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Commit 85b013c7 authored by Malte Nyhuis's avatar Malte Nyhuis
Browse files

maybe working? performance is bad though

parent a208f0a9
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2 merge requests!63Cleanup clean,!62Cleanup 0.2.0
Pipeline #18102 failed
......@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
from ntrfc.geometry.line import lines_from_points
from ntrfc.turbo.pointcloud_methods import extractSidePolys, midline_from_sides
from ntrfc.math.vectorcalc import findNearest, vecDir
from ntrfc.math.methods import minmax_normalize
from ntrfc.geometry.alphashape import auto_concaveHull
def detect_inliers_tukey(data):
......@@ -84,10 +82,80 @@ def clean_sites(voronoi_sites, skeletonize_sites):
return valid_midline
def periodic_weights(length, ind_1, ind_2):
Generate a periodic signal of given length with maxima at ind_1 and ind_2
and minima in between, with all values between 0 and 1.
- length: Total length of the signal.
- ind_1: Index of the first maximum (must be less than ind_2).
- ind_2: Index of the second maximum (must be greater than ind_1).
- A numpy array containing the periodic signal.
# Create an array of zeros
signal = np.zeros(length)
# 1. Rise from 0 to maximum at ind_1
slope_rise_1 = 1 / ind_1
for i in range(ind_1):
signal[i] = slope_rise_1 * i # Linear rise from 0 to 1
# 2. Fall from maximum at ind_1 to minimum (0) at midpoint between ind_1 and ind_2
mid_point = (ind_1 + ind_2) // 2
slope_fall = -1 / (mid_point - ind_1)
for i in range(ind_1, mid_point):
signal[i] = 1 + slope_fall * (i - ind_1) # Linear fall from 1 to 0
# 3. Rise again from minimum (0) to maximum at ind_2
slope_rise_2 = 1 / (ind_2 - mid_point)
for i in range(mid_point, ind_2):
signal[i] = slope_rise_2 * (i - mid_point) # Linear rise from 0 to 1
# 4. Fall to 0 by the end (to ensure periodicity)
slope_fall_2 = -1 / (length - ind_2)
for i in range(ind_2, length):
signal[i] = 1 + slope_fall_2 * (i - ind_2) # Linear fall from 1 to 0
return signal
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
def curvature_spline(points):
# Punkte auf x- und y-Koordinaten aufteilen
points = np.array(points)
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
# Spline-Interpolation mit scipy
cs_x = CubicSpline(np.arange(len(x)), x)
cs_y = CubicSpline(np.arange(len(y)), y)
# Erste und zweite Ableitung des Splines berechnen
t = np.linspace(0, len(x) - 1, len(points)) # Parameterwerte für den Spline (z.B. 1000 Schritte)
dx = cs_x(t, 1)
dy = cs_y(t, 1)
ddx = cs_x(t, 2)
ddy = cs_y(t, 2)
# Krümmung für jeden Punkt berechnen
curvature = np.abs(dx * ddy - dy * ddx) / (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** (3 / 2)
return curvature
def compute_midline_error(ind_1_start, ind_2_start, sortedPoly, shapelypoly):
ps_pv, ss_pv = extractSidePolys(ind_1_start, ind_2_start, sortedPoly)
mid = lines_from_points(midline_from_sides(ps_pv, ss_pv, res=200).points)
mid = lines_from_points(midline_from_sides(ps_pv, ss_pv, res=50).points)
mid_normals = mid.extrude([0, 0, 1]).compute_normals().slice("z").compute_cell_sizes()
......@@ -110,109 +178,99 @@ def compute_midline_error(ind_1_start, ind_2_start, sortedPoly, shapelypoly):
lengths_positive = np.array([line.length for line in intersections_positive])
lengths_negative = np.array([line.length for line in intersections_negative])
differences = np.abs(lengths_positive - lengths_negative) / ((lengths_positive + lengths_negative) / 2)
t = minmax_normalize(np.arange(T))
weights = 3.6*t**2-3.6*t+1
rms_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(weights*differences ** 2))
thicknesses = np.min(np.stack([lengths_positive, lengths_negative]).T, axis=1)
reconstructed_pts_positive = centers + thicknesses[:, np.newaxis] * normals
reconstructed_pts_negative = centers - thicknesses[:, np.newaxis] * normals
reconstructed_pts = np.concatenate([reconstructed_pts_positive, reconstructed_pts_negative])
return rms_error
