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Commit 0e2d388c authored by Malte Nyhuis's avatar Malte Nyhuis
Browse files

nondimensional gridspacing computation

parent d9836b63
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1 merge request!4nondimensional gridspacing computation
......@@ -23,20 +23,15 @@ before_script:
- source venv/bin/activate
stages: # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
- build
- test
# - deploy
build-job: # This job runs in the build stage, which runs first.
stage: build
- pip install .
test: # This job runs in the build stage, which runs first.
stage: test
- apt-get update -y && apt-get install libgl1 -y
- pip install .
- pip install pytest
- pytest tests/.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 24 23:33:53 2020
@author: malte
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
from ntrfc.utils.math.vectorcalc import vecAbs, vecProjection, vecAngle
def unitvec(vec):
return vec / vecAbs(vec)
def readDataSet(grid, dataName):
data = grid.active_scalars
return data
# #
# #
# VectorHelper #
# #
# #
def cellDirections(cellUMean, wallNorm):
x = unitvec(cellUMean) # mainDirection
z = unitvec(wallNorm) # tangential
y = unitvec(np.cross(x, z)) # spanwise
return np.array([x, y, z])
# #
# #
# CalcFunctions #
# #
# #
def closestWallNormalPoint(point, surfaceMesh):
surfacenormals = surfaceMesh.extract_surface().compute_normals()
surfacepoint_id = surfacenormals.find_closest_point(point)
wallpoint = surfacenormals.points[surfacepoint_id]
return surfacenormals.point_arrays["Normals"][surfacepoint_id] ,wallpoint - point
def calcWallNormalVectors(cellIds, surfaceMesh, volmesh):
surfacenormals = []
surfacevectors = []
for cellIdx in cellIds:
center = volmesh["cellCenters"][cellIdx]
surfacenormal,surfacevector = closestWallNormalPoint(center, surfaceMesh)
surfacenormals = np.array(surfacenormals)
surfacevectors = np.array(surfacevectors)
return surfacenormals,surfacevectors
def cellSpans(labelChunk, solutionMesh, calcFrom):
spans = []
for cellIdx in labelChunk:
x_span = 0
x_weight = 0
y_span = 0
y_weight = 0
z_span = 0
z_weight = 0
wallNormal = solutionMesh["wallNormal"][cellIdx]
uMean = solutionMesh[calcFrom][cellIdx]
cellDirs = cellDirections(uMean, wallNormal)
xx = cellDirs[0]
yy = cellDirs[1]
zz = cellDirs[2]
egdeVectors = []
CELL = solutionMesh.GetCell(cellIdx),CELL.points)
edgeNumbers = CELL.GetNumberOfEdges()
for edgeIdx in range(edgeNumbers):
EDGE = CELL.GetEdge(edgeIdx)
EDGE = EDGE.GetPoints()
edgeVec = np.array(EDGE.GetPoint(0)) - np.array(EDGE.GetPoint(1))
for vec in egdeVectors:
x_span += vecAbs(vecProjection(xx, vec))
x_weight += abs(np.cos(vecAngle(xx, vec)))
y_span += vecAbs(vecProjection(yy, vec))
y_weight += abs(np.cos(vecAngle(yy, vec)))
z_span += vecAbs(vecProjection(zz, vec))
z_weight += abs(np.cos(vecAngle(zz, vec)))
spans.append([x_span / x_weight, y_span / y_weight, z_span / z_weight])
# pBarUpdate()
return spans
def getWalluTaus(labelChunk, solutionMesh,surfaceMesh, mu_0, rhofieldname,velfieldname):
uTaus = []
surfaceNormals = surfaceMesh.extract_surface().compute_normals()
for cellIdx in labelChunk:
cellCenter = solutionMesh["cellCenters"][cellIdx]
pointOnWallId = surfaceNormals.find_closest_point(cellCenter)
pointOnWall = surfaceNormals.points[pointOnWallId]
# surfaceNormal = surfaceNormals.point_arrays["Normals"][pointOnWallId]# pointOnWall = cellNormal+cellCenter
PT = pv.PolyData(pointOnWall)
PT = PT.sample(surfaceMesh)
gradUWall = PT.active_scalars[0]
gradUWall = np.array([[gradUWall[0], gradUWall[1], gradUWall[2]],
[gradUWall[3], gradUWall[4], gradUWall[5]],
[gradUWall[6], gradUWall[7], gradUWall[8]]])
flowdirection = unitvec(solutionMesh[velfieldname][cellIdx])
gradUyW = vecAbs(, gradUWall))
rhoW = PT.active_scalars[0]
tauW = gradUyW * mu_0 * rhoW
u_tau = (tauW / rhoW) ** 0.5
return uTaus
def gridSpacing(mu_0, volmesh):
xSpans = volmesh["xSpan"]
ySpans = volmesh["ySpan"]
zSpans = volmesh["zSpan"]
uTaus = volmesh["uTaus"]
Deltax = xSpans * uTaus / mu_0
Deltay = ySpans * uTaus / mu_0
Deltaz = zSpans * uTaus / mu_0
return [Deltax, Deltay, Deltaz]
def constructWallMesh(surfaces):
wall = pv.UnstructuredGrid()
for surf in surfaces:
wall = wall.merge(surf)
return wall
# #
# #
# construct DimlessGridSpacing #
# #
# #
def calc_dimensionless_gridspacing(volmesh, surfaces, use_velfield, use_rhofield, mu_0):
print("constructing surfacemesh from wall meshes ...")
