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Commit 277c9b31 authored by Malte Nyhuis's avatar Malte Nyhuis
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new stationarity definition and tests

parent 16e3e66e
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......@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ from scipy.integrate import simps
from ntrfc.utils.math.methods import autocorr, zero_crossings
def integralscales(mean, fluctations, timesteps):
def integralscales(signal, timesteparray):
mean = np.mean(signal)
fluctations = signal-mean
timesteps = timesteparray.copy()
autocorrelated = autocorr(fluctations)
# we are integrating from zero to zero-crossing in the autocorrelation, we need the time to begin with zeros
# probably the used datasample is not beginning with 0. therefore:
......@@ -16,6 +18,8 @@ def integralscales(mean, fluctations, timesteps):
print("no zero crossing found, using first minimal value (possibly last timestep). check data quality!")
acorr_zero_crossings = np.where(autocorrelated == min(autocorrelated))[0][0]
if all(np.isnan(autocorrelated)) or acorr_zero_crossings==0:
return 0, 0
integral_time_scale = simps(autocorrelated[:acorr_zero_crossings], timesteps[:acorr_zero_crossings])
integral_length_scale = integral_time_scale * mean
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from ntrfc.postprocessing.timeseries.integral_scales import integralscales
from postprocessing.timeseries.integral_scales import integralscales
this module is supposed to return a timesstamp from a time-series, that equals the time when the transient signal ends
Ries 2018
numerical solutions have a transient behaviour at the initial process
it is assumed that this initial transient can be reproduced by a sine, tanh and a noise-function
with these functions given, we can analytically define where the transient process ends
def test_transientcheck(verbose=False):
toddo: this test must be rewritten in a more defined way
:param verbose:
class signal_generator:
this is a signal-generator
def chunks(somelist, numchunks):
def split(list_a, chunk_size):
for i in range(0, len(list_a), chunk_size):
yield list_a[i:i + chunk_size]
it can be rewritten to serve more precise data about the signal-stationarity
# resolution
timeresolution = 100 # resolution of times
return list(split(somelist, numchunks))
transientlimit = 0.95
def __init__(self):
# some kind of factor for the duration of an abating signal
self.tanh_lasting = np.random.randint(0, 100)
self.sin_lasting = np.random.randint(0, 100)
def timeseries_analysis(timesteps, signal):
ts = timesteps.copy()
stationarity, timescale = check_isconstant(signal)
if stationarity and not timescale:
return stationarity, timescale
stationarity, timescale = check_stationarity(ts, signal)
return stationarity, timescale
self.sin_omega = np.random.rand()
self.tanh_stationary_ts = np.arctanh(self.transientlimit) * self.tanh_lasting
self.sin_stationary_ts = -self.sin_lasting * (1 + np.log(1 - self.transientlimit))
# as defined in Ries 2018, the signal must be at least two times as long as the transient process
if self.sin_stationary_ts > self.tanh_stationary_ts:
self.time = 2 * self.sin_stationary_ts
self.time = 2 * self.tanh_stationary_ts
# time equals approx 300 timescales, adjust to approx 1000
self.time *= 4
# defining the used timesteps (unnesessary, the signal-length could be normed to 1!)
self.timesteps = np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1)
# damping the sine with euler
abate = np.e ** (-self.timesteps * self.sin_lasting ** -1)
self.sin_abate = abate / max(abate)
# values for the 'stationarity'. this can be defined because the function is analytical. but is this correct?
self.sin_stationary = np.argmax(self.sin_abate < (1 - self.transientlimit))
self.tanh_stationarity = np.argmax(np.tanh(self.timesteps * self.tanh_lasting ** -1) > self.transientlimit)
def tanh_signal(self):
ans = np.tanh(self.timesteps * self.tanh_lasting ** -1)
return ans # * self.tanh_sign
def sin_signal(self):
sinus = np.sin(self.timesteps * self.sin_omega) * self.sin_abate
return sinus # * 0.5
def noise_signal(self):
mu, sigma = 0, np.random.rand() # mean and standard deviation
s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=len(self.timesteps))
t = self.time
Dt = t / len(self.timesteps)
