeholder */ + if (!encode_extension_field(stream, iter.pos, iter.pData)) + return false; + } + else + { + /* Regular field */ + if (!encode_field(stream, iter.pos, iter.pData)) + return false; + } + } while (pb_field_iter_next(&iter)); + + return true; +} + +bool pb_encode_delimited(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct) +{ + return pb_encode_submessage(stream, fields, src_struct); +} + +bool pb_get_encoded_size(size_t *size, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct) +{ + pb_ostream_t stream = PB_OSTREAM_SIZING; + + if (!pb_encode(&stream, fields, src_struct)) + return false; + + *size = stream.bytes_written; + return true; +} + +/******************** + * Helper functions * + ********************/ +bool checkreturn pb_encode_varint(pb_ostream_t *stream, uint64_t value) +{ + uint8_t buffer[10]; + size_t i = 0; + + if (value == 0) + return pb_write(stream, (uint8_t*)&value, 1); + + while (value) + { + buffer[i] = (uint8_t)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); + value >>= 7; + i++; + } + buffer[i-1] &= 0x7F; /* Unset top bit on last byte */ + + return pb_write(stream, buffer, i); +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_svarint(pb_ostream_t *stream, int64_t value) +{ + uint64_t zigzagged; + if (value < 0) + zigzagged = ~((uint64_t)value << 1); + else + zigzagged = (uint64_t)value << 1; + + return pb_encode_varint(stream, zigzagged); +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_fixed32(pb_ostream_t *stream, const void *value) +{ + #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ + const uint8_t *bytes = value; + uint8_t lebytes[4]; + lebytes[0] = bytes[3]; + lebytes[1] = bytes[2]; + lebytes[2] = bytes[1]; + lebytes[3] = bytes[0]; + return pb_write(stream, lebytes, 4); + #else + return pb_write(stream, (const uint8_t*)value, 4); + #endif +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_fixed64(pb_ostream_t *stream, const void *value) +{ + #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ + const uint8_t *bytes = value; + uint8_t lebytes[8]; + lebytes[0] = bytes[7]; + lebytes[1] = bytes[6]; + lebytes[2] = bytes[5]; + lebytes[3] = bytes[4]; + lebytes[4] = bytes[3]; + lebytes[5] = bytes[2]; + lebytes[6] = bytes[1]; + lebytes[7] = bytes[0]; + return pb_write(stream, lebytes, 8); + #else + return pb_write(stream, (const uint8_t*)value, 8); + #endif +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_tag(pb_ostream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wiretype, uint32_t field_number) +{ + uint64_t tag = ((uint64_t)field_number << 3) | wiretype; + return pb_encode_varint(stream, tag); +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_tag_for_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field) +{ + pb_wire_type_t wiretype; + switch (PB_LTYPE(field->type)) + { + case PB_LTYPE_VARINT: + case PB_LTYPE_UVARINT: + case PB_LTYPE_SVARINT: + wiretype = PB_WT_VARINT; + break; + + case PB_LTYPE_FIXED32: + wiretype = PB_WT_32BIT; + break; + + case PB_LTYPE_FIXED64: + wiretype = PB_WT_64BIT; + break; + + case PB_LTYPE_BYTES: + case PB_LTYPE_STRING: + case PB_LTYPE_SUBMESSAGE: + wiretype = PB_WT_STRING; + break; + + default: + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field type"); + } + + return pb_encode_tag(stream, wiretype, field->tag); +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_string(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) +{ + if (!pb_encode_varint(stream, (uint64_t)size)) + return false; + + return pb_write(stream, buffer, size); +} + +bool checkreturn pb_encode_submessage(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct) +{ + /* First calculate the message size using a non-writing substream. */ + pb_ostream_t substream = PB_OSTREAM_SIZING; + size_t size; + bool status; + + if (!pb_encode(&substream, fields, src_struct)) + { +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + stream->errmsg = substream.errmsg; +#endif + return false; + } + + size = substream.bytes_written; + + if (!pb_encode_varint(stream, (uint64_t)size)) + return false; + + if (stream->callback == NULL) + return pb_write(stream, NULL, size); /* Just sizing */ + + if (stream->bytes_written + size > stream->max_size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "stream full"); + + /* Use a substream to verify that a callback doesn't write more than + * what it did the first time. */ + substream.callback = stream->callback; + substream.state = stream->state; + substream.max_size = size; + substream.bytes_written = 0; +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + substream.errmsg = NULL; +#endif + + status = pb_encode(&substream, fields, src_struct); + + stream->bytes_written += substream.bytes_written; + stream->state = substream.state; +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + stream->errmsg = substream.errmsg; +#endif + + if (substream.bytes_written != size) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "submsg size changed"); + + return status; +} + +/* Field encoders */ + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_varint(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + int64_t value = 0; + + /* Cases 1 and 2 are for compilers that have smaller types for bool + * or enums, and for int_size option. */ + switch (field->data_size) + { + case 1: value = *(const int8_t*)src; break; + case 2: value = *(const int16_t*)src; break; + case 4: value = *(const int32_t*)src; break; + case 8: value = *(const int64_t*)src; break; + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid data_size"); + } + + return pb_encode_varint(stream, (uint64_t)value); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_uvarint(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + uint64_t value = 0; + + switch (field->data_size) + { + case 1: value = *(const uint8_t*)src; break; + case 2: value = *(const uint16_t*)src; break; + case 4: value = *(const uint32_t*)src; break; + case 8: value = *(const uint64_t*)src; break; + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid data_size"); + } + + return pb_encode_varint(stream, value); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_svarint(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + int64_t value = 0; + + switch (field->data_size) + { + case 1: value = *(const int8_t*)src; break; + case 2: value = *(const int16_t*)src; break; + case 4: value = *(const int32_t*)src; break; + case 8: value = *(const int64_t*)src; break; + default: PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid data_size"); + } + + return pb_encode_svarint(stream, value); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_fixed64(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + PB_UNUSED(field); + return pb_encode_fixed64(stream, src); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_fixed32(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + PB_UNUSED(field); + return pb_encode_fixed32(stream, src); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_bytes(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + const pb_bytes_array_t *bytes = (const pb_bytes_array_t*)src; + + if (src == NULL) + { + /* Threat null pointer as an empty bytes field */ + return pb_encode_string(stream, NULL, 0); + } + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_STATIC && + PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(bytes->size) > field->data_size) + { + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "bytes size exceeded"); + } + + return pb_encode_string(stream, bytes->bytes, bytes->size); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_string(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + size_t size = 0; + size_t max_size = field->data_size; + const char *p = (const char*)src; + + if (PB_ATYPE(field->type) == PB_ATYPE_POINTER) + max_size = (size_t)-1; + + if (src == NULL) + { + size = 0; /* Threat null pointer as an empty string */ + } + else + { + /* strnlen() is not always available, so just use a loop */ + while (size < max_size && *p != '\0') + { + size++; + p++; + } + } + + return pb_encode_string(stream, (const uint8_t*)src, size); +} + +static bool checkreturn pb_enc_submessage(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, const void *src) +{ + if (field->ptr == NULL) + PB_RETURN_ERROR(stream, "invalid field descriptor"); + + return pb_encode_submessage(stream, (const pb_field_t*)field->ptr, src); +} + diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e992c8dca18a1a0dad29ad1b6450f95e83ceb501 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +/* pb_encode.h: Functions to encode protocol buffers. Depends on pb_encode.c. + * The main function is pb_encode. You also need an output stream, and the + * field descriptions created by nanopb_generator.py. + */ + +#ifndef PB_ENCODE_H_INCLUDED +#define PB_ENCODE_H_INCLUDED + +#include "pb.