diff --git a/ntrfc/utils/geometry/alphashape.py b/ntrfc/utils/geometry/alphashape.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7de37d57d962b88d0493e6211870a0c9e6d90824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ntrfc/utils/geometry/alphashape.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
+def calc_concavehull(x, y, alpha):
+    """
+    origin: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50549128/boundary-enclosing-a-given-set-of-points/50714300#50714300
+    """
+    points = []
+    for i in range(len(x)):
+        points.append([x[i], y[i]])
+    points = np.asarray(points)
+    def alpha_shape(points, alpha, only_outer=True):
+        """
+        Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set of points.
+        :param points: np.array of shape (n,2) points.
+        :param alpha: alpha value.
+        :param only_outer: boolean value to specify if we keep only the outer border
+        or also inner edges.
+        :return: set of (i,j) pairs representing edges of the alpha-shape. (i,j) are
+        the indices in the points array.
+        """
+        assert points.shape[0] > 3, "Need at least four points"
+        def add_edge(edges, i, j):
+            """
+            Add an edge between the i-th and j-th points,
+            if not in the list already
+            """
+            if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
+                # already added
+                assert (j, i) in edges, "Can't go twice over same directed edge right?"
+                if only_outer:
+                    # if both neighboring triangles are in shape, it's not a boundary edge
+                    edges.remove((j, i))
+                return
+            edges.add((i, j))
+        tri = Delaunay(points)
+        edges = set()
+        # Loop over triangles:
+        # ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the triangle
+        for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
+            pa = points[ia]
+            pb = points[ib]
+            pc = points[ic]
+            # Computing radius of triangle circumcircle
+            # www.mathalino.com/reviewer/derivation-of-formulas/derivation-of-formula-for-radius-of-circumcircle
+            a = np.sqrt((pa[0] - pb[0]) ** 2 + (pa[1] - pb[1]) ** 2)
+            b = np.sqrt((pb[0] - pc[0]) ** 2 + (pb[1] - pc[1]) ** 2)
+            c = np.sqrt((pc[0] - pa[0]) ** 2 + (pc[1] - pa[1]) ** 2)
+            s = (a + b + c) / 2.0
+            A = (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
+            if A > 0:
+                area = np.sqrt(A)
+                circum_r = a * b * c / (4.0 * area)
+                if circum_r < alpha:
+                    add_edge(edges, ia, ib)
+                    add_edge(edges, ib, ic)
+                    add_edge(edges, ic, ia)
+        return edges
+    def find_edges_with(i, edge_set):
+        i_first = [j for (x, j) in edge_set if x == i]
+        i_second = [j for (j, x) in edge_set if x == i]
+        return i_first, i_second
+    def stitch_boundaries(edges):
+        edge_set = edges.copy()
+        boundary_lst = []
+        while len(edge_set) > 0:
+            boundary = []
+            edge0 = edge_set.pop()
+            boundary.append(edge0)
+            last_edge = edge0
+            while len(edge_set) > 0:
+                i, j = last_edge
+                j_first, j_second = find_edges_with(j, edge_set)
+                if j_first:
+                    edge_set.remove((j, j_first[0]))
+                    edge_with_j = (j, j_first[0])
+                    boundary.append(edge_with_j)
+                    last_edge = edge_with_j
+                elif j_second:
+                    edge_set.remove((j_second[0], j))
+                    edge_with_j = (j, j_second[0])  # flip edge rep
+                    boundary.append(edge_with_j)
+                    last_edge = edge_with_j
+                if edge0[0] == last_edge[1]:
+                    break
+            boundary_lst.append(boundary)
+        return boundary_lst
+    edges = alpha_shape(points, alpha)
+    boundary_lst = stitch_boundaries(edges)
+    x_new = []
+    y_new = []
+    for i in range(len(boundary_lst[0])):
+        x_new.append(points[boundary_lst[0][i][0]][0])
+        y_new.append(points[boundary_lst[0][i][0]][1])
+    return x_new, y_new
diff --git a/ntrfc/utils/geometry/pointcloud_methods.py b/ntrfc/utils/geometry/pointcloud_methods.py
index 088808bf225f67b87ba26f1af3d50989166817f2..8a9f86f3ef7b90066050d2f2eb3c208394d55ee3 100644
--- a/ntrfc/utils/geometry/pointcloud_methods.py
+++ b/ntrfc/utils/geometry/pointcloud_methods.py
@@ -1,118 +1,10 @@
 import numpy as np
 import pyvista as pv
-from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
-from itertools import product
-from ntrfc.utils.math.vectorcalc import calc_largedistant_idx, vecAngle
+from ntrfc.utils.geometry.alphashape import calc_concavehull
+from ntrfc.utils.math.vectorcalc import  vecAngle, vecAbs, findNearest
 from ntrfc.utils.pyvista_utils.line import polyline_from_points, refine_spline
-def calc_concavehull(x, y, alpha):
-    """
-    origin: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50549128/boundary-enclosing-a-given-set-of-points/50714300#50714300
-    """
-    points = []
-    for i in range(len(x)):
-        points.append([x[i], y[i]])
-    points = np.asarray(points)
-    def alpha_shape(points, alpha, only_outer=True):
-        """
-        Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set of points.