# dt is the timescale of the noisy signal --> emulated length scale!
dt = t / 1000
timescale = int(dt / Dt)
weights = np.repeat(1.0, timescale) / timescale
out = np.convolve(s, weights, 'same')
out /= max(out)
out += np.sin(self.timesteps * dt ** -1) * 0.25
out /= max(out) * 2
return out
def generate(self):
sinus = self.sin_signal()
tanh = self.tanh_signal()
rausch = self.noise_signal()
sin_stats = (-1 + self.sin_abate) * -1
tanh_stats = np.sinh(self.timesteps * self.tanh_lasting ** -1) / np.cosh(
self.timesteps * self.tanh_lasting ** -1)
signal = sinus + tanh + rausch
return sinus, tanh, rausch, signal, sin_stats, tanh_stats
def plot(self, sinus, tanh, rausch, signal, stat_sin, stat_tanh):
fig, axs = plt.subplots(6, 1)
axs[0].plot(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), sinus, color="orange",
label="abating sine signal")
axs[1].plot(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), stat_sin, color="orange",
label="stationarity sine signal")
axs[1].fill_between(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), stat_sin, color="orange")
axs[2].plot(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), tanh, color="blue", label="tanh signal")
axs[3].plot(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), stat_tanh, color="blue",
label="stationarity tanh signal")
axs[3].fill_between(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), stat_tanh, color="blue")
axs[4].plot(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), rausch, color="black", label="noise")
axs[5].plot(np.arange(0, self.time, self.timeresolution ** -1), signal, color="red", label="signal")
for a in axs:
a.legend(loc="upper right")
sig_gen = signal_generator()
sinus, tanh, rausch, signal, stat_sin, stat_tanh = sig_gen.generate()
if verbose:
sig_gen.plot(sinus, tanh, rausch, signal, stat_sin, stat_tanh)
stationary, stationary_time = transientcheck(signal, sig_gen.timesteps)
assert stationary, "signal is stationary by definition"
def transientcheck(signal, timesteps):
:param signal: timeseries
:return: time_of_stationarity
second_half_id = int(len(signal) / 2)
second_half_of_signal = np.copy(signal[second_half_id:])
second_half_mean = np.mean(second_half_of_signal)
second_half_of_signal_fluctations = second_half_of_signal-second_half_mean
second_half_timesteps = np.copy(timesteps[second_half_id:])
integral_time_scale, integral_length_scale = integralscales(second_half_mean, second_half_of_signal_fluctations, timesteps)
integrals_window = 30
time_window = integrals_window * integral_time_scale
windows = []
window_upperlimit = time_window
windows_rms = []
windows_mean = []
window_signal = []
window_std = []
for signal_at_time, time in zip(signal, timesteps):
if time >= window_upperlimit:
window_upperlimit += time_window
windows_rms.append(np.sqrt(np.sum(windows[-1] ** 2) / len(windows[-1])))
window_signal = []
eps_helper = (integral_time_scale / (second_half_timesteps[-1] - second_half_timesteps[0]))
# todo the next line was most likely corrupted and therefore it is replaced
# eps_time_mean = np.std(second_half_of_signal_fluctations) / second_half_mean * (2 *eps_helper) ** .5
eps_time_mean = np.std(signal) / np.mean(second_half_of_signal) * (2 *eps_helper)** .5
eps_time_rms = eps_helper ** .5
no_windows_mean = len(windows_mean)
no_windows_rms = len(windows_rms)
confidence_mean_high = second_half_mean * (1 + 1.96 * eps_time_mean)
confidence_mean_low = second_half_mean * (1 - 1.96 * eps_time_mean)
confidence_rms_high = np.mean(windows_rms) * (1 + 1.96 * eps_time_rms)
confidence_rms_low = np.mean(windows_rms) * (1 - 1.96 * eps_time_rms)