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* Structure for defining custom output streams. You will need to provide + * a callback function to write the bytes to your storage, which can be + * for example a file or a network socket. + * + * The callback must conform to these rules: + * + * 1) Return false on IO errors. This will cause encoding to abort. + * 2) You can use state to store your own data (e.g. buffer pointer). + * 3) pb_write will update bytes_written after your callback runs. + * 4) Substreams will modify max_size and bytes_written. Don't use them + * to calculate any pointers. + */ +struct pb_ostream_s +{ +#ifdef PB_BUFFER_ONLY + /* Callback pointer is not used in buffer-only configuration. + * Having an int pointer here allows binary compatibility but + * gives an error if someone tries to assign callback function. + * Also, NULL pointer marks a 'sizing stream' that does not + * write anything. + */ + int *callback; +#else + bool (*callback)(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count); +#endif + void *state; /* Free field for use by callback implementation. */ + size_t max_size; /* Limit number of output bytes written (or use SIZE_MAX). */ + size_t bytes_written; /* Number of bytes written so far. */ + +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG + const char *errmsg; +#endif +}; + +/*************************** + * Main encoding functions * + ***************************/ + +/* Encode a single protocol buffers message from C structure into a stream. + * Returns true on success, false on any failure. + * The actual struct pointed to by src_struct must match the description in fields. + * All required fields in the struct are assumed to have been filled in. + * + * Example usage: + * MyMessage msg = {}; + * uint8_t buffer[64]; + * pb_ostream_t stream; + * + * msg.field1 = 42; + * stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); + * pb_encode(&stream, MyMessage_fields, &msg); + */ +bool pb_encode(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct); + +/* Same as pb_encode, but prepends the length of the message as a varint. + * Corresponds to writeDelimitedTo() in Google's protobuf API. + */ +bool pb_encode_delimited(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct); + +/* Encode the message to get the size of the encoded data, but do not store + * the data. */ +bool pb_get_encoded_size(size_t *size, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct); + +/************************************** + * Functions for manipulating streams * + **************************************/ + +/* Create an output stream for writing into a memory buffer. + * The number of bytes written can be found in stream.bytes_written after + * encoding the message. + * + * Alternatively, you can use a custom stream that writes directly to e.g. + * a file or a network socket. + */ +pb_ostream_t pb_ostream_from_buffer(uint8_t *buf, size_t bufsize); + +/* Pseudo-stream for measuring the size of a message without actually storing + * the encoded data. + * + * Example usage: + * MyMessage msg = {}; + * pb_ostream_t stream = PB_OSTREAM_SIZING; + * pb_encode(&stream, MyMessage_fields, &msg); + * printf("Message size is %d\n", stream.bytes_written); + */ +#ifndef PB_NO_ERRMSG +#define PB_OSTREAM_SIZING {0,0,0,0,0} +#else +#define PB_OSTREAM_SIZING {0,0,0,0} +#endif + +/* Function to write into a pb_ostream_t stream. You can use this if you need + * to append or prepend some custom headers to the message. + */ +bool pb_write(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count); + + +/************************************************ + * Helper functions for writing field callbacks * + ************************************************/ + +/* Encode field header based on type and field number defined in the field + * structure. Call this from the callback before writing out field contents. */ +bool pb_encode_tag_for_field(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field); + +/* Encode field header by manually specifing wire type. You need to use this + * if you want to write out packed arrays from a callback field. */ +bool pb_encode_tag(pb_ostream_t *stream, pb_wire_type_t wiretype, uint32_t field_number); + +/* Encode an integer in the varint format. + * This works for bool, enum, int32, int64, uint32 and uint64 field types. */ +bool pb_encode_varint(pb_ostream_t *stream, uint64_t value); + +/* Encode an integer in the zig-zagged svarint format. + * This works for sint32 and sint64. */ +bool pb_encode_svarint(pb_ostream_t *stream, int64_t value); + +/* Encode a string or bytes type field. For strings, pass strlen(s) as size. */ +bool pb_encode_string(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size); + +/* Encode a fixed32, sfixed32 or float value. + * You need to pass a pointer to a 4-byte wide C variable. */ +bool pb_encode_fixed32(pb_ostream_t *stream, const void *value); + +/* Encode a fixed64, sfixed64 or double value. + * You need to pass a pointer to