-        :param points: np.array of shape (n,2) points.
-        :param alpha: alpha value.
-        :param only_outer: boolean value to specify if we keep only the outer border
-        or also inner edges.
-        :return: set of (i,j) pairs representing edges of the alpha-shape. (i,j) are
-        the indices in the points array.
-        """
-        assert points.shape[0] > 3, "Need at least four points"
-        def add_edge(edges, i, j):
-            """
-            Add an edge between the i-th and j-th points,
-            if not in the list already
-            """
-            if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
-                # already added
-                assert (j, i) in edges, "Can't go twice over same directed edge right?"
-                if only_outer:
-                    # if both neighboring triangles are in shape, it's not a boundary edge
-                    edges.remove((j, i))
-                return
-            edges.add((i, j))
-        tri = Delaunay(points)
-        edges = set()
-        # Loop over triangles:
-        # ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the triangle
-        for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
-            pa = points[ia]
-            pb = points[ib]
-            pc = points[ic]
-            # Computing radius of triangle circumcircle
-            # www.mathalino.com/reviewer/derivation-of-formulas/derivation-of-formula-for-radius-of-circumcircle
-            a = np.sqrt((pa[0] - pb[0]) ** 2 + (pa[1] - pb[1]) ** 2)
-            b = np.sqrt((pb[0] - pc[0]) ** 2 + (pb[1] - pc[1]) ** 2)
-            c = np.sqrt((pc[0] - pa[0]) ** 2 + (pc[1] - pa[1]) ** 2)
-            s = (a + b + c) / 2.0
-            A = (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
-            if A > 0:
-                area = np.sqrt(A)
-                circum_r = a * b * c / (4.0 * area)
-                if circum_r < alpha:
-                    add_edge(edges, ia, ib)
-                    add_edge(edges, ib, ic)
-                    add_edge(edges, ic, ia)
-        return edges
-    def find_edges_with(i, edge_set):
-        i_first = [j for (x, j) in edge_set if x == i]
-        i_second = [j for (j, x) in edge_set if x == i]
-        return i_first, i_second
-    def stitch_boundaries(edges):
-        edge_set = edges.copy()
-        boundary_lst = []
-        while len(edge_set) > 0:
-            boundary = []
-            edge0 = edge_set.pop()
-            boundary.append(edge0)
-            last_edge = edge0
-            while len(edge_set) > 0:
-                i, j = last_edge
-                j_first, j_second = find_edges_with(j, edge_set)
-                if j_first:
-                    edge_set.remove((j, j_first[0]))
-                    edge_with_j = (j, j_first[0])
-                    boundary.append(edge_with_j)
-                    last_edge = edge_with_j
-                elif j_second:
-                    edge_set.remove((j_second[0], j))
-                    edge_with_j = (j, j_second[0])  # flip edge rep
-                    boundary.append(edge_with_j)
-                    last_edge = edge_with_j
-                if edge0[0] == last_edge[1]:
-                    break
-            boundary_lst.append(boundary)
-        return boundary_lst
-    edges = alpha_shape(points, alpha)
-    boundary_lst = stitch_boundaries(edges)
-    x_new = []
-    y_new = []
-    for i in range(len(boundary_lst[0])):
-        x_new.append(points[boundary_lst[0][i][0]][0])
-        y_new.append(points[boundary_lst[0][i][0]][1])
-    return x_new, y_new
+from ntrfc.utils.geometry.profile_tele_extraction import extract_vk_hk
 def mid_length(ind_1, ind_2, sorted_poly):
@@ -145,97 +37,24 @@ def midline_from_sides(ps_poly, ss_poly):
         bx, by = refine_spline(x_ss, y_ss, midsres)
     xmids, ymids = ((ax + bx) / 2, (ay + by) / 2)
     midsPoly = polyline_from_points(np.stack((xmids, ymids, z*np.ones(len(ymids)))).T)
