To start this, copy `.env.example` to `.env`, fill the variables in and `docker compose up -d`. The Variables in `.env` are self explanatory.
\ No newline at end of file
To start this, copy `.env.example` to `.env`, fill the variables in and `docker compose up -d`. The Variables in `.env` are self explanatory.
### Setup
1. Copy the `.env.example` to `.env` and fill it in.
2. Start the docker compose setup with `docker compose up -d`.
3. Get the name of the application docker container with `docker ps`
4. Go into the bash of that container with `docker exec -ti NAME /bin/bash`
5. Run `node registerCommands.js` to register the slash commands with all guilds of the bot.
### Maintenance
When the bot joins a new server or a update introduces new commands, repeat Steps 3-5 from the Setup proccess to register the commands with the new server.