a 8-byte wide C variable. */ +bool pb_encode_fixed64(pb_ostream_t *stream, const void *value); + +/* Encode a submessage field. + * You need to pass the pb_field_t array and pointer to struct, just like + * with pb_encode(). This internally encodes the submessage twice, first to + * calculate message size and then to actually write it out. + */ +bool pb_encode_submessage(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t fields[], const void *src_struct); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} /* extern "C" */ +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.options b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.options new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..469a4c46c08cd312d667cf2c0240cb4b5b96737d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.options @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +grpc.lb.v0.InitialLoadBalanceRequest.name max_size:128 +grpc.lb.v0.InitialLoadBalanceResponse.client_config max_size:64 +grpc.lb.v0.InitialLoadBalanceResponse.load_balancer_delegate max_size:64 +grpc.lb.v0.Server.ip_address max_size:46 +grpc.lb.v0.Server.load_balance_token max_size:64 diff --git a/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.proto b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c96e8d52c6a93314a8ca80708b9e32b3ecf3eeb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.proto @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +syntax = "proto3"; + +package grpc.lb.v0; + +message Duration { + + // Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 + // to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. + int64 seconds = 1; + + // Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span + // of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 + // `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations + // of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be + // of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 + // to +999,999,999 inclusive. + int32 nanos = 2; +} + +service LoadBalancer { + // Bidirectional rpc to get a list of servers. + rpc BalanceLoad(stream LoadBalanceRequest) + returns (stream LoadBalanceResponse); +} + +message LoadBalanceRequest { + oneof load_balance_request_type { + // This message should be sent on the first request to the load balancer. + InitialLoadBalanceRequest initial_request = 1; + + // The client stats should be periodically reported to the load balancer + // based on the duration defined in the InitialLoadBalanceResponse. + ClientStats client_stats = 2; + } +} + +message InitialLoadBalanceRequest { + // Name of load balanced service (IE, service.grpc.gslb.google.com) + string name = 1; +} + +// Contains client level statistics that are useful to load balancing. Each +// count should be reset to zero after reporting the stats. +message ClientStats { + // The total number of requests sent by the client since the last report. + int64 total_requests = 1; + + // The number of client rpc errors since the last report. + int64 client_rpc_errors = 2; + + // The number of dropped requests since the last report. + int64 dropped_requests = 3; +} + +message LoadBalanceResponse { + oneof load_balance_response_type { + // This message should be sent on the first response to the client. + InitialLoadBalanceResponse initial_response = 1; + + // Contains the list of servers selected by the load balancer. The client + // should send requests to these servers in the specified order. + ServerList server_list = 2; + } +} + +message InitialLoadBalanceResponse { + oneof initial_response_type { + // Contains gRPC config options like RPC deadline or flow control. + // TODO(yetianx): Change to ClientConfig after it is defined. + string client_config = 1; + + // This is an application layer redirect that indicates the client should + // use the specified server for load balancing. When this field is set in + // the response, the client should open a separate connection to the + // load_balancer_delegate and call the BalanceLoad method. + string load_balancer_delegate = 2; + } + + // This interval defines how often the client should send the client stats + // to the load balancer. Stats should only be reported when the duration is + // positive. + Duration client_stats_report_interval = 3; +} + +message ServerList { + // Contains a list of servers selected by the load balancer. The list will + // be updated when server resolutions change or as needed to balance load + // across more servers. The client should consume the server list in order + // unless instructed otherwise via the client_config. + repeated