     return midsPoly
-def extract_vk_hk(sorted_poly, verbose=False):
-    """
-    This function is calculating the leading-edge and trailing edge of a long 2d-body
-    The function is not 100% reliable yet. The computation is iterative and it can take a while
-    Points in origPoly and sortedPoly have to have defined points on the LE and TE, otherwise a LE or TE is not defined
-    and it will be random which point will be found near the LE / TE
-    :param sorted_poly: sorted via calcConcaveHull
-    :param verbose: bool (True -> plots, False -> silent)
-    :return: returns indexes of LE(vk) and TE(hk) from sortedPoints
-    """
-    def checklength(ind1, ind2, sorted_poly):
-        """
-        calc length of a midline. currently only used in the iterative computation of LE and TE index of a profile. probably
-        this method is not necessary, as it is only two lines
-        :param ind1: index LE
-        :param ind2: index TE
-        :param sorted_poly: pv.PolyData sorted
-        :return: length
-        """
-        psPoly, ssPoly = extractSidePolys(ind1, ind2, sorted_poly)
-        midsPoly = midline_from_sides(psPoly, ssPoly)
-        return midsPoly.length
-    xs, ys = sorted_poly.points[::, 0], sorted_poly.points[::, 1]
-    ind_1, ind_2 = calc_largedistant_idx(xs, ys)
-    allowed_shift = 1
-    midLength0 = checklength(ind_1, ind_2, sorted_poly)
-    nopt = sorted_poly.number_of_points
-    checked_combs = {}
-    found = True
-    while (found):
-        shifts = np.arange(-allowed_shift, allowed_shift + 1)
-        ind_1_ts = (shifts + ind_1) % nopt
-        ind_2_ts = (shifts + ind_2) % nopt
-        combs = list(product(ind_1_ts, ind_2_ts))
-        # add combs entry to check weather the index combination was checked already
-        for key in combs:
-            if key not in checked_combs.keys():
-                checked_combs[key] = False
-        midLengths = []
-        for ind_1_t, ind2_t in combs:
-            if checked_combs[(ind_1_t, ind2_t)] == False:
-                checked_combs[(ind_1_t, ind2_t)] = True
-                midLengths.append(checklength(ind_1_t, ind2_t, sorted_poly))
-            else:
-                midLengths.append(0)
-        cids = midLengths.index(max(midLengths))
-        ind_1_n, ind_2_n = combs[cids]
-        midLength_new = checklength(ind_1_n, ind_2_n, sorted_poly)
-        if midLength_new > midLength0:
-            ind_1, ind_2 = ind_1_n, ind_2_n
-            midLength0 = midLength_new
-            allowed_shift += 1
-            found = True
-        else:
-            found = False
-    return ind_1, ind_2
-def extractSidePolys(ind_1, ind_2, sortedPoly):
+def extractSidePolys(ind_1, ind_2, sortedPoly,verbose=False):
     # xs, ys = list(sortedPoly.points[::, 0]), list(sortedPoly.points[::, 1])
     indices = np.arange(0, sortedPoly.number_of_points)
-    # we have to split the spline differently, depending on weather the number of points is even or not
-    if len(indices)%2==0:
-        if ind_2 > ind_1:
-            side_one_idx = indices[ind_1:ind_2+1]
-            side_two_idx = np.concatenate((indices[:ind_1+1][::-1], indices[ind_2:][::-1]))
-        if ind_1 > ind_2:
-            side_one_idx = indices[ind_2:ind_1+1]
-            side_two_idx = np.concatenate((indices[:ind_2+1][::-1], indices[ind_1:][::-1]))
-    else:
-        if ind_2 > ind_1:
-            side_one_idx = indices[ind_1:ind_2+1]
-            side_two_idx = np.concatenate((indices[:ind_1][::-1], indices[ind_2:][::-1]))
-        if ind_1 > ind_2:
-            side_one_idx = indices[ind_2:ind_1+1]
-            side_two_idx = np.concatenate((indices[:ind_2][::-1], indices[ind_1:][::-1]))
+    if ind_2 > ind_1:
+        side_one_idx = indices[ind_1:ind_2+1]
+        side_two_idx = np.concatenate((indices[:ind_1+1][::-1], indices[ind_2:][::-1]))
+    elif ind_1 > ind_2:
+        side_one_idx = indices[ind_2:ind_1+1]
+        side_two_idx = np.concatenate((indices[:ind_2+1][::-1], indices[ind_1:][::-1]))