surfaceMesh = constructWallMesh(surfaces)
surfaceMeshcopy = surfaceMesh.copy()
print("preparing processData from meshes")
volmesh = volmesh.compute_derivative(scalars=use_velfield)
volmesh[use_velfield] = readDataSet(volmesh, use_velfield)
volmesh["cellCenters"] = volmesh.cell_centers().points
cellIds = [i for i in range(volmesh.GetNumberOfCells())]
print("calculating wall-normal vectors...")
surfaceNormals,surfaceVectors =calcWallNormalVectors(cellIds, surfaceMesh, volmesh)
volmesh["wallNormal"] = surfaceNormals
print("calculating cell spans from WallNormals and CellEdges...")
spanS = cellSpans(cellIds, volmesh, use_velfield)
volmesh["xSpan"] = np.array([i[0] for i in spanS]) # calculate cell span in flow direction
volmesh["ySpan"] = np.array([i[1] for i in spanS]) # calculate cell span in wall normal direction
volmesh["zSpan"] = np.array([i[2] for i in spanS]) # calculate cell span in span direction
print("calculating wall-shear and friction-velocity")
uTaus = getWalluTaus(cellIds, volmesh, surfaceMesh, mu_0, use_rhofield,use_velfield)
volmesh["uTaus"] = uTaus
print("calculating grid spacing")
gridSpacings = gridSpacing(mu_0, volmesh)
volmesh["DeltaXPlus"] = gridSpacings[0]
volmesh["DeltaYPlus"] = gridSpacings[1]
volmesh["DeltaZPlus"] = gridSpacings[2]
return volmesh
def test_calc_dimensionless_gridspacing():
this method tests the nondimensional gridspacing postprocessing function calc_dimensionless_gridspacing
a volume mesh will be created. boundary meshes will be extracted of the volume mesh.
then a simple couette-velocity-field is defined
calc_dimensionless_gridspacing needs to compute accurately the Delta+-Values
from ntrfc.postprocessing.turbulence.nondimensionals import calc_dimensionless_gridspacing
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
def runtest(height, length, width):
# 11**3 nodes are enough
nodes = 11
# needs to be something simple
mu_0 = 1 # dynamic viscosity
rho = 1
velocity = 2
gradient = velocity / height
# analytical solution
span_x = length / (nodes - 1)
span_y = width / (nodes - 1)
span_z = height / (nodes - 1)
wallshearstress = mu_0 * gradient
wallshearvelocity = np.sqrt(wallshearstress / rho)
deltaxplus = wallshearvelocity * span_x / mu_0
deltayplus = wallshearvelocity * span_y / mu_0
deltazplus = wallshearvelocity * span_z / mu_0
# define the mesh
xrng = np.arange(0, nodes, 1, dtype=np.float32)
yrng = np.arange(0, nodes, 1, dtype=np.float32)
zrng = np.arange(0, nodes, 1, dtype=np.float32)
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(xrng, yrng, zrng)
grid = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, z)
# scale the mesh
grid.points /= nodes - 1
grid.points *= np.array([length, height, width])
# extract surface
surface = grid.extract_surface()
facecellids = surface.surface_indices()
upperwallids = []
lowerwallids = []
for faceid in facecellids:
cell = surface.extract_cells(faceid)
if all(cell.points[::, 1] == 0):
elif all(cell.points[::, 1] == height):
lowerwall = surface.extract_cells(lowerwallids)
upperwall = surface.extract_cells(upperwallids)
# define velocityfield
grid["U"] = np.array([gradient, 0, 0]) * grid.cell_centers().points
lowerwall["U"] = np.array([gradient, 0, 0]) * lowerwall.cell_centers().points
upperwall["U"] = np.array([gradient, 0, 0]) * upperwall.cell_centers().points
grid["rho"] = np.ones(grid.number_of_cells)
lowerwall["rho"] = np.ones(lowerwall.number_of_cells) * rho
upperwall["rho"] = np.ones(upperwall.number_of_cells) * rho
dimless_gridspacings = calc_dimensionless_gridspacing(grid, [lowerwall, upperwall], "U", "rho", mu_0)
assert all(np.isclose(deltaxplus, dimless_gridspacings[
"DeltaXPlus"],rtol=0.05)), "calc_dimensionelss_gridspcing in x direction not accurate"
assert all(np.isclose(deltayplus, dimless_gridspacings[
"DeltaYPlus"],rtol=0.05)), "calc_dimensionelss_gridspcing in y direction not accurate"
assert all(np.isclose(deltazplus, dimless_gridspacings[
"DeltaZPlus"],rtol=0.05)), "calc_dimensionelss_gridspcing in z direction not accurate"
runtest(height=1, length=1, width=1)
runtest(height=2, length=1, width=1)
runtest(height=1, length=2, width=1)
runtest(height=1, length=1, width=2)
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