This will generate a pair of `.pbobjc.h`/`.pbobjc.m` files for each `.proto` file, with the messages and enums defined in them. And a pair of `.pbrpc.h`/`.pbrpc.m` files for each `.proto` file with services defined. The latter contains the code to make remote calls to the specified API.
## Integrate the generated gRPC library in your project <a name="cocoapods"></a>
## Integrate the generated gRPC library in your project
@@ -81,13 +84,15 @@ Finally, in your project's directory, run:
pod install
## Use the generated library in your code <a name="use"></a>
## Use the generated library in your code
Please check this [sample app][] for examples of how to use a generated gRPC library.
## Alternative methods <a name="alternatives"></a>
## Alternative methods
### Install protoc and the gRPC plugin without using Homebrew <a name="nohomebrew"></a>
<aname="nohomebrew"></a>### Install protoc and the gRPC plugin without using Homebrew
First install v3 of the Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_), by cloning [its Git repository]( and following these [installation instructions]( ones titled C++; don't miss the note for Mac users).