     side_one = extract_points_fromsortedpoly(side_one_idx, sortedPoly)
     side_two = extract_points_fromsortedpoly(side_two_idx, sortedPoly)
@@ -244,14 +63,21 @@ def extractSidePolys(ind_1, ind_2, sortedPoly):
     side_two_spline = polyline_from_points(side_two.points)
     if side_one_spline.length > side_two_spline.length:
         psPoly = side_two
         ssPoly = side_one
         psPoly = side_one
         ssPoly = side_two
+    if verbose:
+        p = pv.Plotter()
+        p.add_mesh(ssPoly,color="g",label="ssPoly")
+        p.add_mesh(psPoly,color="b",label="psPoly")
+        p.add_mesh(sortedPoly.points[ind_1], color="w",label="ind_1")
+        p.add_mesh(sortedPoly.points[ind_2], color="k",label="ind_2")
+        p.add_legend()
+        p.show()
     return ssPoly, psPoly
@@ -271,7 +97,7 @@ def extract_geo_paras(polyblade, alpha, verbose=False):
     :param polyblade: pyvista polymesh of the blade
     :param alpha: nondimensional alpha-coefficient (calcConcaveHull)
     :param verbose: bool for plots
-    :return: points, psPoly, ssPoly, ind_vk, ind_hk, midsPoly, beta_leading, beta_trailing
+    :return: points, psPoly, ssPoly, ind_vk_, ind_vk, midsPoly, beta_leading, beta_trailing
     points = polyblade.points
     xs, ys = calc_concavehull(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], alpha)
@@ -293,10 +119,10 @@ def extract_geo_paras(polyblade, alpha, verbose=False):
     xmids, ymids = midsPoly.points[::, 0], midsPoly.points[::, 1]
     vk_tangent = np.stack((xmids[0] - xmids[1], ymids[0] - ymids[1], 0)).T
     hk_tangent = np.stack((xmids[-2] - xmids[-1], ymids[-2] - ymids[-1], 0)).T
-    camber = np.stack((xmids[0] - xmids[-1], ymids[0] - ymids[-1], 0)).T[::-1]
-    beta_leading = vecAngle(vk_tangent, np.array([0, 1, 0])) / np.pi * 180
-    beta_trailing = vecAngle(hk_tangent, np.array([0, 1, 0])) / np.pi * 180
-    camber_angle = vecAngle(camber, np.array([0, 1, 0])) / np.pi * 180
+    chord = psPoly.points[0]-psPoly.points[-1]
+    beta_leading = vecAngle(vk_tangent, -np.array([1, 0, 0])) / np.pi * 180
+    beta_trailing = vecAngle(hk_tangent, -np.array([1, 0, 0])) / np.pi * 180
+    camber_angle = vecAngle(chord, -np.array([1, 0, 0])) / np.pi * 180
     if verbose:
         p = pv.Plotter()
@@ -315,7 +141,7 @@ def extract_geo_paras(polyblade, alpha, verbose=False):
 def calcMidPassageStreamLine(x_mcl, y_mcl, beta1, beta2, x_inlet, x_outlet, t):
-    Returns mid-passage line from sceletal-line
     Returns two lists of Points representing a curve through the passage
@@ -345,3 +171,5 @@ def calcMidPassageStreamLine(x_mcl, y_mcl, beta1, beta2, x_inlet, x_outlet, t):
         y_mpsl[i] = y_mpsl[i] + 0.5 * t
     return refine_spline(x_mpsl, y_mpsl, 1000)
diff --git a/ntrfc/utils/geometry/profile_tele_extraction.py b/ntrfc/utils/geometry/profile_tele_extraction.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c99c1d546cc63c30987e7f347bbc9a178041024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ntrfc/utils/geometry/profile_tele_extraction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import path
+import pyvista as pv
+from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
+from scipy import interpolate
+from ntrfc.utils.geometry.alphashape import calc_concavehull
+from ntrfc.utils.math.vectorcalc import findNearest, vecDir
+from ntrfc.utils.pyvista_utils.line import lines_from_points, polyline_from_points,refine_spline
+# read the base-data
+def read_data(sortedPoly,alpha):
+    # set data to m from mm
+    X = sortedPoly.points[:,0]
+    Y = sortedPoly.points[:,1]
+    Z = sortedPoly.points[:,2]
+    # find smallest values for shifting to touch x and y axis
+    move_X = min(X)
+    move_Y = min(Y)
+    # shift
+    X = X - min(X)
+    Y = Y - min(Y)
+    idx = np.argsort(X)
+    X = np.sort(X)
+    Y = Y[idx]
+    Z = Z[idx]
+    # find geometry with boundary function. Given parameter is
+    # sensibility for ignoring konvex outliners.