Server servers = 1; + + // Indicates the amount of time that the client should consider this server + // list as valid. It may be considered stale after waiting this interval of + // time after receiving the list. If the interval is not positive, the + // client can assume the list is valid until the next list is received. + Duration expiration_interval = 3; +} + +message Server { + // A resolved address and port for the server. The IP address string may + // either be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. + string ip_address = 1; + int32 port = 2; + + // An opaque token that is passed from the client to the server in metadata. + // The server may expect this token to indicate that the request from the + // client was load balanced. + // TODO(yetianx): Not used right now, and will be used after implementing + // load report. + bytes load_balance_token = 3; + + // Indicates whether this particular request should be dropped by the client + // when this server is chosen from the list. + bool drop_request = 4; +} diff --git a/test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.cc b/test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee18cdff88e97ec0c7dfe4d9728203275025f55a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include <gtest/gtest.h> +#include <string> + +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h" +#include "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.pb.h" + +namespace grpc { +namespace { + +using grpc::lb::v0::LoadBalanceRequest; +using grpc::lb::v0::LoadBalanceResponse; + +class GrpclbTest : public ::testing::Test {}; + +TEST_F(GrpclbTest, CreateRequest) { + const std::string service_name = "AServiceName"; + LoadBalanceRequest request; + grpc_grpclb_request* c_req = grpc_grpclb_request_create(service_name.c_str()); + gpr_slice slice = grpc_grpclb_request_encode(c_req); + const int num_bytes_written = GPR_SLICE_LENGTH(slice); + EXPECT_GT(num_bytes_written, 0); + request.ParseFromArray(GPR_SLICE_START_PTR(slice), num_bytes_written); + EXPECT_EQ(request.initial_request().name(), service_name); + gpr_slice_unref(slice); + grpc_grpclb_request_destroy(c_req); +} + +TEST_F(GrpclbTest, ParseResponse) { + LoadBalanceResponse response; + const std::string client_config_str = "I'm a client config"; + auto* initial_response = response.mutable_initial_response(); + initial_response->set_client_config(client_config_str); + auto* client_stats_report_interval = + initial_response->mutable_client_stats_report_interval(); + client_stats_report_interval->set_seconds(123); + client_stats_report_interval->set_nanos(456); + + const std::string encoded_response = response.SerializeAsString(); + gpr_slice encoded_slice = gpr_slice_from_copied_string(encoded_response.c_str()); + grpc_grpclb_response* c_response = + grpc_grpclb_response_parse(encoded_slice); + EXPECT_TRUE(c_response->has_initial_response); + EXPECT_TRUE(c_response->initial_response.has_client_config); + EXPECT_FALSE(c_response->initial_response.has_load_balancer_delegate); + EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c_response->initial_response.client_config, + client_config_str.c_str()) == 0); + EXPECT_EQ(c_response->initial_response.client_stats_report_interval.seconds, + 123); + EXPECT_EQ(c_response->initial_response.client_stats_report_interval.nanos, + 456); + gpr_slice_unref(encoded_slice); + grpc_grpclb_response_destroy(c_response); +} + +TEST_F(GrpclbTest, ParseResponseServerList) { + LoadBalanceResponse response; + auto* serverlist = response.mutable_server_list(); + auto* server = serverlist->add_servers(); + server->set_ip_address(""); + server->set_port(12345); + server->set_drop_request(true); + server = response.mutable_server_list()->add_servers(); + server->set_ip_address(""); + server->set_port(54321); + server->set_drop_request(false); + auto* expiration_interval = serverlist->mutable_expiration_interval(); + expiration_interval->set_seconds(888); + expiration_interval->set_nanos(999); + + const std::string encoded_response = response.SerializeAsString(); + gpr_slice encoded_slice = gpr_slice_from_copied_string(encoded_response.c_str()); + grpc_grpclb_serverlist *c_serverlist = + grpc_grpclb_response_parse_serverlist(encoded_slice); + ASSERT_EQ(c_serverlist->num_servers, 2ul); + EXPECT_TRUE(c_serverlist->servers[0]->has_ip_address); + EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c_serverlist->servers[0]->ip_address, "") == 0); + EXPECT_EQ(c_serverlist->servers[0]->port, 12345); + EXPECT_TRUE(c_serverlist->servers[0]->drop_request); + EXPECT_TRUE(c_serverlist->servers[1]->has_ip_address); + EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(c_serverlist->servers[1]->ip_address, "") == 