rec_xx,rec_yy ,_= auto_concaveHull(reconstructed_pts[:,0],reconstructed_pts[:,1])
reconstructed_shapepoly = Polygon(np.stack((rec_xx,rec_yy)).T)
#error_thickness = np.mean(differences/thicknesses)
error_area = reconstructed_shapepoly.symmetric_difference(shapelypoly).area/shapelypoly.area
error_perimeter = abs(reconstructed_shapepoly.length-shapelypoly.length)/shapelypoly.length
error_hausdorf = reconstructed_shapepoly.hausdorff_distance(shapelypoly)
return error_area * error_perimeter * error_hausdorf
def extract_vk_hk(sortedPoly: pv.PolyData) -> (int, int):
voronoires = 16000
skeletonres = 6000
voronoires = 64000
points_orig = sortedPoly.points
points_2d_closed_refined_voronoi = pointcloud_to_profile(points_orig, voronoires)
points_2d_closed_refined_skeletonize = pointcloud_to_profile(points_orig, skeletonres)
voronoi_sites = voronoi_skeleton_sites(points_2d_closed_refined_voronoi)
skeletonize_sites = skeletonize_skeleton_sites(points_2d_closed_refined_skeletonize)
valid_midline = clean_sites(voronoi_sites, skeletonize_sites)
#sort_indices = np.argsort(valid_midline[:, 0])
#valid_midline_sorted = valid_midline[sort_indices]
min_x_idx = np.argmin(sortedPoly.points[:, 0])
max_x_idx = np.argmax(sortedPoly.points[:, 0])
min_x = sortedPoly.points[min_x_idx][0]
max_x = sortedPoly.points[max_x_idx][0]
# compute smoothed midline from valid_midline_sorted with scipy spline
midline_tck, u = splprep(valid_midline.T, u=None, s=0.0, per=0, k=3)
u_new = np.linspace(u.min(), u.max(), 1000)
a_new = splev(u_new, midline_tck, der=0)
valid_midline_sorted = np.stack([a_new[0], a_new[1],np.zeros(len(a_new[0]))]).T
delta_x = max_x - min_x
test_range = 0.050
indices_front_all = np.where(sortedPoly.points[:, 0] < min_x + delta_x * (test_range))[0]
indices_back_all = np.where(sortedPoly.points[:, 0] > max_x - delta_x * (test_range))[0]
stepsize = len(indices_back_all)*len(indices_front_all)//300
indices_front_coarse = indices_front_all[::stepsize]
indices_back_coarse = indices_back_all[::stepsize]
shapelypoly = Polygon(points_2d_closed_refined_voronoi)
valid_midline_sorted_poly = lines_from_points(valid_midline_sorted)
valid_midline_sorted_poly_normals = valid_midline_sorted_poly.extrude([0, 0, 1]).extract_surface().compute_normals()
valid_midline_sorted_poly_normals_slice = valid_midline_sorted_poly_normals.slice("z").translate([0,0,-(valid_midline_sorted_poly_normals.bounds[5])/2])
valid_midline_pts = valid_midline_sorted_poly_normals_slice.points
valid_midline_normals = valid_midline_sorted_poly_normals_slice.point_data["Normals"]
ray_positive = valid_midline_pts + valid_midline_normals
ray_negative = valid_midline_pts - valid_midline_normals
shapelypoly = Polygon(points_2d_closed_refined_voronoi).convex_hull
specific_combinations = np.array(np.meshgrid(indices_front_coarse, indices_back_coarse)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
# Compute the intersection with the polygon of all rays
intersections_positive = [LineString([valid_midline_pts[i], ray_positive[i]]).intersection(shapelypoly) for i in
intersections_negative = [LineString([valid_midline_pts[i], ray_negative[i]]).intersection(shapelypoly) for i in
side_positive_poly = pv.PolyData(np.stack((np.array([p.coords[1] for p in intersections_positive]))))
side_negative_poly = pv.PolyData(np.stack((np.array([p.coords[1] for p in intersections_negative]))))
side_negative_poly["side_one"] = np.ones(side_negative_poly.n_points)
side_positive_poly["side_two"] = np.ones(side_positive_poly.n_points)
side_negative_poly["stuff"] = np.ones(side_negative_poly.n_points)
side_positive_poly["stuff"] = np.ones(side_positive_poly.n_points)
# Compute pairwise distances
dist_matrix = cdist(valid_midline_pts, valid_midline_pts)
error_data = []
# Set diagonal elements (self-distances) to infinity
np.fill_diagonal(dist_matrix, np.inf)
# Evaluate the objective function for each combination
for indices in specific_combinations:
le_ind, te_ind = int(indices[0]), int(indices[1])