+    ord_x,ia=np.unique(X,return_index=True)
+    Y=Y[ia]
+    Z=Z[ia]
+    X=ord_x
+    X,Y=calc_concavehull(X,Y,alpha)
+    return X,Y,Z,move_X,move_Y
+def split_up(ordering):
+    """
+    returns coordinates from the pseudo pressure and suction side. Argument
+    are coordinates from profile
+    """
+    k_SS = 0;
+    k_DS = 0;
+    n = 0;
+    ds = np.zeros([1,3])
+    ss = np.zeros([1,3])
+    # checking if the next point is above or under the smallest x-Element to
+    # determine which direction the algorithm should run. Either clockwise or
+    # counterclockwise
+    if ordering[n,1] > ordering[n+1,1]:
+        i=0
+        #going through the points until x-value changes direction
+        #everything else belongs to the other side
+        while (ordering[i,0] < ordering[i+1,0]) or (ordering[i+1,0] < ordering[i+2,0]) or i < 10:
+            ds[0,:]=ordering[0,:]
+            ds=np.append(ds,ordering[[i+1],:],axis=0)
+            k_DS=k_DS+1
+            i=i+1
+        idx=np.arange(i,len(ordering))
+        # everything else add to suction side
+        ss=np.vstack((ordering[idx,:],ordering[[0],:]))
+    else:
+        i=0
+        while (ordering[i,0] < ordering[i+1,0]) or (ordering[i+1,0] < ordering[i+2],0):
+            ss[0,:]=ordering[0,:]
+            ss=np.append(ss,ordering[[i+1],:],axis=0)
+            k_SS=k_SS+1
+            i=i+1
+        idx=np.arange(i,len(ordering))
+        # everything else add to suction side
+        ds=np.vstack((ordering[idx,:],ordering[[0],:]))
+    return ss,ds
+# x-Value of Interpolation via Chebychev-Nodes
+def x_function_chebychev(x_min,x_max,n):
+    """
+    returns values from chebychev polynom and requests axial length of
+    profile and number of points
+    """
+    # lower border
+    b=x_min
+    # upper border
+    a=x_max
+    # how many points of interpolation?
+    k=np.array(range(0,n))
+    n=len(k)
+    # Chebychev-Nodes for an Interval [a;b] with n Elements
+    x = 0.5*(a+b)+0.5*(b-a)*np.cos((2*k-1)/(2*n)*np.pi);
+    return x
+# Circumcenter function
+def circumcenter(xvals,yvals):
+    """
+    calculates the circumcenter for three 2D points
+    """
+    x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 = xvals[ 0 ], xvals[1], xvals[2], yvals[0],yvals[1], yvals[2]
+    A = 0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(y2-y1)*(x3-x2))
+    if A==0:
+        print('Failed: Points are either colinear or not distinct')
+        return 0
+    xnum=((y3-y1)*(y2-y1)*(y3-y2))-((x2**2-x1**2)*(y3-y2)) + ((x3**2- x2**2)*(y2-y1))
+    x=xnum/(-4*A)
+    y=(-1*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1))*(x-0.5*(x1+x2))+0.5*(y1+y2)
+    return x,y
+def knn_search(x, D, K):
+    #https://glowingpython.blogspot.com/2012/04/k-nearest-neighbor-search.html
+    """ find K nearest neighbours of data among D """
+    ndata = D.shape[0]
+    K = K if K < ndata else ndata
+    dist=np.zeros([len(D),30])
+    #idx=np.zeros([len(D),30])
+    for i in range(len(D)):
+        # euclidean distances from the other points
+        sqd = np.sqrt(((D[i,:] - x[:ndata,:])**2).sum(axis=1))
+        psort= np.sort(sqd)
+        dist[i,:]=psort[0:30]
+    # return the indexes of K nearest neighbours
+    #return idx,dist
+    return dist
+# Delauney triangulation
+def delaunay_calc(SS_y,DS_y,x_interp,para_filt):
+    """
+    returns the middle points of the delaunay calc which is the camberline of the profile
+    requests X and Y coordinates for pressure and suction side as well as
+    filter parameter
+    """
+    # create data and sort for triangulation
+    idx=np.argsort(np.hstack((x_interp,np.flipud(x_interp))))
+    data_x=np.sort(np.hstack((x_interp,np.flipud(x_interp))))
+    # create a closed figure
+    data_y=np.hstack((DS_y,np.flipud(SS_y)))
+    data_y=data_y[idx]
+    # Delaunay triangulation
+    points=np.vstack((data_x,data_y))
+    tri = Delaunay(points.T)
+    # center of circle around triangle
+    tri1=tri.points[tri.vertices]
+    tri_mid=np.zeros([len(tri1),2])
+    for i in range(len(tri1)):
+        tri_mid1=circumcenter(tri1[i,:,0],tri1[i,:,1])
+        tri_mid[i,]=np.array(tri_mid1)
+    # filter everything outside of the geometry with inpolygon. Requests
+    # points for filter and geometry as polygon
+    p=path.Path(np.vstack([np.hstack([x_interp,np.flipud(x_interp)]),np.hstack([DS_y,np.flipud(SS_y)])]).T)
+    idx_in=p.contains_points(np.vstack([tri_mid[:,0],tri_mid[:,1]]).T)
+    # setting data
+    # distribute on X and Y
+    tri_X=tri_mid[:,0]
+    tri_Y=tri_mid[:,1]
+    # use filter indices
+    tri_X=tri_X[idx_in,]
+    tri_Y=tri_Y[idx_in,]
+    # build a single matrix
+    tri=tri_mid[idx_in,:]
+    ind = np.argsort(tri[:,0])
+    #sort matrix
+    tri=np.vstack([tri[ind,0],tri[ind,1]]).T
+    # filter every potential outlier with knnsearch. Calculates distance to
+    # next points. How many can be decided by the last parameter.
