Malte Nyhuis authoredMalte Nyhuis authored
stationarity.py 4.28 KiB
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
from ntrfc.math.methods import autocorr
def stationarity(timesteps, values, verbose=False):
:param timesteps: 1D np.array()
:param values: 1D np.array()
:param verbose: bool
:return: stationary_timestep ,mean_value , uncertainty
assert len(timesteps) == len(values)
numts = len(timesteps)
mins = 2
maxs = 32
doinvestigate = []
for split in range(mins, maxs):
splitindex = numts - numts // split
ref_valsplit = values[splitindex:]
splitlength = numts - splitindex
# https://www.statisticshowto.com/choose-bin-sizes-statistics/
numbins = int(1 + 3.22 * np.log(splitlength))
_, histogram_bins = np.histogram(values, bins=numbins)
mean_all = np.mean(ref_valsplit)
var_ref = np.var(ref_valsplit)
autocorr_ref = autocorr(ref_valsplit)
hist_ref = np.histogram(ref_valsplit, bins=histogram_bins, density=True)
investigate = stationarity_investigation(mean_all, var_ref, autocorr_ref, hist_ref, splitindex, timesteps,
for invest in doinvestigate:
stationary_guesses = [i for i in doinvestigate if i.stationary == True]
if len(stationary_guesses) > 0:
best_guess = np.argmin([i.stationary_time for i in stationary_guesses])
return stationary_guesses[best_guess].stationary_time
return False
class stationarity_investigation:
mean_ref: float
var_ref: float
autocorr_ref: float
hist_ref: np.histogram
checkssplit: int
timesteps: np.array
values: np.array
def analize_stationarity_investigation(investigate: stationarity_investigation):
means = []
varis = []
acrrs = []
hists = []
investigate.stationary = False
investigate.stationary_time = np.inf
investigate.score = 1
mean_reldiffs = []
var_reldiffs = []
accr_reldiffs = []
hist_reldiffs = []
lower_íds = np.arange(investigate.checkssplit - (len(investigate.timesteps) - investigate.checkssplit), -1, -1)
higher_ids = np.arange(len(investigate.timesteps) - (len(investigate.timesteps) - investigate.checkssplit),
len(investigate.timesteps) - investigate.checkssplit - 1, -1)
accuracy_limit = 0.05
for l, h in zip(lower_íds, higher_ids):
compare_vs = investigate.values[l:h]
mean_all = np.mean(compare_vs)
var_all = np.var(compare_vs)
autocorr_all = autocorr(compare_vs)
hist_all = np.histogram(compare_vs, bins=investigate.hist_ref[1], density=True)
mean_reldiffs.append(reldiff(investigate.mean_ref, mean_all))
var_reldiffs.append(reldiff(investigate.var_ref, var_all))
accr_reldiffs.append(1 - return_intersection(autocorr_all, investigate.autocorr_ref))
# https://mpatacchiola.github.io/blog/2016/11/12/the-simplest-classifier-histogram-intersection.html
histdiff = [1 - return_intersection(_a, _b) for _a, _b in zip(investigate.hist_ref[0], hist_all[0])]
meanhistdiff = np.nanmean(histdiff)
accuracylimit_reached = accuracy_limit > np.max(mean_reldiffs) and accuracy_limit > np.max(
var_reldiffs) and accuracy_limit > np.max(accr_reldiffs) and accuracy_limit > np.max(hist_reldiffs)
if accuracylimit_reached and investigate.timesteps[l] < investigate.stationary_time:
investigate.stationary = True
investigate.stationary_time = investigate.timesteps[l]
investigate.score = np.nanmean([mean_reldiffs, var_reldiffs, accr_reldiffs, hist_reldiffs])
elif not accuracylimit_reached:
def reldiff(a, b):
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_change_and_difference
if a == b:
return 0
return abs(abs(a) - abs(b)) / ((abs(a) + abs(b)) / 2)
def return_intersection(hist_1, hist_2):
minima = np.minimum(hist_1, hist_2)
intersection = np.true_divide(np.sum(minima), np.sum(hist_2))
return intersection