diff --git a/test/core/end2end/tests/hpack_size.c b/test/core/end2end/tests/hpack_size.c
index ee889b77a1ca5b4671e5a8fac0762914ffc12002..7ff0461f5f6010088ba14c554b8e2995dc900f30 100644
--- a/test/core/end2end/tests/hpack_size.c
+++ b/test/core/end2end/tests/hpack_size.c
@@ -49,187 +49,142 @@
 static void *tag(intptr_t t) { return (void *)t; }
-const char *hobbits[][2] = {{"Adaldrida", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Adamanta", "Took"},
-                            {"Adalgrim", "Took"},
-                            {"Adelard", "Took"},
-                            {"Amaranth", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Andwise", "Roper"},
-                            {"Angelica", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Asphodel", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Balbo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Bandobras", "Took"},
-                            {"Belba", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Bell", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Belladonna", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Berylla", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Bilbo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Bilbo", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Bill", "Butcher"},
-                            {"Bingo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Bodo", "Proudfoot"},
-                            {"Bowman", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Bungo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Camellia", "Sackville"},
-                            {"Carl", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Celandine", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Chica", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Daddy", "Twofoot"},
-                            {"Daisy", "Boffin"},
-                            {"Diamond", "Took"},
-                            {"Dinodas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Doderic", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Dodinas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Donnamira", "Boffin"},
-                            {"Dora", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Drogo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Dudo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Eglantine", "Took"},
-                            {"Elanor", "Fairbairn"},
-                            {"Elfstan", "Fairbairn"},
-                            {"Esmeralda", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Estella", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Everard", "Took"},
-                            {"Falco", "Chubb-Baggins"},
-                            {"Faramir", "Took"},
-                            {"Farmer", "Maggot"},
-                            {"Fastolph", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Ferdibrand", "Took"},
-                            {"Ferdinand", "Took"},
-                            {"Ferumbras", "Took"},
-                            {"Ferumbras", "Took"},
-                            {"Filibert", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Firiel", "Fairbairn"},
-                            {"Flambard", "Took"},
-                            {"Folco", "Boffin"},
-                            {"Fortinbras", "Took"},
-                            {"Fortinbras", "Took"},
-                            {"Fosco", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Fredegar", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Frodo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Frodo", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Gerontius", "Took"},
-                            {"Gilly", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Goldilocks", "Took"},
-                            {"Gorbadoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Gorbulas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Gorhendad", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Gormadoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Griffo", "Boffin"},
-                            {"Halfast", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Halfred", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Halfred", "Greenhand"},
-                            {"Hanna", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Hamfast", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Hamfast", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Hamson", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Harding", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Hilda", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Hildibrand", "Took"},
-                            {"Hildifons", "Took"},
-                            {"Hildigard", "Took"},
-                            {"Hildigrim", "Took"},
-                            {"Hob", "Gammidge"},
-                            {"Hob", "Hayward"},
-                            {"Hobson", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Holfast", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Holman", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Holman", "Greenhand"},
-                            {"Hugo", "Boffin"},
-                            {"Hugo", "Bracegirdle"},
-                            {"Ilberic", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Isembard", "Took"},
-                            {"Isembold", "Took"},
-                            {"Isengar", "Took"},
-                            {"Isengrim", "Took"},
-                            {"Isengrim", "Took"},
-                            {"Isumbras", "Took"},
-                            {"Isumbras", "Took"},
-                            {"Jolly", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Lalia", "Took"},
-                            {"Largo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Laura", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Lily", "Goodbody"},
-                            {"Lily", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Linda", "Proudfoot"},
-                            {"Lobelia", "Sackville-Baggins"},
-                            {"Longo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Lotho", "Sackville-Baggins"},
