import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from scipy import signal from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA import pandas as pd from ntrfc.math.methods import minmax_normalize def optimal_bin_width(sample1, sample2): """ Compute the optimal bin width using cross-validation estimator for mean integrated squared error. Parameters: ----------- data : numpy array One-dimensional array of data points. Returns: -------- h : float Optimal bin width. """ data = np.concatenate([sample1, sample2]) if np.all(data == data[0]): return [data[0] - 0.5, data[0] + 0.5] n = len(data) h = 2 * np.std(data) * n ** (-1 / 3) # initial bin width using Scott's rule # perform cross-validation to estimate mean integrated squared error J_min = np.inf for i in range(12): bins = np.arange(np.min(data), np.max(data) + h, h) counts, _ = np.histogram(data, bins=bins) N_k = counts[np.nonzero(counts)] J = 2 / ((n - 1) * h) - (n + 1) / (n ** 2 * (n - 1) * h) * np.sum(N_k ** 2) if J < J_min: J_min = J h_opt = h h *= 0.8 # decrease bin width for better accuracy bins = np.arange(min(np.min(sample1), np.min(sample2)), max(np.max(sample1), np.max(sample2)), h_opt) return bins def smd_probability_compare(sample1, sample2, verbose=False): """Compare the probability distribution of two signals using the Freedman-Diaconis rule to determine the number of bins. Args: sample1 (numpy.ndarray): First signal. sample2 (numpy.ndarray): Second signal. Returns: float: Mean squared error between the probability distribution densities of the two signals. A value of 0 indicates that the probability distributions are not alike, while a value of 1 indicates that they are equal. """ # Compute the number of bins using the Freedman-Diaconis rule. bins = optimal_bin_width(sample1, sample2) # Compute the histogram and probability density of the first signal. hist1, _ = np.histogram(sample1, bins=bins, density=True) pdf1 = hist1 / np.sum(hist1) # Compute the histogram and probability density of the second signal. hist2, _ = np.histogram(sample2, bins=bins, density=True) pdf2 = hist2 / np.sum(hist2) # Compute the mean squared error between the probability densities. mse = np.sum((pdf1 - pdf2) ** 2) # Convert the mse to a similarity score between 0 and 1. similarity = 1 - mse if verbose: # Plot the histogram plt.hist(sample1, bins=bins) plt.hist(sample2, bins=bins) return similarity def optimal_window_size(time_series, min_interval=0.05, max_interval=0.25, verbose=False): """ Determines the optimal window size for a given time series. Parameters: ---------- time_series : array-like The time series to analyze. verbose : bool, optional If True, a plot of the correlation coefficient and KS test results for each window size will be displayed. Returns: ------- int or bool The optimal window size for the time series. If no suitable window size is found, False is returned. Notes: ----- The function normalizes the input time series using the minmax_normalize() function. The window size is chosen based on a cumulative score that takes into account the correlation coefficient and KS test p-value. The function returns False if no suitable window size is found, meaning the input time series does not exhibit the necessary periodicity. """ # Normalize the time series normalized_series = minmax_normalize(time_series) # Get the length of the time series and define a range of allowed window sizes series_length = len(normalized_series) allowed_window_sizes = np.array(range(int(series_length*min_interval), int(series_length *max_interval)+1)) # Iterate through the allowed window sizes and perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and correlation coefficient calculation mean_scores = [] var_scores = [] for window_size in allowed_window_sizes: check_window = normalized_series[-window_size * 2:] check_window_df = pd.DataFrame(check_window) rolling_check = check_window_df.rolling(window_size) mean_scores.append(np.std(rolling_check.mean()).values[0]) var_scores.append(np.std(rolling_check.var()).values[0]) # Compute