0); + EXPECT_EQ(c_serverlist->servers[1]->port, 54321); + EXPECT_FALSE(c_serverlist->servers[1]->drop_request); + + EXPECT_TRUE(c_serverlist->expiration_interval.has_seconds); + EXPECT_EQ(c_serverlist->expiration_interval.seconds, 888); + EXPECT_TRUE(c_serverlist->expiration_interval.has_nanos); + EXPECT_EQ(c_serverlist->expiration_interval.nanos, 999); + + gpr_slice_unref(encoded_slice); + grpc_grpclb_destroy_serverlist(c_serverlist); +} + +} // namespace +} // namespace grpc + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); + return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); +} diff --git a/tools/doxygen/Doxyfile.core.internal b/tools/doxygen/Doxyfile.core.internal index 0ab0656265f5887c28ac1a2835891606a29ebf0d..95421e88b6a584564cdc0a275696ac5b84fde25e 100644 --- a/tools/doxygen/Doxyfile.core.internal +++ b/tools/doxygen/Doxyfile.core.internal @@ -793,6 +793,12 @@ src/core/channel/http_server_filter.h \ src/core/channel/noop_filter.h \ src/core/client_config/client_config.h \ src/core/client_config/connector.h \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h \ src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h \ @@ -929,6 +935,11 @@ src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c \ src/core/channel/noop_filter.c \ src/core/client_config/client_config.c \ src/core/client_config/connector.c \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c \ +src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c \ src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c \ diff --git a/tools/run_tests/sources_and_headers.json b/tools/run_tests/sources_and_headers.json index 0f4e4874b7501994bb7a07ea3b5dd9e0af9412e2..09b9e05bcc9a6db6433e1c1ec865fc6fab73ab9b 100644 --- a/tools/run_tests/sources_and_headers.json +++ b/tools/run_tests/sources_and_headers.json @@ -1364,6 +1364,22 @@ "src/compiler/ruby_plugin.cc" ] }, + { + "deps": [ + "gpr", + "grpc", + "grpc++" + ], + "headers": [ + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.grpc.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/protos/load_balancer.pb.h" + ], + "language": "c++", + "name": "grpclb_api_test", + "src": [ + "test/cpp/grpclb/grpclb_api_test.cc" + ] + }, { "deps": [ "gpr", @@ -13283,6 +13299,12 @@ "src/core/channel/noop_filter.h", "src/core/client_config/client_config.h", "src/core/client_config/connector.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h", @@ -13439,6 +13461,17 @@ "src/core/client_config/client_config.h", "src/core/client_config/connector.c", "src/core/client_config/connector.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c", @@ -13792,6 +13825,12 @@ "src/core/channel/noop_filter.h", "src/core/client_config/client_config.h", "src/core/client_config/connector.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h", @@ -13934,6 +13973,17 @@ "src/core/client_config/client_config.h", "src/core/client_config/connector.c", "src/core/client_config/connector.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer.pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_common.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_decode.h", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.c", + "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/nanopb/pb_encode.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.h", "src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c", diff --git a/tools/run_tests/tests.json b/tools/run_tests/tests.json index a8366e05abe741bfbf99d92a8555fb204d8c3e08..9eeddc0fdcc69cde705b270d136cc2991a768093 100644 --- a/tools/run_tests/tests.json +++ b/tools/run_tests/tests.json @@ -1463,6 +1463,24 @@ "windows" ] }, + { + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux", + "mac", + "posix", + "windows" + ], + "exclude_configs": [], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c++", + "name": "grpclb_api_test", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "mac", + "posix", + "windows" + ] + }, { "ci_platforms": [ "linux", diff --git a/vsprojects/vcxproj/grpc/grpc.vcxproj b/vsprojects/vcxproj/grpc/grpc.vcxproj index dc85131dc3f9158106e7567894fdd114e2645129..facd42287377e22d7189bad1237922131b9b08ed 100644 --- a/vsprojects/vcxproj/grpc/grpc.vcxproj +++ b/vsprojects/vcxproj/grpc/grpc.vcxproj @@ -279,6 +279,12 @@ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\core\channel\noop_filter.h" /> <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\src\core\client_config\client_config.h" /> <ClInclude 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