-                            {"Madoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Malva", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Marigold", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Marmadas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Marmadoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Marroc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"May", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Melilot", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Menegilda", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Mentha", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Meriadoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Merimac", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Merimas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Merry", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Milo", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Mimosa", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Minto", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Mirabella", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Moro", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Mosco", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Mungo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Myrtle", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Odo", "Proudfoot"},
-                            {"Odovacar", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Olo", "Proudfoot"},
-                            {"Orgulas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Otho", "Sackville-Baggins"},
-                            {"Paladin", "Took"},
-                            {"Pansy", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Pearl", "Took"},
-                            {"Peony", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Peregrin", "Took"},
-                            {"Pervinca", "Took"},
-                            {"Pimpernel", "Took"},
-                            {"Pippin", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Polo", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Ponto", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Porto", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Posco", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Poppy", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Primrose", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Primula", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Prisca", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Reginard", "Took"},
-                            {"Robin", "Smallburrow"},
-                            {"Robin", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Rorimac", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Rosa", "Took"},
-                            {"Rosamunda", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Rose", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Ruby", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Ruby", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Rudigar", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Rufus", "Burrows"},
-                            {"Sadoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Salvia", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Samwise", "Gamgee"},
-                            {"Sancho", "Proudfoot"},
-                            {"Saradas", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Saradoc", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Seredic", "Brandybuck"},
-                            {"Sigismond", "Took"},
-                            {"Smeagol", "Gollum"},
-                            {"Tanta", "Baggins"},
-                            {"Ted", "Sandyman"},
-                            {"Tobold", "Hornblower"},
-                            {"Togo", "Goodbody"},
-                            {"Tolman", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Tolman", "Gardner"},
-                            {"Widow", "Rumble"},
-                            {"Wilcome", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Wilcome", "Cotton"},
-                            {"Wilibald", "Bolger"},
-                            {"Will", "Whitfoot"},
-                            {"Wiseman", "Gamwich"}};
+const char *hobbits[][2] = {
+    {"Adaldrida", "Brandybuck"}, {"Adamanta", "Took"},
+    {"Adalgrim", "Took"},        {"Adelard", "Took"},
+    {"Amaranth", "Brandybuck"},  {"Andwise", "Roper"},
+    {"Angelica", "Baggins"},     {"Asphodel", "Burrows"},
+    {"Balbo", "Baggins"},        {"Bandobras", "Took"},
+    {"Belba", "Bolger"},         {"Bell", "Gamgee"},
+    {"Belladonna", "Baggins"},   {"Berylla", "Baggins"},
+    {"Bilbo", "Baggins"},        {"Bilbo", "Gardner"},
+    {"Bill", "Butcher"},         {"Bingo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Bodo", "Proudfoot"},       {"Bowman", "Cotton"},
+    {"Bungo", "Baggins"},        {"Camellia", "Sackville"},
+    {"Carl", "Cotton"},          {"Celandine", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Chica", "Baggins"},        {"Daddy", "Twofoot"},
+    {"Daisy", "Boffin"},         {"Diamond", "Took"},
+    {"Dinodas", "Brandybuck"},   {"Doderic", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Dodinas", "Brandybuck"},   {"Donnamira", "Boffin"},
+    {"Dora", "Baggins"},         {"Drogo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Dudo", "Baggins"},         {"Eglantine", "Took"},
+    {"Elanor", "Fairbairn"},     {"Elfstan", "Fairbairn"},
+    {"Esmeralda", "Brandybuck"}, {"Estella", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Everard", "Took"},         {"Falco", "Chubb-Baggins"},
+    {"Faramir", "Took"},         {"Farmer", "Maggot"},
+    {"Fastolph", "Bolger"},      {"Ferdibrand", "Took"},
+    {"Ferdinand", "Took"},       {"Ferumbras", "Took"},
+    {"Ferumbras", "Took"},       {"Filibert", "Bolger"},
+    {"Firiel", "Fairbairn"},     {"Flambard", "Took"},
+    {"Folco", "Boffin"},         {"Fortinbras", "Took"},
+    {"Fortinbras", "Took"},      {"Fosco", "Baggins"},
+    {"Fredegar", "Bolger"},      {"Frodo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Frodo", "Gardner"},        {"Gerontius", "Took"},
+    {"Gilly", "Baggins"},        {"Goldilocks", "Took"},
+    {"Gorbadoc", "Brandybuck"},  {"Gorbulas", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Gorhendad", "Brandybuck"}, {"Gormadoc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Griffo", "Boffin"},        {"Halfast", "Gamgee"},
+    {"Halfred", "Gamgee"},       {"Halfred", "Greenhand"},
+    {"Hanna", "Brandybuck"},     {"Hamfast", "Gamgee"},
+    {"Hamfast", "Gardner"},      {"Hamson", "Gamgee"},
