@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ The user needs to prepare the point cloud data in the correct format for cloud d
## Prepare IMU data
-**IMU requirement**. Like the original LOAM implementation, LIO-SAM only works with a 9-axis IMU, which gives roll, pitch, and yaw estimation. The roll and pitch estimation is mainly used to initialize the system at the correct attitude. The yaw estimation initializes the system at the right heading when using GPS data. Theoretically, an initialization procedure like VINS-Mono will enable LIO-SAM to work with a 6-axis IMU. The performance of the system largely depends on the quality of the IMU measurements. The higher the IMU data rate, the better the system accuracy. We use Microstrain 3DM-GX5-25, which outputs data at 500Hz. We recommend using an IMU that gives at least a 200Hz output rate. Note that the internal IMU of Ouster lidar is an 6-axis IMU.
-**IMU requirement**. Like the original LOAM implementation, LIO-SAM only works with a 9-axis IMU, which gives roll, pitch, and yaw estimation. The roll and pitch estimation is mainly used to initialize the system at the correct attitude. The yaw estimation initializes the system at the right heading when using GPS data. Theoretically, an initialization procedure like VINS-Mono will enable LIO-SAM to work with a 6-axis IMU. (**New**: [liorf](https://github.com/YJZLuckyBoy/liorf) has added support for 6-axis IMU.) The performance of the system largely depends on the quality of the IMU measurements. The higher the IMU data rate, the better the system accuracy. We use Microstrain 3DM-GX5-25, which outputs data at 500Hz. We recommend using an IMU that gives at least a 200Hz output rate. Note that the internal IMU of Ouster lidar is an 6-axis IMU.
-**IMU alignment**. LIO-SAM transforms IMU raw data from the IMU frame to the Lidar frame, which follows the ROS REP-105 convention (x - forward, y - left, z - upward). To make the system function properly, the correct extrinsic transformation needs to be provided in "params.yaml" file. **The reason why there are two extrinsics is that my IMU (Microstrain 3DM-GX5-25) acceleration and attitude have different cooridinates. Depend on your IMU manufacturer, the two extrinsics for your IMU may or may not be the same**. Using our setup as an example:
- we need to set the readings of x-z acceleration and gyro negative to transform the IMU data in the lidar frame, which is indicated by "extrinsicRot" in "params.yaml."