- Add NuGet package `Grpc` as a dependency (Project -> Add NuGet packages).
- NOTE: Currently, there are no debian packages for the latest version Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_)
and the gRPC _protoc_ plugin. You can install them using [gRPC Linuxbrew instructions][].
**Mac OS X**
- WARNING: As of now gRPC C# only works on 64bit version of Mono (because we don't compile
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ HOW TO USE
$ curl -fsSL https://goo.gl/getgrpc | bash -
This will download and run the [gRPC install script][], then install the latest version of gRPC C core and native C# extension.
It also installs Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_) and the gRPC _protoc_ plugin for ruby.
It also installs Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_) and the gRPC _protoc_ plugin for C#.
- Install 64-bit version of mono with command `brew install mono`.
@@ -192,8 +195,9 @@ Internally, gRPC C# uses a native library written in C (gRPC C core) and invokes
- Possible cause for the problem is that the `grpc_csharp_ext` library is installed, but it has different bitness (32/64bit) than your C# runtime (in case you are using mono) or C# application.