#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Don't run this script standalone. Instead, run from the repository root: # ./tools/run_tests/run_tests.py -l objc set -ev cd $(dirname $0) # Run the tests server. BINDIR=../../../bins/$CONFIG [ -f $BINDIR/interop_server ] || { echo >&2 "Can't find the test server. Make sure run_tests.py is making" \ "interop_server before calling this script." exit 1 } $BINDIR/interop_server --port=5050 --max_send_message_size=8388608 & $BINDIR/interop_server --port=5051 --max_send_message_size=8388608 --use_tls & # Kill them when this script exits. trap 'kill -9 `jobs -p` ; echo "EXIT TIME: $(date)"' EXIT # xcodebuild is very verbose. We filter its output and tell Bash to fail if any # element of the pipe fails. # TODO(jcanizales): Use xctool instead? Issue #2540. set -o pipefail XCODEBUILD_FILTER='(^===|^\*\*|\bfatal\b|\berror\b|\bwarning\b|\bfail|\bpassed\b)' echo "TIME: $(date)" xcodebuild \ -workspace Tests.xcworkspace \ -scheme AllTests \ -destination name="iPhone 6" \ HOST_PORT_LOCALSSL=localhost:5051 \ HOST_PORT_LOCAL=localhost:5050 \ HOST_PORT_REMOTE=grpc-test.sandbox.googleapis.com \ test \ | egrep "$XCODEBUILD_FILTER" \ | egrep -v "(GPBDictionary|GPBArray)" - echo "TIME: $(date)" xcodebuild \ -workspace Tests.xcworkspace \ -scheme CoreCronetEnd2EndTests \ -destination name="iPhone 6" \ test \ | egrep "$XCODEBUILD_FILTER" \ | egrep -v "(GPBDictionary|GPBArray)" - # Temporarily disabled for (possible) flakiness on Jenkins. # Fix or reenable after confirmation/disconfirmation that it is the source of # Jenkins problem. # echo "TIME: $(date)" # xcodebuild \ # -workspace Tests.xcworkspace \ # -scheme CronetUnitTests \ # -destination name="iPhone 6" \ # test | xcpretty echo "TIME: $(date)" xcodebuild \ -workspace Tests.xcworkspace \ -scheme InteropTestsRemoteWithCronet \ -destination name="iPhone 6" \ HOST_PORT_REMOTE=grpc-test.sandbox.googleapis.com \ test \ | egrep "$XCODEBUILD_FILTER" \ | egrep -v "(GPBDictionary|GPBArray)" -