diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb
index da4caa842b6702192ec63ba00a6fc63af58db030..9d753a85abf0e6653800da2cbb0ddf3a6a39d029 100755
--- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb
@@ -265,6 +265,17 @@ class NamedTests
     p 'OK: ping_pong'
+  def timeout_on_sleeping_server
+    msg_sizes = [[27_182, 31_415]]
+    ppp = PingPongPlayer.new(msg_sizes)
+    resps = @stub.full_duplex_call(ppp.each_item, timeout: 0.001)
+    resps.each { |r| ppp.queue.push(r) }
+    fail 'Should have raised GRPC::BadStatus(DEADLINE_EXCEEDED)'
+  rescue GRPC::BadStatus => e
+    assert_equal(e.code, GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED)
+    p "OK: #{__callee__}"
+  end
   def cancel_after_begin
     msg_sizes = [27_182, 8, 1828, 45_904]
     reqs = msg_sizes.map do |x|
@@ -283,7 +294,7 @@ class NamedTests
     ppp = PingPongPlayer.new(msg_sizes)
     op = @stub.full_duplex_call(ppp.each_item, return_op: true)
     ppp.canceller_op = op  # causes ppp to cancel after the 1st message
-    op.execute.each { |r| ppp.queue.push(r) }
+    assert_raises(GRPC::Cancelled) { op.execute.each { |r| ppp.queue.push(r) } }
     assert(op.cancelled, 'call operation was not CANCELLED')
     p 'OK: cancel_after_first_response'
diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_call.c b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_call.c
index 70f0795f29e0e1ada6a79c1d3e01aea77cff74c0..b09d4e2cd954e99bd15edaeec82886a31ca7770c 100644
--- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_call.c
+++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_call.c
@@ -629,13 +629,9 @@ static VALUE grpc_rb_call_run_batch(VALUE self, VALUE cqueue, VALUE tag,
     rb_raise(grpc_rb_eOutOfTime, "grpc_call_start_batch timed out");
     return Qnil;
-  if (!ev.success) {
-    grpc_run_batch_stack_cleanup(&st);
-    rb_raise(grpc_rb_eCallError, "start_batch completion failed");
-    return Qnil;
-  }
-  /* Build and return the BatchResult struct result */
+  /* Build and return the BatchResult struct result,
+     if there is an error, it's reflected in the status */
   result = grpc_run_batch_stack_build_result(&st);
   return result;
diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb
index 215c0069a3f0ceb158454ba8da724730c16d8c1c..17da401c6bb139180a5023d9167f16b84079547c 100644
--- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/active_call.rb
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ module GRPC
     # @param call [Call] a call on which to start and invocation
     # @param q [CompletionQueue] the completion queue
-    # @param deadline [Fixnum,TimeSpec] the deadline
-    def self.client_invoke(call, q, _deadline, **kw)
+    def self.client_invoke(call, q, **kw)
       fail(TypeError, '!Core::Call') unless call.is_a? Core::Call
       unless q.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue
         fail(TypeError, '!Core::CompletionQueue')
@@ -418,7 +417,7 @@ module GRPC
     # @return [Enumerator, nil] a response Enumerator
     def bidi_streamer(requests, **kw, &blk)
       start_call(**kw) unless @started
-      bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal, @deadline)
+      bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal)
       bd.run_on_client(requests, @op_notifier, &blk)
@@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ module GRPC
     # @param gen_each_reply [Proc] generates the BiDi stream replies
     def run_server_bidi(gen_each_reply)
-      bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal, @deadline)
+      bd = BidiCall.new(@call, @cq, @marshal, @unmarshal)
@@ -456,7 +455,7 @@ module GRPC
     # Starts the call if not already started
     def start_call(**kw)
       return if @started
-      @metadata_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(@call, @cq, @deadline, **kw)
+      @metadata_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(@call, @cq, **kw)
       @started = true
diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb
index 3b0c71395cea560be04572b312bfa87a55e92947..9dbbb74caff191cce3fcf31cdf52d1b949f4a0be 100644
--- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb
@@ -56,15 +56,13 @@ module GRPC
     #          the call
     # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshal requests
     # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
-    # @param deadline [Fixnum] the deadline for the call to complete
-    def initialize(call, q, marshal, unmarshal, deadline)
+    def initialize(call, q, marshal, unmarshal)
       fail(ArgumentError, 'not a call') unless call.is_a? Core::Call
       unless q.is_a? Core::CompletionQueue
         fail(ArgumentError, 'not a CompletionQueue')
       @call = call
       @cq = q
-      @deadline = deadline
       @marshal = marshal
       @op_notifier = nil  # signals completion on clients
       @readq = Queue.new
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ module GRPC
     # @param gen_each_reply [Proc] generates the BiDi stream replies.
     def run_on_server(gen_each_reply)
       replys = gen_each_reply.call(each_queued_msg)
-      @loop_th = start_read_loop
+      @loop_th = start_read_loop(is_client: false)
       write_loop(replys, is_client: false)
@@ -127,7 +125,7 @@ module GRPC
         count += 1
         req = @readq.pop
         GRPC.logger.debug("each_queued_msg: req = #{req}")
-        throw req if req.is_a? StandardError
+        fail req if req.is_a? StandardError
         break if req.equal?(END_OF_READS)
         yield req
@@ -147,12 +145,9 @@ module GRPC
       GRPC.logger.debug("bidi-write-loop: #{count} writes done")
       if is_client
         GRPC.logger.debug("bidi-write-loop: client sent #{count}, waiting")
-        batch_result = @call.run_batch(@cq, write_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE,
-                                       SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil,
-                                       RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
-        @call.status = batch_result.status
-        batch_result.check_status
-        GRPC.logger.debug("bidi-write-loop: done status #{@call.status}")
+        @call.run_batch(@cq, write_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE,
+                        SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil)
+        GRPC.logger.debug('bidi-write-loop: done')
       GRPC.logger.debug('bidi-write-loop: finished')
@@ -164,7 +159,7 @@ module GRPC
     # starts the read loop
-    def start_read_loop
+    def start_read_loop(is_client: true)
       Thread.new do
         GRPC.logger.debug('bidi-read-loop: starting')
@@ -177,9 +172,19 @@ module GRPC
             # TODO: ensure metadata is read if available, currently it's not
             batch_result = @call.run_batch(@cq, read_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE,
                                            RECV_MESSAGE => nil)
             # handle the next message
             if batch_result.message.nil?
               GRPC.logger.debug("bidi-read-loop: null batch #{batch_result}")
+              if is_client
+                batch_result = @call.run_batch(@cq, read_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE,
+                                               RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
+                @call.status = batch_result.status
+                batch_result.check_status
+                GRPC.logger.debug("bidi-read-loop: done status #{@call.status}")
+              end
               GRPC.logger.debug('bidi-read-loop: done reading!')
diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb
index cce718537cdf55e45e0339d4100a19d7ea076885..24ec1793f63e3f8238f162f8bbcf1576f4962630 100644
--- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/client_stub.rb
@@ -161,15 +161,21 @@ module GRPC
     # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests
     # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
     # @param timeout [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds
+    # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete
     # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata
     #   will be propagated by this one.
     # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true
     # @return [Object] the response received from the server
-    def request_response(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, timeout = nil,
+    def request_response(method, req, marshal, unmarshal,
+                         deadline: nil,
+                         timeout: nil,
                          return_op: false,
                          parent: parent,
-      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, timeout, parent: parent)
+      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal,
+                          deadline: deadline,
+                          timeout: timeout,
+                          parent: parent)
       kw_with_jwt_uri = self.class.update_with_jwt_aud_uri(kw, @host, method)
       md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw_with_jwt_uri)
       return c.request_response(req, **md) unless return_op
@@ -222,16 +228,22 @@ module GRPC
     # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send
     # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests
     # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
-    # @param timeout [Numeric] the max completion time in seconds
+    # @param timeout [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds
+    # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete
     # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true
     # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata
     #   will be propagated by this one.
     # @return [Object|Operation] the response received from the server
-    def client_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, timeout = nil,
+    def client_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal,
+                        deadline: nil,
+                        timeout: nil,
                         return_op: false,
                         parent: nil,
-      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, timeout, parent: parent)
+      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal,
+                          deadline: deadline,
+                          timeout: timeout,
+                          parent: parent)
       kw_with_jwt_uri = self.class.update_with_jwt_aud_uri(kw, @host, method)
       md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw_with_jwt_uri)
       return c.client_streamer(requests, **md) unless return_op
@@ -292,18 +304,24 @@ module GRPC
     # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server
     # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests
     # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
-    # @param timeout [Numeric] the max completion time in seconds
+    # @param timeout [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds
+    # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete
     # @param return_op [true|false]return an Operation if true
     # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata
     #   will be propagated by this one.
     # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response
     # @return [Enumerator|Operation|nil] as discussed above
-    def server_streamer(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, timeout = nil,
+    def server_streamer(method, req, marshal, unmarshal,
+                        deadline: nil,
+                        timeout: nil,
                         return_op: false,
                         parent: nil,
-      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, timeout, parent: parent)
+      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal,
+                          deadline: deadline,
+                          timeout: timeout,
+                          parent: parent)
       kw_with_jwt_uri = self.class.update_with_jwt_aud_uri(kw, @host, method)
       md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw_with_jwt_uri)
       return c.server_streamer(req, **md, &blk) unless return_op
@@ -404,17 +422,23 @@ module GRPC
     # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests
     # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
     # @param timeout [Numeric] (optional) the max completion time in seconds
+    # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete
     # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata
     #   will be propagated by this one.
     # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true
     # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response
     # @return [Enumerator|nil|Operation] as discussed above
-    def bidi_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, timeout = nil,
+    def bidi_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal,
+                      deadline: nil,
+                      timeout: nil,
                       return_op: false,
                       parent: nil,
-      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, timeout, parent: parent)
+      c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal,
+                          deadline: deadline,
+                          timeout: timeout,
+                          parent: parent)
       kw_with_jwt_uri = self.class.update_with_jwt_aud_uri(kw, @host, method)
       md = @update_metadata.nil? ? kw : @update_metadata.call(kw_with_jwt_uri)
       return c.bidi_streamer(requests, **md, &blk) unless return_op
@@ -438,8 +462,13 @@ module GRPC
     # @param parent [Grpc::Call] a parent call, available when calls are
     #   made from server
     # @param timeout [TimeConst]
-    def new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, timeout = nil, parent: nil)
-      deadline = from_relative_time(timeout.nil? ? @timeout : timeout)
+    def new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal,
+                        deadline: nil,
+                        timeout: nil,
+                        parent: nil)
+      if deadline.nil?
+        deadline = from_relative_time(timeout.nil? ? @timeout : timeout)
+      end
       call = @ch.create_call(@queue,
                              parent, # parent call
                              @propagate_mask, # propagation options
diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb
index 3b9743ea668c1facc90810c7b9d5beb8bfc736ad..80ff669cca63fec2516f7e1d0799e3dfc0b11065 100644
--- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/service.rb
@@ -174,26 +174,24 @@ module GRPC
             unmarshal = desc.unmarshal_proc(:output)
             route = "/#{route_prefix}/#{name}"
             if desc.request_response?
-              define_method(mth_name) do |req, deadline = nil, **kw|
+              define_method(mth_name) do |req, **kw|
                 GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
-                request_response(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, **kw)
+                request_response(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, **kw)
             elsif desc.client_streamer?
-              define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, deadline = nil, **kw|
+              define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, **kw|
                 GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
-                client_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, **kw)
+                client_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, **kw)
             elsif desc.server_streamer?
-              define_method(mth_name) do |req, deadline = nil, **kw, &blk|
+              define_method(mth_name) do |req, **kw, &blk|
                 GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
-                server_streamer(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, **kw,
-                                &blk)
+                server_streamer(route, req, marshal, unmarshal, **kw, &blk)
             else  # is a bidi_stream
-              define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, deadline = nil, **kw, &blk|
+              define_method(mth_name) do |reqs, **kw, &blk|
                 GRPC.logger.debug("calling #{@host}:#{route}")
-                bidi_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, **kw,
-                              &blk)
+                bidi_streamer(route, reqs, marshal, unmarshal, **kw, &blk)
diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb
index 0bf65ba2e9404fa2c4b4da27e56d3e537255b8ef..26208b714a41a421261459ff85d158ea7657456d 100644
--- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/active_call_spec.rb
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
   describe 'restricted view methods' do
     before(:each) do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       @client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                     @pass_through, deadline,
                                     metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
   describe '#remote_send' do
     it 'allows a client to send a payload to the server' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       @client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                     @pass_through, deadline,
                                     metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'marshals the payload using the marshal func' do
       call = make_test_call
-      ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       marshal = proc { |x| 'marshalled:' + x }
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, marshal,
                                    @pass_through, deadline)
@@ -134,8 +134,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
   describe '#client_invoke' do
     it 'sends keywords as metadata to the server when the are present' do
       call = make_test_call
-      ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline,
-                               k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2')
+      ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2')
       recvd_rpc =  @server.request_call(@server_queue, @server_tag, deadline)
       recvd_call = recvd_rpc.call
       expect(recvd_call).to_not be_nil
@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
   describe '#remote_read' do
     it 'reads the response sent by a server' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'saves no metadata when the server adds no metadata' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'saves metadata add by the server' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'get a nil msg before a status when an OK status is sent' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -209,7 +208,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'unmarshals the response using the unmarshal func' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       unmarshal = proc { |x| 'unmarshalled:' + x }
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    unmarshal, deadline,
@@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'the returns an enumerator that can read n responses' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'the returns an enumerator that stops after an OK Status' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
   describe '#writes_done' do
     it 'finishes ok if the server sends a status response' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'finishes ok if the server sends an early status response' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
@@ -307,7 +306,7 @@ describe GRPC::ActiveCall do
     it 'finishes ok if writes_done is true' do
       call = make_test_call
-      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue, deadline)
+      md_tag = ActiveCall.client_invoke(call, @client_queue)
       client_call = ActiveCall.new(call, @client_queue, @pass_through,
                                    @pass_through, deadline,
                                    metadata_tag: md_tag)
diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb
index 68d4b117905c44ad7edff98c377999f9bdec3233..edcc962a7dbc3e7c5cd66f1245c02cd4315bd0fe 100644
--- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/client_stub_spec.rb
@@ -408,6 +408,26 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
       it_behaves_like 'bidi streaming'
+    describe 'without enough time to run' do
+      before(:each) do
+        @sent_msgs = Array.new(3) { |i| 'msg_' + (i + 1).to_s }
+        @replys = Array.new(3) { |i| 'reply_' + (i + 1).to_s }
+        server_port = create_test_server
+        @host = "localhost:#{server_port}"
+      end
+      it 'should fail with DeadlineExceeded', bidi: true do
+        @server.start
+        stub = GRPC::ClientStub.new(@host, @cq)
+        blk = proc do
+          e = stub.bidi_streamer(@method, @sent_msgs, noop, noop,
+                                 timeout: 0.001)
+          e.collect { |r| r }
+        end
+        expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::BadStatus, /Deadline Exceeded/
+      end
+    end
   def run_server_streamer(expected_input, replys, status, **kw)
diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb
index 0326f6e894b32ddcaf673c8487b2136de890f902..1295fd7fddcf94e42ff1792551a61666d14d25f3 100644
--- a/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb
@@ -396,8 +396,9 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do
         req = EchoMsg.new
         stub = SlowStub.new(@host, **client_opts)
-        deadline = service.delay + 1.0 # wait for long enough
-        expect(stub.an_rpc(req, deadline, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2')).to be_a(EchoMsg)
+        timeout = service.delay + 1.0 # wait for long enough
+        resp = stub.an_rpc(req, timeout: timeout, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2')
+        expect(resp).to be_a(EchoMsg)
         wanted_md = [{ 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2' }]
         check_md(wanted_md, service.received_md)
@@ -411,8 +412,8 @@ describe GRPC::RpcServer do
         req = EchoMsg.new
         stub = SlowStub.new(@host, **client_opts)
-        deadline = 0.1  # too short for SlowService to respond
-        blk = proc { stub.an_rpc(req, deadline, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') }
+        timeout = 0.1  # too short for SlowService to respond
+        blk = proc { stub.an_rpc(req, timeout: timeout, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2') }
         expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::BadStatus
         wanted_md = []
         expect(service.received_md).to eq(wanted_md)