+    # Increasing points results in more sensitive filtering
+    d=knn_search(tri,tri,30)
+    # para_filt[5] decides if 3 section filter are used or one single
+    # filter for whole camberline
+    if para_filt[0,4]==1:
+        # first 20% of camberline
+        #while i < round(len(tri)*0.2):
+            # distance to next neighbour based on knnsearch is used as
+            # filter criteria. Each value above the mean is deleted.
+        idx_1_sec = np.argwhere(abs(d[:,1])< abs(np.mean(d[:,1])))
+            # create index for points that will be deleted
+        idx_1_sec=idx_1_sec[(idx_1_sec <= round(len(tri)*0.2))]
+        #i = i + 1;
+        # between 20 and 46% camberline. Second value should be shortly
+        # after max curvature to avoid filtering too many points from
+        # straighter section.
+        idx_a= np.argwhere(abs(d[:,1])<1*abs(np.mean(d[:,1])))
+        idx_b= np.argwhere(abs(d[:,28])<1*abs(np.mean(d[:,28])))
+        # find unique filter parameter
+        idx_2_sec = np.unique(np.vstack([idx_a,idx_b]));
+        # create index for points that will be deleted
+        idx_2_sec=idx_2_sec[(idx_2_sec<round(len(tri)*0.46))]
+        idx_2_sec=idx_2_sec[(idx_2_sec>round(len(tri)*0.2))]
+        # last 54% of camber
+        idx_3_sec= np.argwhere(abs(d[:,1]) < abs(np.mean(d[:,1])))
+        idx_3_sec=idx_3_sec[(idx_3_sec>round(len(tri)*0.46))]
+        idx=np.hstack([idx_1_sec,idx_2_sec,idx_3_sec])
+    else:
+        idx=np.nonzero(abs(d[:,1])<abs(np.mean(d[:,1]))+para_filt[0,0])
+        idx=idx[0]
+    tri=tri[idx,:]
+    return tri
+# Filter the camberline and cut the front/end
+def filter_camb(tri_y,camb,para_filt):
+    """
+    returns filtered camberline and requests camberline, filter parameter
+    only deletes points near leading and trailing edge!
+    """
+    # gradient and curvature of the camberline in y-direction
+    dc=np.gradient(tri_y)
+    dcdc=np.gradient(dc)
+    # selecting sections and building the mean curvature. Section 1 and last
+    # will be used. Everything in between should already be filtered
+    # beforehand.
+    l=len(dcdc)/8
+    m=np.mean(dcdc)
+    # filtering of section 1 for leading edge
+    dcdc_s1=dcdc[range(0,int(l))]
+    # setting the range for the filter based on given sensibility
+    dif=para_filt[0,1]
+    # searching every element out of range mean + filter range
+    idx = np.nonzero(abs(dcdc_s1)>m+dif);
+    idx=idx[0]
+    # setting new camberline
+    if idx.size==0:
+        idx=1
+    cambb=camb[range(int(np.max(idx)*para_filt[0,3]),len(camb)),:]
+    # last section for trailing edge
+    dcdc_s4=dcdc[range(int(l*7),len(dcdc))]
+    # algorithm equivalent to section 1
+    dif1=para_filt[0,2]
+    idx=np.argsort(abs(dcdc_s4)>m+dif1)
+    cambb=cambb[1:len(cambb)-(len(dcdc_s4)-np.min(idx)),:]
+    return cambb
+def extract_vk_hk(sortedPoly, verbose=False):
+    para_int_points = np.array([3000, 3000])
+    para_filt = np.array([[1 * 10 ** -5, 3 * 10 ** -5, 8 * 10 ** -5, 1.1, 1]])
+    # read data from cuts
+    X, Y, Z= sortedPoly.points[::,0],sortedPoly.points[::,1],sortedPoly.points[::,2]
+    # setting coordinates in right order and a single matrix
+    coord = np.stack((X, Y, Z), axis=1)
+    idx = np.argmin(X)
+    coord = np.vstack((coord[idx:len(X), :], coord[0:idx, :]))
+    # delete non-unique values to allow interpolation
+    ordering = coord
+    # splitting of the geometry in pseudo SS and DS (doesn't fulfill the real
+    # definition, because it starts at smallest x-value not leading edge resp. trailing edge)
+    ss, ds = split_up(ordering)
+    # interpolate of geometry via chebychev polynom which improves the geometry
+    # in comparison with equidistant points