mean_in_ci_range = [True if (confidence_mean_high >= i >= confidence_mean_low) else False for i in windows_mean]
rms_in_ci_range = [True if (confidence_rms_high >= i >= confidence_rms_low) else False for i in windows_rms]
mean_stationarity_fraction = np.array(
[sum(mean_in_ci_range[pt:]) / (no_windows_mean - pt) for pt in range(len(mean_in_ci_range))])
rms_stationarity_fraction = np.array(
[sum(rms_in_ci_range[pt:]) / (no_windows_rms - pt) for pt in range(len(rms_in_ci_range))])
# todo: the following line is not working as there might be an error in statwindow_mean
statwindow_mean_stationarity = np.where(mean_stationarity_fraction > 0.95)[0]
statwindow_rms_stationarity = np.where(rms_stationarity_fraction > 0.95)[0]
statwindow_mean = (statwindow_mean_stationarity[0] if len(statwindow_mean_stationarity)>0 else None)
statwindow_rms = (statwindow_rms_stationarity[0] if len(statwindow_mean_stationarity)>0 else None)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1)
axs[0].hlines(confidence_mean_high, xmin=0, xmax=no_windows_mean,color="green")
axs[0].hlines(confidence_mean_low, xmin=0, xmax=no_windows_mean,color="green")
axs[1].hlines(confidence_rms_high, xmin=0, xmax=no_windows_rms,color="blue")
axs[1].hlines(confidence_rms_low, xmin=0, xmax=no_windows_rms,color="blue")
converged = (True if (statwindow_rms>0 and statwindow_mean>0) else False)
converged_time = (max([statwindow_rms,statwindow_mean])*time_window*integral_time_scale if converged==True else False)
return converged, converged_time
def parsed_timeseries_analysis(timesteps, signal, resolvechunks=20, verbose=True):
checksigchunks = chunks(signal, int(len(signal) / resolvechunks))
checktimechunks = chunks(timesteps, int(len(timesteps) / resolvechunks))
min_chunk = int(resolvechunks / 2)
signal_type, stationarity, stationarity_timestep, timescale, lengthscale = check_signal_stationarity(resolvechunks, signal, timesteps)
scales = (timescale,lengthscale)
if stationarity==True:
plt.plot(timesteps, signal, color="k" )
plt.vlines(stationarity_timestep, ymin=0, ymax=2, linewidth=4, color="k", linestyles="dashed")
plt.xlim(0, timesteps[-1])
plt.ylim(-10, 10) #
return stationarity, timescale, stationarity_timestep
for i in range(min_chunk, resolvechunks + 1):
csig = np.concatenate([*checksigchunks[resolvechunks - i:]])
ctime = np.concatenate([*checktimechunks[resolvechunks - i:]])
signal_type,newstationarity,newstationarity_timestep, newtimescale,newlengthscale = check_signal_stationarity(resolvechunks, csig, ctime)
if newstationarity:
newscales = (timescale, lengthscale)
scales = newscales
stationarity_timestep = newstationarity_timestep
if not newstationarity:
# when no further stationarity found, return status
# when done, return last status
if verbose:
plt.plot(timesteps, signal)
plt.plot(ctime, csig, color="black", linewidth=0.1)
plt.vlines(stationarity_timestep, ymin=-10, ymax=10, linewidth=4, color="k", linestyles="dashed")
plt.axvspan(stationarity_timestep, max(timesteps), facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlim(0, timesteps[-1])
plt.ylim(-10, 10) #
return stationarity, scales, stationarity_timestep
plt.plot(timesteps, signal)
plt.plot(ctime, csig, color="black", linewidth=4)
plt.vlines(stationarity_timestep, ymin=0, ymax=2, linewidth=4, color="k", linestyles="dashed")
plt.xlim(0, timesteps[-1])
plt.ylim(-10, 10) #
return stationarity, scales, stationarity_timestep
def check_signal_stationarity(resolvechunks, signal, timesteps, verbose = True):
checksigchunks = chunks(signal, int(len(signal) / resolvechunks))
checktimechunks = chunks(timesteps, int(len(timesteps) / resolvechunks))