rms_error = compute_midline_error(le_ind, te_ind, sortedPoly, shapelypoly)
error_data.append((*indices, rms_error))
# Find the minimum distance for each point (excluding itself)
min_distances = np.min(dist_matrix, axis=1)
maxmin = np.max(min_distances)
# get best 10% of combinations
arr = np.argsort(error_data[:, 2])[:int(len(error_data) * 0.1)]
arr_indices = error_data[arr][:, :2].astype(int)
front_unique = np.unique(arr_indices[:, 0])
back_unique = np.unique(arr_indices[:, 1])
bothsides_1 = sortedPoly.interpolate(side_positive_poly,radius=3*maxmin)
bothsides_2 = sortedPoly.interpolate(side_negative_poly,radius=3*maxmin)
front_refined = []
back_refined = []
for i in front_unique:
for j in range(stepsize):
front_refined.append((i + j)%sortedPoly.number_of_points)
front_refined.append((i - j)%sortedPoly.number_of_points)
stuff_pts = sortedPoly.clip_scalar("stuff", value=1.1, invert=False).merge(
sortedPoly.clip_scalar("stuff", value=0.9, invert=True))
front = stuff_pts.clip(normal=[1,0,0],
back = stuff_pts.clip(normal=[-1, 0, 0],
for i in back_unique:
for j in range(stepsize):
back_refined.append((i + j)%sortedPoly.number_of_points)
back_refined.append((i - j)%sortedPoly.number_of_points)
front_refined = np.unique(np.array(front_refined))
back_refined = np.unique(np.array(back_refined))
indices_front = [np.where(np.all(np.isclose(sortedPoly.points, point1), axis=1))[0] for point1 in front.points if
np.any(np.all(np.isclose(sortedPoly.points, point1), axis=1))]
indices_back = [np.where(np.all(np.isclose(sortedPoly.points, point2), axis=1))[0] for point2 in back.points if
np.any(np.all(np.isclose(sortedPoly.points, point2), axis=1))]
specific_combinations_fine = np.array(np.meshgrid(front_refined, back_refined)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
shapelypoly = Polygon(points_2d_closed_refined_voronoi).convex_hull
error_data_fine = []
# Evaluate the objective function for each combination
specific_combinations = np.array(np.meshgrid(indices_front, indices_back)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
for indices in specific_combinations_fine:
le_ind, te_ind = int(indices[0]), int(indices[1])
rms_error = compute_midline_error(le_ind, te_ind, sortedPoly, shapelypoly)
error_data_fine.append((*indices, rms_error))
error_data = []
error_data_fine = np.array(error_data_fine)
best_combination_fine = specific_combinations_fine[np.argmin(error_data_fine, axis=0)[2]]
# Define the objective function
def objective_function(indices, sortedPoly, shapelypoly):
le_ind, te_ind = int(indices[0]), int(indices[1])
rms_error_le_up = compute_midline_error(le_ind, te_ind, sortedPoly, shapelypoly)
return rms_error_le_up
# Evaluate the objective function for each combination
for indices in specific_combinations:
rms_error = objective_function(indices, sortedPoly, shapelypoly)
error_data.append((*indices, rms_error))
le_ind_best, te_ind_best = best_combination_fine[0], best_combination_fine[1]
best_combination = specific_combinations[np.argmin(error_data, axis=0)[2]]
le_ind_best, te_ind_best = best_combination[0], best_combination[1]
return le_ind_best, te_ind_best
def skeletonline_completion(diag_dist, points, points_2d_closed_refined, sites_raw_clean):
shapelypoly = Polygon(points_2d_closed_refined).convex_hull
shapelymidline = LineString(sites_raw_clean)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def test_midline_from_sides(verbose=False):
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
res = 512
res = 256
x, y = naca('0009', res, half_cosine_spacing=True)
points = np.stack((x[:], y[:], np.zeros(res * 2))).T
......@@ -103,12 +103,9 @@ def test_t106():
blade = Blade2D(points)
bladepts = blade.sortedpointsrolled_pv.points
xs, ys = bladepts[:, 0], bladepts[:, 1]
ite = blade.ite
ite = blade.ite_orig
ite_test = len(xs) // 2
ite_tol = 2
ite_test = 86
ite_tol = 1
assert np.abs(ite - ite_test) <= ite_tol
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