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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 24 23:33:53 2020

@author: malte

from itertools import combinations

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

from ntrfc.math.vectorcalc import vecAbs, vecAbs_list, vecProjection, unitvec

def cellDirections(cellUMean, wallNorm):
    x = unitvec(cellUMean)  # mainDirection
    y = unitvec(wallNorm)  # tangential
    z = unitvec(np.cross(x, y))  # spanwise
    return np.array([x, y, z])

def cellSpans(solutionMesh, calcFrom):
    cell_spans = []
    cellIds = np.arange(0, solutionMesh.number_of_cells)
    for cellIdx in cellIds:
        wallNormal = solutionMesh["wallNormal"][cellIdx]
        uMean = solutionMesh[calcFrom][cellIdx]

        cellDirs = cellDirections(uMean, wallNormal)
        xx = cellDirs[0]
        yy = cellDirs[1]
        zz = cellDirs[2]

        cellfaces = solutionMesh.extract_cells(cellIdx).extract_surface()
        facecenters = cellfaces.cell_centers().points

        point_pairs = list(combinations(range(len(facecenters)), 2))
        spans = [np.subtract(facecenters[pair[0]], facecenters[pair[1]]) for pair in point_pairs]
        spans_x = [vecAbs(vecProjection(xx, i)) for i in spans]
        spans_y = [vecAbs(vecProjection(yy, i)) for i in spans]
        spans_z = [vecAbs(vecProjection(zz, i)) for i in spans]
        x_span = np.max(spans_x)
        y_span = np.max(spans_y)
        z_span = np.max(spans_z)

        cell_spans.append([x_span, y_span, z_span])
    return cell_spans

def get_wall_shear_stress(mesh, dynamic_viscosity, density_fieldname, velocity_fieldname):
    Calculate the wall shear stress velocity at various points on a surface in a CFD simulation.

    mesh (pv.PolyData): A mesh that represents the solution of the CFD simulation.
    dynamic_viscosity (float): The dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
    density_fieldname (str): The name of the field that contains the density of the fluid.
    velocity_fieldname (str): The name of the field that contains the velocity of the fluid.

    wall_shear_stress_velocity (np.ndarray): An array containing the velocity at which a fluid layer adjacent to the surface would need to move in order to experience the same shear stress as the actual fluid layer in contact with the surface.
    grad_velocity = mesh[f"grad_{velocity_fieldname}"].reshape(mesh.number_of_cells, 3, 3)
    wall_normals = mesh["wallNormal"]
    velocity_gradient_normal = vecAbs_list([[i], wall_normals[i]) for i in range(mesh.number_of_cells)])
    fluid_density = mesh[density_fieldname]
    wall_shear_stress = velocity_gradient_normal * dynamic_viscosity
    wall_shear_stress_velocity = (wall_shear_stress / fluid_density) ** 0.5

    return wall_shear_stress_velocity

def constructWallMesh(surfaces):
    wall = pv.UnstructuredGrid()
    for surf in surfaces:
        wall = wall.merge(surf)
    return wall

def compute_scalar_gradient(mesh, arrayname):
    mesh = mesh.ptc()
    mesh = mesh.compute_derivative(arrayname)
    mesh[f"grad_{arrayname}"] = mesh["gradient"]
    return mesh

def calc_dimensionless_yplus(volmesh, surfaces, use_velfield, use_rhofield, mu_0):
    surfaceMesh = constructWallMesh(surfaces)
    surfacenormals_surface = surfaceMesh.extract_surface().compute_normals()

    volmesh = compute_scalar_gradient(volmesh, use_velfield)
    walladjacentids = volmesh.find_containing_cell(surfacenormals_surface.cell_centers().points)
    volmesh_walladjacent = volmesh.extract_cells(walladjacentids)
    volmesh_walladjacent["cellCenters"] = volmesh_walladjacent.cell_centers().points
    volmesh_walladjacent["wallNormal"] = [
        for i in volmesh_walladjacent.points]
    distcompute = pv.PolyData(volmesh_walladjacent["cellCenters"]).compute_implicit_distance(
    volmesh_walladjacent["cellCentersWallDistance"] = distcompute["implicit_distance"]
    volmesh_walladjacent["uTaus"] = get_wall_shear_stress(volmesh_walladjacent, mu_0, use_rhofield, use_velfield)
    YPlus = np.abs(volmesh_walladjacent["cellCentersWallDistance"]) * volmesh_walladjacent["uTaus"] / mu_0
    volmesh_walladjacent["yPlus"] = YPlus
    return volmesh_walladjacent

def calc_dimensionless_gridspacing(volmesh, surfaces, use_velfield, use_rhofield, mu_0):
    :param volmesh: pyvista-vtk object
    :param surfaces: pyvista-vtk object
    :param use_velfield: string, name of the velocity field array
    :param use_rhofield:  string, name of the density field array
    :param mu_0: float. kinematic viscosity
    :return: volmesh_walladjacent: pyvista-vtk object with the nondimensionals

    print("constructing surfacemesh from wall meshes ...")
    surfaceMesh = constructWallMesh(surfaces)
    print("calculating wall-normal vectors...")
    surfacenormals_surface = surfaceMesh.extract_surface().compute_normals()

    print("finding walladjacent cells")
    volmesh = compute_scalar_gradient(volmesh, use_velfield)

    walladjacentids = volmesh.find_containing_cell(surfacenormals_surface.cell_centers().points)
    volmesh_walladjacent = volmesh.extract_cells(walladjacentids)

    volmesh_walladjacent["cellCenters"] = volmesh_walladjacent.cell_centers().points
    volmesh_walladjacent["wallNormal"] = [
        for i in volmesh_walladjacent.points]

    print("calculating cell spans from WallNormals...")
    spanS = cellSpans(volmesh_walladjacent, use_velfield)
    volmesh_walladjacent["xSpan"] = np.array([i[0] for i in spanS])  # calculate cell span in flow direction
    volmesh_walladjacent["ySpan"] = np.array([i[1] for i in spanS])  # calculate cell span in wall normal direction
    volmesh_walladjacent["zSpan"] = np.array([i[2] for i in spanS])  # calculate cell span in span direction

    print("calculating wall-shear and friction-velocity")
    volmesh_walladjacent["uTaus"] = get_wall_shear_stress(volmesh_walladjacent, mu_0, use_rhofield, use_velfield)
    uTaus = volmesh_walladjacent["uTaus"]
    volmesh_walladjacent["DeltaXPlus"] = volmesh_walladjacent[
                                             "xSpan"] * uTaus / mu_0  # calculate cell span in flow direction
    volmesh_walladjacent["DeltaYPlus"] = volmesh_walladjacent[
                                             "ySpan"] * uTaus / mu_0  # calculate cell span in wall normal direction
    volmesh_walladjacent["DeltaZPlus"] = volmesh_walladjacent[
                                             "zSpan"] * uTaus / mu_0  # calculate cell span in span direction

    return volmesh_walladjacent