the correlation coefficient cumulated_scores = minmax_normalize(mean_scores) + minmax_normalize(np.array(var_scores)) optimal_window_size_index = np.argmin(cumulated_scores) opt_window_size = allowed_window_sizes[optimal_window_size_index] # opt_window = time_series[-opt_window_size * 2:] assert len(opt_window) == opt_window_size * 2 probability_similiarity = smd_probability_compare(opt_window[:opt_window_size], opt_window[opt_window_size:]) if probability_similiarity< 0.99: return False,False,False # Compute the period of the time series freqs, psd = signal.welch(time_series, fs=1, nperseg=series_length // 4) maxpsdid = np.argmax(psd) if maxpsdid != 0: tperiod = freqs[np.argmax(psd)] ** -1 nperiods = (opt_window_size+(-opt_window_size%tperiod))//tperiod else: tperiod = np.inf nperiods = 0 # If verbose mode is enabled, display a plot of the correlation coefficient and KS test results for each window size if verbose: plt.plot(cumulated_scores) plt.axvline(optimal_window_size_index) plt.legend() return opt_window, opt_window_size, nperiods def estimate_stationarity(timeseries, verbose=False): sigma_threshold = 3 normalized_series = minmax_normalize(timeseries)#minmax_normalize(timeseries) datalength = len(normalized_series) opt_window, opt_window_size, nperiods = optimal_window_size(normalized_series) if not opt_window_size: return False reference_window = opt_window reference_mean = np.mean(reference_window) reference_variance = np.var(reference_window) opt_rolling_window = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(opt_window, opt_window_size) rolling_means = np.mean(opt_rolling_window, axis=1) rolling_vars = np.var(opt_rolling_window, axis=1) assert len(rolling_means) == len(opt_rolling_window) assert len(rolling_vars) == len(opt_rolling_window) mean_uncertainty = np.std(rolling_means) var_uncertainty = np.std(rolling_vars) checkseries = normalized_series[:-opt_window_size * 2] checkseries_reversed = pd.DataFrame(checkseries[::-1]) rolling_win_reversed = checkseries_reversed.rolling(window=opt_window_size) rolling_means_reversed = rolling_win_reversed.mean().values rolling_vars_reversed = rolling_win_reversed.var().values outer_mean_uncertainty = 0.0015 outer_var_uncertainty = outer_mean_uncertainty *0.25# variance can only be 25% of minmax normed series rolling_means_errors_reversed = np.abs(rolling_means_reversed - reference_mean) rolling_vars_errors_reversed = np.abs(rolling_vars_reversed - reference_variance) mean_limits = sigma_threshold * (mean_uncertainty)+outer_mean_uncertainty var_limits = sigma_threshold * (var_uncertainty)+outer_var_uncertainty rolling_means_errors_inliers_reversed = rolling_means_errors_reversed[opt_window_size:] <= mean_limits rolling_vars_errors_inliers_reversed = rolling_vars_errors_reversed[opt_window_size:] <= var_limits def last_coherent_interval(arr, threshold=1): reversed_arr = arr[::-1] false_indices = np.where(reversed_arr == False)[0] last_false_index = false_indices[-1] if len(false_indices) > 0 else 0 coherent_arr = [False] * last_false_index + [True] * (len(reversed_arr) - last_false_index) success_rate = np.array([np.sum(coherent_arr[i:]) / len(coherent_arr[i:]) for i in range(len(coherent_arr))]) answer_index = np.where(success_rate >= threshold)[0][0] return len(arr) - answer_index mean_index = datalength - last_coherent_interval(rolling_means_errors_inliers_reversed)-3*opt_window_size variance_index = datalength - last_coherent_interval(rolling_vars_errors_inliers_reversed)-3*opt_window_size stationary_start_index = max(mean_index, variance_index) if verbose: fig ,axs = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(24,20)) axs[0].plot(normalized_series, label="normalized series", color="blue") axs[0].vlines(x=stationary_start_index, ymin=0, ymax=np.nanmax(normalized_series), label="stationary_start",color="k") axs[1].plot(np.nan_to_num(rolling_means_errors_reversed[::-1], 0), label="mean