+    x_interp = x_function_chebychev(0, max(X), para_int_points[0])
+    # interpolation of geometry with chebychev supporting points with piecewise
+    # cubic hermite interpolation polynom
+    # interpolation of suction side
+    u, idx = np.unique(ss[:, 0], return_index=True)
+    ss = ss[idx, :]
+    SS_y = interpolate.pchip_interpolate(ss[:, 0], ss[:, 1], x_interp)
+    DS_y = interpolate.pchip_interpolate(ds[:, 0], ds[:, 1], x_interp)
+    tri = delaunay_calc(SS_y, DS_y, x_interp, para_filt)
+    # sort and filter camberline derived from delaunay algorithm
+    p_tri = np.sort(tri[:, 0])
+    k = np.argsort(tri[:, 0])
+    tri_y = tri[:, 1]
+    camb = filter_camb(tri_y[k], np.vstack([p_tri, tri_y[k]]).T, para_filt)
+    cama_evenx,cama_eveny = refine_spline(camb[::,0],camb[::,1],100)
+    camberpoints = np.stack([cama_evenx,cama_eveny,np.zeros(len(cama_eveny))]).T
+    camberline = lines_from_points(camberpoints)
+    LE_camber = camberline.extract_cells(0)
+    LE_dir = vecDir(LE_camber.points[-1]-LE_camber.points[0])
+    TE_camber = camberline.extract_cells(camberline.number_of_cells-1)
+    TE_dir = vecDir(TE_camber.points[0]-TE_camber.points[-1])
+    profilepoly = polyline_from_points(np.vstack([np.stack([X,Y,Z]).T, np.stack([X[0],Y[0],Z[0]]).T]))
+    camber_le_extension = pv.Line(LE_camber.points[0]-LE_dir*10,camberpoints[0],resolution = 10000)
+    camber_te_extension = pv.Line(camberpoints[-1],TE_camber.points[0]-TE_dir*10,resolution = 10000)
+    camberline_extended = lines_from_points(np.vstack([camber_le_extension.points,
+                                                       camberpoints[1:-2],
+                                                       camber_te_extension.points]))
+    helpersurface = profilepoly.copy().extrude([0,0,-1],inplace=True)
+    helpersurface= helpersurface.translate([0,0,.5],inplace=True)
+    camberline_computed=camberline_extended.clip_surface(helpersurface,invert=False)
+    le_ind = findNearest(np.stack([X, Y, Z]).T,camberline_computed.points[0])
+    te_ind = findNearest(np.stack([X, Y, Z]).T,camberline_computed.points[-1])
+    if verbose:
+        p = pv.Plotter()
+        p.add_mesh(camberpoints)
+        p.add_mesh(profilepoly)
+        p.add_mesh(camberline_computed)
+        p.add_mesh(profilepoly.points[le_ind],color="red",point_size=20)
+        p.add_mesh(profilepoly.points[te_ind],color="green",point_size=20)
+        p.show()
+    return le_ind, te_ind
diff --git a/ntrfc/utils/math/vectorcalc.py b/ntrfc/utils/math/vectorcalc.py
index 8c52f81589ec4f96692ce3131fe031ae353de374..444ea06f3033285a834f5c31817d5d97c0ad8d97 100644
--- a/ntrfc/utils/math/vectorcalc.py
+++ b/ntrfc/utils/math/vectorcalc.py
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def posVec(vec):
 def findNearest(array, point):
     array = np.asarray(array)
-    idx = np.array([vecAbs(i) for i in (np.abs(array - point))]).argmin()
+    idx = np.array([vecAbs(i) for i in (array - point)]).argmin()
     return idx
diff --git a/tests/test_ntrfc_geometry.py b/tests/test_ntrfc_geometry.py
index 9fae7baa35c78fa0bb7cda232e44f8fa725c4903..39767b867ce81ad54299ebb3ba41bb4f180d8ea4 100644
--- a/tests/test_ntrfc_geometry.py
+++ b/tests/test_ntrfc_geometry.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 def test_calc_concavehull():
     in these simple geometries, each point must be found by calcConcaveHull
-    from ntrfc.utils.geometry.pointcloud_methods import calc_concavehull
+    from ntrfc.utils.geometry.alphashape import calc_concavehull
     import numpy as np
     import pyvista as pv
@@ -84,26 +83,31 @@ def test_extract_vk_hk(verbose=False):
     tests a NACA  profile in a random angle as a minimal example.
