Welcome to the developer documentation for gRPC, a language-neutral,
platform-neutral remote procedure call (RPC) system developed at Google that
helps you build connected systems.
platform-neutral remote procedure call (RPC) system developed at Google.
This document introduces you to gRPC with a quick overview and a simple
Hello World example. More documentation is coming soon!
@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ Hello World example. More documentation is coming soon!
## TODO: basic conceptual intro (anything more in-depth will go in gRPC Concepts doc)
## Hello gRPC!
Now that you know a bit more about gRPC, the easiest way to see how it
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ don't worry if you're not a Go or
Java developer - complete tutorials and reference documentation for all gRPC
languages are coming soon.
### Setup
The rest of this page explains how to set up your local machine to work with
the example code.
If you just want to read the example, you can go straight to the next step.
If you just want to read the example, you can go straight to the [next step](#servicedef).
#### Install Git
@@ -54,19 +55,19 @@ commands that you will need to use are:
- git checkout ... : check out a particular branch or a tagged version of
the code to hack on
#### Download grpc-helloworld
#### Get the source code
Clone the grpc-helloword repository located at GitHub by running the
The example code for this and our other examples lives in the `grpc-common` GitHub repository. Clone this repository to your local machine by running the
Here's our example service definition, defined using protocol buffers IDL in
[helloworld.proto](src/main/proto/helloworld.proto). The `Greeting` service
[helloworld.proto](java/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto)_should we link to the version in the Java subdirectory or the one in the common protos directory?_. The `Greeting` service
has one method, `hello`, that lets the server receive a single `HelloRequest`
message from the remote client containing the user's name, then send back
a greeting in a `HelloReply`.
@@ -124,6 +126,8 @@ a greeting in a `HelloReply`.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "ex.grpc";
package helloworld;
// The request message containing the user's name.
@@ -146,6 +150,7 @@ service Greeting {
### Generating gRPC code
Once we've defined our service, we use the protocol buffer compiler
This generates the following classes, which contain all the generated code we need to create our example:
-[`Helloworld.java`](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/Helloworld.java), which has all the protocol buffer code to populate, serialize, and retrieve our `HelloRequest` and `HelloReply` message types
-[`GreetingsGrpc.java`](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsGrpc.java), which contains (along with some other useful code):
- an interface for `Greetings` servers to implement
public static interface Greetings {
public void hello(ex.grpc.Helloworld.HelloRequest request,
_Does gRPC output multiple Java classes per proto by default?_
### Writing a server
Now let's write some code! First we'll create the `Greetings` server.
Now let's write some code! First we'll create a server application to implement our service. Note that we're not going to go into a lot of detail about how to create a server in this section More detailed information will be in the tutorial for your chosen language (coming soon).
Our server application has two classes:
- a simple service implementation [GreetingsImpl.java](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsImpl.java).
- a server that hosts the service implementation and allows access over the network: [GreetingsServer.java](src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsServer.java).
`StreamObserver<Helloworld.HelloReply>`: a response observer, an interface to be called with the response value
- to complete the call
- the return value is constructed
- the responseObserver.onValue() is called with the response
- responseObserver.onCompleted() is called to indicate that no more work will done on the RPC.
Note that we're not going to go into a lot of detail about how to create a server in this section More detailed information will be in the tutorial for your chosen language (coming soon).
## Server implementation
[GreetingsServer.java](src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsServer.java) shows the
other main feature required to provde the gRPC service; how to allow a service
- it provides a class `GreetingsServer` that holds a `ServerImpl` that will run the server
- in the `start` method, `GreetingServer` binds the `GreetingsService` implementation to a port and begins running it
- there is also a `stop` method that takes care of shutting down the service and cleaning up when the program exits
## Build it
This is the same as before: our client and server are part of the same maven
package so the same command builds both.
$ mvn package
### Writing a client
Client-side gRPC is pretty simple. In this step, we'll use the generated code to write a simple client that can access the `Greetings` server we created in the previous section. You can see the complete client code in [GreetingsClient.java](src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsClient.java).
@@ -267,10 +360,6 @@ It can be built as follows.
$ mvn package
It can also be run, but doing so now would end up a with a failure as there is
no server available yet. The [next step](Step_3.md), describes how to
implement, build and run a server that supports the service description.
#### Notes
- The client uses a blocking stub. This means that the RPC call waits for the
@@ -280,7 +369,23 @@ implement, build and run a server that supports the service description.
server, where the response is returned asynchronously. Usage of these stubs
is a more advanced topic and will be described in later steps.
### Try it out!
We've added simple shell scripts to simplifying running the examples. Now
that they are built, you can run the server with:
$ ./run_greetings_server.sh
and in another terminal window confirm that it receives a message.
$ ./run_greetings_client.sh
We haven't looked at implementing a server yet, but