@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ More infos at: [LEISTUNGSPUNKTE](https://www.uni-hannover.de/de/studium/vor-dem-
Submit your report online by pushing your code to the repository within the dates above mentioned, 23:59 CEST.
Include also a **.pdf** version of your report.
If pushing to your repository does not work for whatever reason, please print out your report and put it in an envelope, write on the envolpe my name (Gianluca Pagliaro) and "Laborpraktikum Data Analysis 2024" and place it in the pidgeonbox marked "P" at the AEI institute first floor, opposite room 128 by the dates above mentioned. Your name and matriculation number as well as your Studies Topic (E.g: MSc Physics) should be on the first page of the report.
If pushing to your repository does not work for whatever reason, please print out your report and put it in an envelope, write on the envolpe my name (Jasper Martins) and "Laborpraktikum Data Analysis 2024" and place it in the pidgeonbox marked "P" at the AEI institute first floor, opposite room 128 by the dates above mentioned. Your name and matriculation number as well as your Studies Topic (E.g: MSc Physics) should be on the first page of the report.