**A real-time lidar-inertial odometry package. We strongly recommend the users read this document thoroughly and test the package with the provided dataset first.**
**A real-time lidar-inertial odometry package. We strongly recommend the users read this document thoroughly and test the package with the provided dataset first. A video of the demonstration of the method can be found on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0H8CoORZJU).**
The user needs to prepare the point cloud data in the correct format for cloud deskewing, which is mainly done in "imageProjection.cpp". The two requirements are:
-**Provide point time stamp**. LIO-SAM uses IMU data to perform point cloud deskew. Thus, the relative point time in a scan needs to be known. The up-to-data Velodyne ROS driver should output this information directly. Here, we assume the point time channel is called "time." The definition of the point type is located at the top of the "imageProjection.cpp." "deskewPoint()" function utilizes this relative time to obtain the transformation of this point relative to the beginning of the scan. When the lidar rotates at 10Hz, the timestamp of a point should vary between 0 and 0.1 seconds. If you are using other lidar sensors, you may need to change the name of this time channel and make sure that it is the relative time in a scan.
-**Provide point ring number**. LIO-SAM uses this information to organize the point correctly in a matrix. The ring number indicates which channel of the sensor that this point belongs to. The definition of the point type is located at the top of "imageProjection.cpp." The up-to-data Velodyne ROS driver should output this information directly. Again, if you are using other lidar sensors, you may need to rename this information.
-**Provide point time stamp**. LIO-SAM uses IMU data to perform point cloud deskew. Thus, the relative point time in a scan needs to be known. The up-to-date Velodyne ROS driver should output this information directly. Here, we assume the point time channel is called "time." The definition of the point type is located at the top of the "imageProjection.cpp." "deskewPoint()" function utilizes this relative time to obtain the transformation of this point relative to the beginning of the scan. When the lidar rotates at 10Hz, the timestamp of a point should vary between 0 and 0.1 seconds. If you are using other lidar sensors, you may need to change the name of this time channel and make sure that it is the relative time in a scan.
-**Provide point ring number**. LIO-SAM uses this information to organize the point correctly in a matrix. The ring number indicates which channel of the sensor that this point belongs to. The definition of the point type is located at the top of "imageProjection.cpp." The up-to-date Velodyne ROS driver should output this information directly. Again, if you are using other lidar sensors, you may need to rename this information.