* The datasets below need the parameters to be configured. In these datasets, the point cloud topic is "points_raw." The IMU topic is "imu_correct," which gives the IMU data in ROS REP105 standard. Because no IMU transformation is needed for this dataset, the following configurations need to be changed to run this dataset successfully:
- The "imuTopic" parameter in "config/params.yaml" needs to be set to "imu_correct".
- The "extrinsicRot" and "extrinsicRPY" in "config/params.yaml" needs to be set as identity matrices.
* Ouster (OS1-128) dataset. No extrinsics need to be changed for this dataset if you are using the default settings. Please follow the Ouster notes below to configure the package to run with Ouster data. A video of the dataset can be found on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/O7fKgZQzkEo):
* KITTI dataset. The extrinsics can be found in the Notes KITTI section below. To generate more bags using other KITTI raw data, you can use the python script provided in "config/doc/kitti2bag".