+    {"Harding", "Gardner"},      {"Hilda", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Hildibrand", "Took"},      {"Hildifons", "Took"},
+    {"Hildigard", "Took"},       {"Hildigrim", "Took"},
+    {"Hob", "Gammidge"},         {"Hob", "Hayward"},
+    {"Hobson", "Gamgee"},        {"Holfast", "Gardner"},
+    {"Holman", "Cotton"},        {"Holman", "Greenhand"},
+    {"Hugo", "Boffin"},          {"Hugo", "Bracegirdle"},
+    {"Ilberic", "Brandybuck"},   {"Isembard", "Took"},
+    {"Isembold", "Took"},        {"Isengar", "Took"},
+    {"Isengrim", "Took"},        {"Isengrim", "Took"},
+    {"Isumbras", "Took"},        {"Isumbras", "Took"},
+    {"Jolly", "Cotton"},
+    /*
+    {"Lalia", "Took"},
+    {"Largo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Laura", "Baggins"},
+    {"Lily", "Goodbody"},
+    {"Lily", "Cotton"},
+    {"Linda", "Proudfoot"},
+    {"Lobelia", "Sackville-Baggins"},
+    {"Longo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Lotho", "Sackville-Baggins"},
+    {"Madoc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Malva", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Marigold", "Cotton"},
+    {"Marmadas", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Marmadoc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Marroc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"May", "Gamgee"},
+    {"Melilot", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Menegilda", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Mentha", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Meriadoc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Merimac", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Merimas", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Merry", "Gardner"},
+    {"Milo", "Burrows"},
+    {"Mimosa", "Baggins"},
+    {"Minto", "Burrows"},
+    {"Mirabella", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Moro", "Burrows"},
+    {"Mosco", "Burrows"},
+    {"Mungo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Myrtle", "Burrows"},
+    {"Odo", "Proudfoot"},
+    {"Odovacar", "Bolger"},
+    {"Olo", "Proudfoot"},
+    {"Orgulas", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Otho", "Sackville-Baggins"},
+    {"Paladin", "Took"},
+    {"Pansy", "Bolger"},
+    {"Pearl", "Took"},
+    {"Peony", "Burrows"},
+    {"Peregrin", "Took"},
+    {"Pervinca", "Took"},
+    {"Pimpernel", "Took"},
+    {"Pippin", "Gardner"},
+    {"Polo", "Baggins"},
+    {"Ponto", "Baggins"},
+    {"Porto", "Baggins"},
+    {"Posco", "Baggins"},
+    {"Poppy", "Bolger"},
+    {"Primrose", "Gardner"},
+    {"Primula", "Baggins"},
+    {"Prisca", "Bolger"},
+    {"Reginard", "Took"},
+    {"Robin", "Smallburrow"},
+    {"Robin", "Gardner"},
+    {"Rorimac", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Rosa", "Took"},
+    {"Rosamunda", "Bolger"},
+    {"Rose", "Gardner"},
+    {"Ruby", "Baggins"},
+    {"Ruby", "Gardner"},
+    {"Rudigar", "Bolger"},
+    {"Rufus", "Burrows"},
+    {"Sadoc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Salvia", "Bolger"},
+    {"Samwise", "Gamgee"},
+    {"Sancho", "Proudfoot"},
+    {"Saradas", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Saradoc", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Seredic", "Brandybuck"},
+    {"Sigismond", "Took"},
+    {"Smeagol", "Gollum"},
+    {"Tanta", "Baggins"},
+    {"Ted", "Sandyman"},
+    {"Tobold", "Hornblower"},
+    {"Togo", "Goodbody"},
+    {"Tolman", "Cotton"},
+    {"Tolman", "Gardner"},
+    {"Widow", "Rumble"},
+    {"Wilcome", "Cotton"},
+    {"Wilcome", "Cotton"},
+    {"Wilibald", "Bolger"},
+    {"Will", "Whitfoot"},
+    {"Wiseman", "Gamwich"}*/
 const char *dragons[] = {"Ancalagon", "Glaurung", "Scatha",
                          "Smaug the Magnificent"};
diff --git a/test/core/fling/client.c b/test/core/fling/client.c
index 123f2b5bbed998b6988ff5ee6fc6e50d07ecaf1e..bcc195a92f99c9ea04ffe54fc0feaa8b9f294246 100644
--- a/test/core/fling/client.c
+++ b/test/core/fling/client.c
@@ -177,12 +177,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   fake_argv[0] = argv[0];
   grpc_test_init(1, fake_argv);
+  int warmup_seconds = 1;
+  int benchmark_seconds = 5;
   cl = gpr_cmdline_create("fling client");
   gpr_cmdline_add_int(cl, "payload_size", "Size of the payload to send",
   gpr_cmdline_add_string(cl, "target", "Target host:port", &target);
   gpr_cmdline_add_flag(cl, "secure", "Run with security?", &secure);
   gpr_cmdline_add_string(cl, "scenario", "Scenario", &scenario_name);
+  gpr_cmdline_add_int(cl, "warmup", "Warmup seconds", &warmup_seconds);
+  gpr_cmdline_add_int(cl, "benchmark", "Benchmark seconds", &benchmark_seconds);
   gpr_cmdline_parse(cl, argc, argv);
@@ -206,8 +211,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  gpr_timespec end_warmup = GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_TO_DEADLINE(3);
-  gpr_timespec end_profiling = GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_TO_DEADLINE(30);
+  gpr_timespec end_warmup = GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_TO_DEADLINE(warmup_seconds);
+  gpr_timespec end_profiling =
+      GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_TO_DEADLINE(warmup_seconds + benchmark_seconds);
   while (gpr_time_cmp(gpr_now(end_warmup.clock_type), end_warmup) < 0) {
diff --git a/test/core/support/tls_test.c b/test/core/support/tls_test.c
index 7b732ee10eaadf7a209c9d030f129d772f942727..2acc302ef2894b226db256702ea8e404b65bf2c1 100644
--- a/test/core/support/tls_test.c
+++ b/test/core/support/tls_test.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static void thd_body(void *arg) {
   GPR_ASSERT(gpr_tls_get(&test_var) == 0);
-  for (i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
+  for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
     gpr_tls_set(&test_var, i);
     GPR_ASSERT(gpr_tls_get(&test_var) == i);
diff --git a/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c b/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c
index 98e486c69cce0982ef00e4842ba77d4fc4b57ddf..75b0ef4629029689efaec9b0dff67e19e604f160 100644
--- a/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c
+++ b/test/core/transport/chttp2/hpack_table_test.c
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ static void test_many_additions(void) {
-  for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
+  for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
     grpc_mdelem *elem;
     gpr_asprintf(&key, "K:%d", i);
     gpr_asprintf(&value, "VALUE:%d", i);