# a new approach could be to check chunkwise the stationarity by logic.
# a constant has a constant mean but no trend and no variation
# a trend has a constant trend, but no mean and no variation
# a correlating signal has a time and length scale, a mean, a constant variation and autocorrelation
mean = np.mean(signal)
means = np.mean(checksigchunks, axis=1)
var = np.std(signal)
vars = np.std(checksigchunks, axis=1)
sigma = var**.5
tolerance = var
const_mean = np.allclose(mean, means,rtol=0.08)
const_val = np.allclose(mean, signal,rtol=0.08)
const_var = np.allclose(var,vars,rtol=3)
if const_mean and const_var:
timescale, lengthscale = integralscales(signal, timesteps)
timescales, lengthscales = zip(*[integralscales(s, t) for s, t in zip(checksigchunks, checktimechunks)])
if (timesteps[-1]-timesteps[0])/timescale<30:
timescale, lengthscale = 0,0
timescales, lengthscales = np.zeros(resolvechunks),np.zeros(resolvechunks)
const_tscales = np.allclose(timescales, timescale,rtol=tolerance)
const_lscales = np.allclose(lengthscales, lengthscale,rtol=tolerance)
if const_mean == const_val == const_var == True:
# constant signal
signal_type = "constant"
stationarity = True
stationarity_timestep = timesteps[0]
elif const_mean == const_var == True and const_val == False:
# stationary signal
signal_type = "stationary structured"
stationarity = True
stationarity_timestep = timesteps[0]
elif const_mean == True and (const_var == True or const_val == True):
# stationary signal
signal_type = "stationary unstructured"
stationarity = True
stationarity_timestep = timesteps[0]
elif const_var == const_val == True and const_mean == False:
# nonstationary signal
signal_type = "nonstationary"
stationarity = False
stationarity_timestep = -1
elif const_var == True and const_val == False and const_mean == False:
# nonstationary signal
signal_type = "nonstationary"
stationarity = False
stationarity_timestep = -1
elif const_var == False and const_val == True and const_mean == False:
# nonstationary signal
signal_type = "nonstationary"
stationarity = False
stationarity_timestep = -1
elif const_var == False and const_val == False and const_mean == False:
# nonstationary signal
signal_type = "nonstationary"
stationarity = False
stationarity_timestep = -1
# nonstationary signal
signal_type = "nonstationary"
stationarity = False
stationarity_timestep = -1
return signal_type, stationarity, stationarity_timestep, timescale, lengthscale
......@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ PyYaml==6.0
......@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ PyYaml==6.0
import numpy as np
from ntrfc.postprocessing.timeseries.stationary_signal_check import parsed_timeseries_analysis
def constant_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
signal = np.ones(len(timesteps))
return timesteps, signal
def ramp_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
signal = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
return timesteps, signal
def ramptoconst_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
signal = np.linspace(0, 2, numtimesteps) * time
signal = np.clip(signal, a_min=0, a_max=1)
return timesteps, signal
def sine_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
omega = 1000
signal = np.sin(timesteps * omega) + 1
return timesteps, signal
def noise_signal(numtimesteps, time):
mu, sigma = 0, 0.2 # mean and standard deviation
s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=numtimesteps)
Dt = time / numtimesteps
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
# dt is the timescale of the noisy signal --> emulated length scale!
dt = time / 1000
timescale = int(dt / Dt)
weights = np.repeat(1.0, timescale) / timescale
signal = np.convolve(s, weights, 'same') + 1
return timesteps, signal
def convergentsine_signal(numtimesteps, time):
omega = 1000
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
signal = -3 * np.sin(timesteps*omega) / timesteps / 10
signal += 1
signal = np.nan_to_num(signal,0)
return timesteps, signal
def tanh_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
stationary = time/3
tanhsignal = np.tanh(timesteps * stationary ** -1)
return timesteps, tanhsignal
def tanh_sin_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
stationary = time/3
tanhsignal = np.tanh(timesteps * stationary ** -1)
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
omega = 10000 * np.random.rand()
signal = np.sin(timesteps * omega) + 1
return timesteps, signal*0.3+tanhsignal
def tanh_sin_noise_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
stationary = time/4
tanhsignal = np.tanh(timesteps * stationary ** -1)
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
omega = 1000
signal = np.sin(timesteps * omega) + 1
mu, sigma = 0, 0.2 # mean and standard deviation
s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=numtimesteps)
