#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <RxLibrary/GRXWriter.h> @class GRPCMethodName; @class GRPCCall; // The gRPC protocol is an RPC protocol on top of HTTP2. // // While the most common type of RPC receives only one request message and // returns only one response message, the protocol also supports RPCs that // return multiple individual messages in a streaming fashion, RPCs that // accept a stream of request messages, or RPCs with both streaming requests // and responses. // // Conceptually, each gRPC call consists of a bidirectional stream of binary // messages, with RPCs of the "non-streaming type" sending only one message in // the corresponding direction (the protocol doesn't make any distinction). // // Each RPC uses a different HTTP2 stream, and thus multiple simultaneous RPCs // can be multiplexed transparently on the same TCP connection. @interface GRPCCall : NSObject<GRXWriter> // These HTTP2 headers will be passed to the server as part of this call. Each // HTTP2 header is a name-value pair with string names and either string or binary values. // The passed dictionary has to use NSString keys, corresponding to the header names. The // value associated to each can be a NSString object or a NSData object. E.g.: // // call.requestMetadata = @{ // @"Authorization": @"Bearer ...", // @"SomeBinaryHeader": someData // }; // // After the call is started, modifying this won't have any effect. @property(nonatomic, readwrite) NSMutableDictionary *requestMetadata; // This isn't populated until the first event is delivered to the handler. @property(atomic, readonly) NSDictionary *responseMetadata; // The request writer has to write NSData objects into the provided Writeable. The server will // receive each of those separately and in order. // A gRPC call might not complete until the request writer finishes. On the other hand, the // request finishing doesn't necessarily make the call to finish, as the server might continue // sending messages to the response side of the call indefinitely (depending on the semantics of // the specific remote method called). // To finish a call right away, invoke cancel. - (instancetype)initWithHost:(NSString *)host method:(GRPCMethodName *)method requestsWriter:(id<GRXWriter>)requestsWriter NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; // Finishes the request side of this call, notifies the server that the RPC // should be cancelled, and finishes the response side of the call with an error // of code CANCELED. - (void)cancel; // TODO(jcanizales): Let specify a deadline. As a category of GRXWriter? @end