error", color="red") axs[1].hlines(y=(mean_limits), xmin=0, xmax=len(normalized_series), label="mean_limits",color="k") axs[1].vlines(x=stationary_start_index, ymin=0, ymax=max(mean_limits, np.nanmax(rolling_means_errors_reversed)), label="stationary_start", color="k") axs[1].vlines(x=mean_index, ymin=0, ymax=max(mean_limits, np.nanmax(rolling_means_errors_reversed)), label="mean_index", color="green") axs[1].legend() axs[2].plot(np.nan_to_num(rolling_vars_errors_reversed[::-1], 0), label="variance error", color="red") axs[2].hlines(y=(var_limits), xmin=0, xmax=len(normalized_series), label="var_limits", color="k") axs[2].vlines(x=stationary_start_index, ymin=0, ymax=max(var_limits, np.nanmax(rolling_vars_errors_reversed)), label="stationary_start", color="k") axs[2].vlines(x=variance_index, ymin=0, ymax=max(var_limits, np.nanmax(rolling_vars_errors_reversed)), label="variance_index", color="k") axs[2].legend() return stationary_start_index def estimate_error_jacknife(timeseries, block_size=20, n_samples=4000): """ Estimates the errors of the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of a given time series using jackknife resampling method. Parameters ---------- timeseries : array-like The input time series. block_size : int, optional The block size used in the jackknife resampling method (default is 20). n_samples : int, optional The number of jackknife samples to generate (default is 4000). Returns ------- tuple A tuple of three floats representing the error estimates of the mean, variance, and autocorrelation, respectively. Notes ----- The jackknife resampling method is used to estimate the errors of the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of the input time series. The function generates `n_samples` jackknife samples by randomly selecting blocks from the time series calculates the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of each jackknife sample. It also generates `n_samples` noise samples with the same block size as the original time series and calculates the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of each noise sample. The standard deviation of the jackknife estimates for mean, variance, and autocorrelation are calculated, and each is multiplied by a factor of 16 to obtain the final error estimates. Choosing an appropriate block size is crucial for obtaining reliable and accurate estimates of the errors of the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of a given time series using the jackknife resampling method. """ # Original time series x = timeseries # n_blocks = len(timeseries) // block_size # Initialize arrays to store jackknife estimates mean_jk = np.zeros(n_samples) var_jk = np.zeros(n_samples) acorr_jk = np.zeros(n_samples) for i in range(n_samples): # Generate a random index array of block indices idx = np.random.randint(0, n_blocks, size=n_blocks) # Select blocks according to the random indices start = idx * block_size end = start + block_size x_jk = np.concatenate([x[start[i]:end[i]] for i in range(len(start))]) # Calculate the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of the jackknife sample mean_jk[i] = np.mean(x_jk) var_jk[i] = np.var(x_jk) freqs, psd = signal.periodogram(x_jk, return_onesided=False) acorr_jk[i] = freqs[np.argmax(psd)] mean_jk_error = np.std(mean_jk) var_jk_error = np.std(var_jk) accr_jk_error = np.std(acorr_jk) return mean_jk_error, var_jk_error, accr_jk_error def snr_pod(x, window_size, verbose=False): ncomp = 16 if ncomp > window_size: # fails otherwise ncomp = window_size X = np.zeros((x.shape[0] - window_size, window_size)) for i in range(X.shape[0]): X[i] = x[i:i + window_size] # Apply PCA to the windowed data pca = PCA(n_components=ncomp) # Reconstruct the data using the principal components reconstructed = pca.inverse_transform(pca.transform(X)) reconstructed_mean = reconstructed.mean(axis=1) fluct = x[window_size // 2:-window_size // 2] - reconstructed_mean snr = np.trapz(reconstructed_mean ** 2) / np.trapz(fluct ** 2) if verbose: plt.plot(fluct) plt.plot(reconstructed_mean) return reconstructed_mean, fluct, snr