This will automatically create a new folder called `dalab_2024` inside the folder where you ran the command and will give you an error if such a folder exists. If you want the folder to have another name run `git clone<your_username>/dalab_2024 <new_folder_name>`, e.g: `git clone new_awesome_name`. If you want to move the entire folder after you have cloned it, everything will work fine as the git references are kept in hidden files inside the folder.
This will automatically create a new folder called `data_analysis_lab_2024` inside the folder where you ran the command and will give you an error if such a folder exists. If you want the folder to have another name run `git clone<your_username>/data_analysis_lab_2024 <new_folder_name>`, e.g: `git clone`. If you want to move the entire folder after you have cloned it, everything will work fine as the git references are kept in hidden files inside the folder.
#### Your first commit
@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@ To get new changes that are pushed to __this__ main repository the simplest way
<summary>Solution here</summary>
Go to your `dalab_2024` folder.
Go to your `data_analysis_lab_2024` folder.
To see what repositorities you are tracking run `git remote -v` - The output will probably look like this
Because you did the fork from the interface you can also get the new changes from the interface. But the better way to it is to add a _'remote'_ pointing to the fork (Add a keyname for the main repository). The textbook name for a repo you forked from is __upstream__.
Add a remote named _upstream_ pointing to *this* repo using: `git remote add upstream`. Now when you run `git remote -v`you should see something *like* this:
Add a remote named _upstream_ pointing to *this* repo using: `git remote add upstream`. Now when you run `git remote -v`you should see something *like* this: