diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb
index 228c500672b859499596e8e769e0f40929ba71df..0e318bd53b8fb5e693a40af13cc8d35f1783ed79 100644
--- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb
+++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb
@@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ module GRPC
           an_rpc = @server.request_call(@cq, loop_tag, INFINITE_FUTURE)
           break if (!an_rpc.nil?) && an_rpc.call.nil?
-          c = new_active_server_call(an_rpc)
-          unless c.nil?
-            mth = an_rpc.method.to_sym
-            @pool.schedule(c) do |call|
-              rpc_descs[mth].run_server_method(call, rpc_handlers[mth])
+          active_call = new_active_server_call(an_rpc)
+          unless active_call.nil?
+            @pool.schedule(active_call) do |ac|
+              c, mth = ac
+              rpc_descs[mth].run_server_method(c, rpc_handlers[mth])
         rescue Core::CallError, RuntimeError => e
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ module GRPC
       # allow the metadata to be accessed from the call
       handle_call_tag = Object.new
       an_rpc.call.metadata = an_rpc.metadata  # attaches md to call for handlers
+      GRPC.logger.debug("call md is #{an_rpc.metadata}")
       connect_md = nil
       unless @connect_md_proc.nil?
         connect_md = @connect_md_proc.call(an_rpc.method, an_rpc.metadata)
@@ -454,9 +455,11 @@ module GRPC
       # Create the ActiveCall
       GRPC.logger.info("deadline is #{an_rpc.deadline}; (now=#{Time.now})")
       rpc_desc = rpc_descs[an_rpc.method.to_sym]
-      ActiveCall.new(an_rpc.call, @cq,
-                     rpc_desc.marshal_proc, rpc_desc.unmarshal_proc(:input),
-                     an_rpc.deadline)
+      c = ActiveCall.new(an_rpc.call, @cq,
+                         rpc_desc.marshal_proc, rpc_desc.unmarshal_proc(:input),
+                         an_rpc.deadline)
+      mth = an_rpc.method.to_sym
+      [c, mth]