Andreas Mückl Nils Stratmann Daniel Müller-Zitzke Juan Felipe Acosta Pantano Britta Klinger
Setup/ Dependencies
For this project we use JavaFX for the UI. To get started with Java and JavaFX install the following VSCode extensions: For Java and JavaFX: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-java-pack
You might have to perform additional steps to setup on your local machine.
(Optional. SceneBuilder for UI adaption) https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bilalekrem.scenebuilderextension
How To Play
Start App.java in the IDE of your choice
A window with TicTacToe should open up
Click on the grid to start with Symbol "X"
Player at Turn will be switchen
Player 2 click on your desired Gridposition to place "O"
Play until one Player has 3 connected fields with his Symbol inside
Game will detect a Tie or Won Game and prints out information
Can't Place a Symbol on an already occupied field (Message will be written)
Start new Game with button "Neustart"
Score wont be deleted and shows Game history
Player "X" starts always first (after initial start) and the starting Player switches after each restart ("Neustart" Button clicked)
Player on turn is shown with blue background under Symbol
For future Features look at Kanbanboartd Folder in the Repository