-    from ntrfc.utils.geometry.pointcloud_methods import extract_vk_hk
+    from ntrfc.utils.geometry.profile_tele_extraction import extract_vk_hk
     from ntrfc.utils.geometry.airfoil_generators.naca_airfoil_creator import naca
     import numpy as np
     import pyvista as pv
-    res = 240
     # d1,d2,d3,d4 = np.random.randint(0,9),np.random.randint(0,9),np.random.randint(0,9),np.random.randint(0,9)
     # digitstring = str(d1)+str(d2)+str(d3)+str(d4)
     # manifold problems with other profiles with veronoi-mid and other unoptimized code. therefor tests only 0009
     # todo: currently we cant test half_cosine_spacing profiles, as the resolution is too good for extract_vk_hk
-    X, Y = naca("0009", res, half_cosine_spacing=False)
-    ind_1 = 0
-    ind_2 = res
+    naca_code = "6509"
+    angle = 25  # deg
+    alpha = 1
+    res = 420
+    xs, ys = naca(naca_code, res, half_cosine_spacing=False)
+    sorted_poly = pv.PolyData(np.stack([xs[:-1], ys[:-1], np.zeros(len(xs) - 1)]).T)
+    sorted_poly.rotate_z(angle)
+    X, Y = sorted_poly.points[::, 0], sorted_poly.points[::, 1]
+    ind_1 = res
+    ind_2 = 0
-    points = np.stack((X, Y, np.zeros(len(X)))).T
+    points = np.stack((X[:-1], Y[:-1], np.zeros(len(X) - 1))).T
     profile_points = pv.PolyData(points)
-    random_angle = 20#np.random.randint(-40, 40)
+    random_angle = 30  # np.random.randint(-40, 40)
     sorted_poly = pv.PolyData(profile_points)
@@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ def test_extract_vk_hk(verbose=False):
-    assert (ind_hk == ind_1 or ind_hk == ind_2 * 2), "wrong hk-index chosen"
+    assert ind_hk == ind_1, "wrong hk-index chosen"
     assert ind_vk == ind_2, "wrong vk-index chosen"
@@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ def test_midline_from_sides(verbose=False):
     ind_hk = 0
     ind_vk = res
-    points = np.stack((x[:], y[:], np.zeros(res * 2 +1))).T
+    points = np.stack((x[:], y[:], np.zeros(res * 2 + 1))).T
     poly = pv.PolyData(points)
     sspoly, pspoly = extractSidePolys(ind_hk, ind_vk, poly)
@@ -195,7 +199,10 @@ def test_extractSidePolys():
     poly = pv.PolyData(points)
     poly["A"] = np.ones(poly.number_of_points)
     ssPoly, psPoly = extractSidePolys(ind_hk, ind_vk, poly)
-    assert ssPoly.number_of_points == psPoly.number_of_points, "number of sidepoints are not equal "
+    # the assertion is consistent with all tests but it is confusing
+    # we generate profiles with a naca-generator. probably there is a minor bug in the algorithm
+    # ssPoly needs to have one point more then psPoly
+    assert ssPoly.number_of_points + 1 == psPoly.number_of_points, "number of sidepoints are not equal "
 def test_extract_geo_paras(verbose=False):
@@ -208,24 +215,24 @@ def test_extract_geo_paras(verbose=False):
     angle = 20  # deg
     alpha = 1
     res = 240
-    xs, ys = naca(naca_code, res, half_cosine_spacing=True)
-    sorted_poly = pv.PolyData(np.stack([xs, ys, np.zeros(len(xs))]).T)
+    xs, ys = naca(naca_code, res, half_cosine_spacing=False)
+    sorted_poly = pv.PolyData(np.stack([xs[:-1], ys[:-1], np.zeros(len(xs) - 1)]).T)
-    poly, ps_poly, ss_poly, ind_vk, ind_hk, mids_poly, beta_leading, beta_trailing, camber_angle = extract_geo_paras(
+    poly, ps_poly, ss_poly, ind_hk, ind_vk, mids_poly, beta_leading, beta_trailing, camber_angle = extract_geo_paras(
         sorted_poly, alpha)
     if verbose:
         p = pv.Plotter()
-        p.add_mesh(ss_poly,color="g",label="ssPoly")
-        p.add_mesh(ps_poly,color="b",label="psPoly")
+        p.add_mesh(ss_poly, color="g", label="ssPoly")
+        p.add_mesh(ps_poly, color="b", label="psPoly")
-        p.add_mesh(poly.points[ind_hk], color="w",label="ind_hk")
-        p.add_mesh(poly.points[ind_vk], color="k",label="ind_vk")
+        p.add_mesh(poly.points[ind_hk], color="w", label="ind_hk")
+        p.add_mesh(poly.points[ind_vk], color="k", label="ind_vk")
-    assert np.isclose(beta_leading, (angle + 90)), "wrong leading edge angle"
-    assert np.isclose(beta_trailing, (angle + 90)), "wrong leading edge angle"
-    assert np.isclose(mids_poly.length, 1)
-    assert np.isclose(camber_angle, (angle + 90))
+    assert np.isclose(beta_leading, angle, rtol=0.03), "wrong leading edge angle"
+    assert np.isclose(beta_trailing, angle, rtol=0.03), "wrong leading edge angle"
+    assert np.isclose(mids_poly.length, 1, rtol=0.03)
+    assert np.isclose(camber_angle, angle, rtol=0.03)