Dt = time / numtimesteps
# dt is the timescale of the noisy signal --> emulated length scale!
dt = time / 1000
timescale = int(dt / Dt)
weights = np.repeat(1.0, timescale) / timescale
noise = np.convolve(s, weights, 'same') + 1
omega = 1000
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
nsignal = -3 * np.sin(timesteps*omega) / timesteps / 10
nsignal += 1
nsignal = np.nan_to_num(signal,0)
return timesteps, signal*0.1+tanhsignal*2+noise*0.1+signal*0.1+nsignal*0.1
def sine_abate_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
stationary = time/4
abate = np.e ** (-timesteps * stationary ** -1)
omega = 1000
sinesignal = abate / max(abate) * np.sin(timesteps * omega)*0.4+1
return timesteps, sinesignal
def complex_signal(numtimesteps, time):
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
stationary = time/4
tanhsignal = np.tanh(timesteps * stationary ** -1)
timesteps = np.linspace(0, 1, numtimesteps) * time
omega = 1000
signal = np.sin(timesteps * omega) + 1
mu, sigma = 0, 0.2 # mean and standard deviation
s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=numtimesteps)
Dt = time / numtimesteps
# dt is the timescale of the noisy signal --> emulated length scale!
dt = time / 1000
timescale = int(dt / Dt)
weights = np.repeat(1.0, timescale) / timescale
noise = np.convolve(s, weights, 'same') + 1
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
stationary = time/4
abate = np.e ** (-timesteps * stationary ** -1)
omega = 1000
sinesignal = abate / max(abate) * np.sin(timesteps * omega)*0.4+1
omega = 1000
timesteps = np.linspace(0, time, numtimesteps)
cssignal = -3 * np.sin(timesteps*omega) / timesteps / 10
cssignal += 1
cssignal = np.nan_to_num(signal,0)
return timesteps, signal*0.1+tanhsignal*2+noise*0.1+sinesignal*0.1+0.2*cssignal
def test_analize_stationarity(verbose=True):
tight_tolerance = 1e-2
loose_tolerance = 1
signals = {"constant": constant_signal(1000, 1),
"ramp": ramp_signal(1000, 1),
"rampconst": ramptoconst_signal(10000, 1),
"sine": sine_signal(10000, 1),
"noise": noise_signal(10000, 1),
"convergentsine_signal": convergentsine_signal(10000, 10),
"tanh_sin_noise": tanh_sin_noise_signal(10000, 2.8),
"sine_abate":sine_abate_signal(40000, 100),
expections = {"constant": (True, (0, 0), 0),
"ramp": (False, (0, 0), -1),
"rampconst": (True, (0, 0), 0.5),
"sine": (True, (0.0005, 0.0005), 0),
"noise": (True, (0.0005, 0.0005), 0),
"convergentsine_signal": (True, (0.0005, 0.0005), 1),
for name, sig in signals.items():
stationarity, scales, stationary_ts = parsed_timeseries_analysis(*sig, resolvechunks=20, verbose=verbose)
exp_stationarity, exp_scales, exp_stationarity_ts = expections[name]
assert stationarity == exp_stationarity, f"{name} is expected to be stationary -> {exp_stationarity}"
assert np.allclose(scales, exp_scales, rtol=loose_tolerance), f"{name} should have a timescale"
assert np.isclose(stationary_ts, exp_stationarity_ts,
rtol=tight_tolerance), f"{name} is stationary at {exp_stationarity_ts} instead of computed {stationary_ts}"
print(f"successfully tested {name}")
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