[](https://cocoapods.org/pods/gRPC) # gRPC for Objective-C - [Write your API declaration in proto format](#write-protos) - [Integrate a proto library in your project](#cocoapods) - [Use the generated library in your code](#use) - [Use gRPC without Protobuf](#no-proto) - [Alternatives to the steps above](#alternatives) - [Install protoc with the gRPC plugin](#install) - [Install protoc and the gRPC plugin without using Homebrew](#no-homebrew) - [Integrate the generated gRPC library without using Cocoapods](#no-cocoapods) While gRPC doesn't require the use of an IDL to describe the API of services, using one simplifies usage and adds some interoperability guarantees. Here we use [Protocol Buffers][], and provide a plugin for the Protobuf Compiler (_protoc_) to generate client libraries to communicate with gRPC services. <a name="write-protos"></a> ## Write your API declaration in proto format For this you can consult the [Protocol Buffers][]' official documentation, or learn from a quick example [here](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/examples#defining-a-service). <a name="cocoapods"></a> ## Integrate a proto library in your project Install [Cocoapods](https://cocoapods.org/#install). You need to create a Podspec file for your proto library. You may simply copy the following example to the directory where your `.proto` files are located, updating the name, version and license as necessary. You also need to set the `pods_root` variable to the correct value, depending on where you place this podspec relative to your Podfile. ```ruby Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = '<Podspec file name>' s.version = '0.0.1' s.license = '...' s.authors = { '<your name>' => '<your email>' } s.homepage = '...' s.summary = '...' s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/...' } s.ios.deployment_target = '7.1' s.osx.deployment_target = '10.9' # Base directory where the .proto files are. src = '.' # We'll use protoc with the gRPC plugin. s.dependency '!ProtoCompiler-gRPCPlugin', '~> 1.0' # Pods directory corresponding to this app's Podfile, relative to the location of this podspec. pods_root = '<path to your Podfile>/Pods' # Path where Cocoapods downloads protoc and the gRPC plugin. protoc_dir = "#{pods_root}/!ProtoCompiler" protoc = "#{protoc_dir}/protoc" plugin = "#{pods_root}/!ProtoCompiler-gRPCPlugin/grpc_objective_c_plugin" # Directory where you want the generated files to be placed. This is an example. dir = "#{pods_root}/#{s.name}" # Run protoc with the Objective-C and gRPC plugins to generate protocol messages and gRPC clients. # You can run this command manually if you later change your protos and need to regenerate. # Alternatively, you can advance the version of this podspec and run `pod update`. s.prepare_command = <<-CMD mkdir -p #{dir} #{protoc} \ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=#{plugin} \ --objc_out=#{dir} \ --grpc_out=#{dir} \ -I #{src} \ -I #{protoc_dir} \ #{src}/*.proto CMD # The --objc_out plugin generates a pair of .pbobjc.h/.pbobjc.m files for each .proto file. s.subspec 'Messages' do |ms| ms.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbobjc.{h,m}" ms.header_mappings_dir = dir ms.requires_arc = false # The generated files depend on the protobuf runtime. ms.dependency 'Protobuf' end # The --objcgrpc_out plugin generates a pair of .pbrpc.h/.pbrpc.m files for each .proto file with # a service defined. s.subspec 'Services' do |ss| ss.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbrpc.{h,m}" ss.header_mappings_dir = dir ss.requires_arc = true # The generated files depend on the gRPC runtime, and on the files generated by `--objc_out`. ss.dependency 'gRPC-ProtoRPC' ss.dependency "#{s.name}/Messages" end s.pod_target_xcconfig = { # This is needed by all pods that depend on Protobuf: 'GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS' => '$(inherited) GPB_USE_PROTOBUF_FRAMEWORK_IMPORTS=1', # This is needed by all pods that depend on gRPC-RxLibrary: 'CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES' => 'YES', } end ``` The file should be named `<Podspec file name>.podspec`. Note: If your proto files are in a directory hierarchy, you might want to adjust the _globs_ used in the sample Podspec above. For example, you could use: ```ruby s.prepare_command = <<-CMD ... `find . -name *.proto -print | xargs` CMD ... ms.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbobjc.{h,m}", "#{dir}/**/*.pbobjc.{h,m}" ... ss.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbrpc.{h,m}", "#{dir}/**/*.pbrpc.{h,m}" ``` Once your library has a Podspec, Cocoapods can install it into any XCode project. For that, go into your project's directory and create a Podfile by running: ```sh pod init ``` Next add a line to your Podfile to refer to your library's Podspec. Use `:path` as described [here](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/the-podfile.html#using-the-files-from-a-folder-local-to-the-machine): ```ruby pod '<Podspec file name>', :path => 'path/to/the/directory/of/your/podspec' ``` You can look at this [example Podfile][]. Finally, in your project's directory, run: ```sh pod install ``` <a name="use"></a> ## Use the generated library in your code Please check the [example apps][] for examples of how to use a generated gRPC library. <a name="no-proto"></a> ## Use gRPC without Protobuf This [tests file](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/src/objective-c/tests/GRPCClientTests.m) shows how to use the generic gRPC Objective-C client without generated protobuf files. <a name="alternatives"></a> ## Alternatives to the steps above <a name="install"></a> ### Install _protoc_ with the gRPC plugin Although it's not recommended (because it can lead to hard-to-solve version conflicts), it is sometimes more convenient to install _protoc_ and the gRPC plugin in your development machine, instead of letting Cocoapods download the appropriate versions for you. To do so, on Mac OS X or later, install [homebrew][]. The run the following command to install _protoc_ and the gRPC _protoc_ plugin: ```sh $ curl -fsSL https://goo.gl/getgrpc | bash - ``` This will download and run the [gRPC install script][]. <a name="no-homebrew"></a> ### Install _protoc_ and the gRPC plugin without using Homebrew First install v3 of the Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_), by cloning [its Git repository](https://github.com/google/protobuf) and following these [installation instructions](https://github.com/google/protobuf#c-installation---unix) (the ones titled C++; don't miss the note for Mac users). Then clone this repository and execute the following commands from the root directory where it was cloned. Compile the gRPC plugins for _protoc_: ```sh make grpc_objective_c_plugin ``` Create a symbolic link to the compiled plugin binary somewhere in your `$PATH`: ```sh ln -s `pwd`/bins/opt/grpc_objective_c_plugin /usr/local/bin/protoc-gen-objcgrpc ``` (Notice that the name of the created link must begin with "`protoc-gen-`" for _protoc_ to recognize it as a plugin). If you don't want to create the symbolic link, you can alternatively copy the binary (with the appropriate name). Or you might prefer instead to specify the plugin's path as a flag when invoking _protoc_, in which case no system modification nor renaming is necessary. <a name="no-cocoapods"></a> ### Integrate the generated gRPC library without using Cocoapods You need to compile the generated `.pbobjc.*` files (the enums and messages) without ARC support, and the generated `.pbrpc.*` files (the services) with ARC support. The generated code depends on v0.12+ of the Objective-C gRPC runtime library and v3.0.0-alpha-4+ of the Objective-C Protobuf runtime library. These libraries need to be integrated into your project as described in their respective Podspec files: * [Podspec](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/gRPC.podspec) for the Objective-C gRPC runtime library. This can be tedious to configure manually. * [Podspec](https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/Protobuf.podspec) for the Objective-C Protobuf runtime library. [Protocol Buffers]:https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ [homebrew]:http://brew.sh [gRPC install script]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grpc/homebrew-grpc/master/scripts/install [example Podfile]:https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/examples/objective-c/helloworld/Podfile [example apps]: https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/examples/objective-c